Chapter 11 – Take Responsibility

“Your Majesty –”

“I am Arsene to you, Aurora Beatrice Alvarez.”

Hearing him call her that gives a bitter taste in her mouth. It’s been a while since she heard that name that she has already forgotten that Guinevere Calypso is just a fake identity she made herself to run away from her past.

Arsene caressed his cheeks with his fingers. It didn’t take long when she just found their lips locked with each other’s.

Eve’s mind is in a mess. It’s been just a few hours when they’ve met again and yet there she is, acting like Aurora Beatrice who’s head over heels in love with him. As old lovers, they have kissed a lot before but it wasn’t like what they’re doing right now. Arsene used to be so gentle to her, that in between their kisses he would even pause just to ask her if he’s being too much. But now, the emperor seems to do not have any intention of taking it slowly with her.

“Your tongue. Stick it out.” he just stopped momentarily to say that and then proceeded to kiss her again. She obeyed him and in no time their tongues are exploring each other’s mouth. It’s as if during that moment, they’re both compensating for the years they’re not together. As if the physical intimacy would suffice.

Eve knows that she might regret it later on, but she has already abandoned all the restraints she’s left with and broke down the walls she has built. Anyway, it’s just for a night. After this, she believes that things will go back the way they used to. She will go back as a knight and he will go back to Forsythia.

The thought makes her sick to the stomach but it is the indelible truth she has accepted. Their worlds are reversed now. Neither of them is not cut out to be with each other no matter how she looks at it.

When Arsene guided her towards the bed and made her lie down, he quickly climbed on top of her and looked at her intensely.

“If you don’t want to do this, it’s okay. You can leave. But if you do and I already started, I won’t stop halfway.”

She nodded at that. “I want to do it with you too. Don’t stop,” she reassured him.

That made him more than satisfied as he started to trail kisses to her neck down to the base of her breasts. She then felt one of his hands making its way under her nightgown massaging her thighs. The sensation is making her feverish. She moaned when his hand reached between her legs.

“You’re soaking. And you’re like that because of me.” she was not able to respond as she’s way more absorbed with what she’s feeling below. She can feel liquid gushing out from her as if her body is rewarding him for the pleasure.

“This won’t do. I’m at my limit.”

To her horror, Arsene tore her thin night gown apart. She automatically hugged herself because she’s all exposed to him but he parted her arms effortlessly and pinned them down at her side.

“Beautiful,” he whispered breathlessly as he also started undressing. Eve can feel her cheeks burning at the sight of his naked body. He may have scars at some parts of his torso but oddly enough, for her taste it made him more attractive than ever.

Arsene seems to suddenly feel conscious with her staring so he bent down and kiss her fiercely, almost gnawing her mouth. His kisses then started to travel down to her breasts.

“Ahhh!” she yelped, with her hand gripping his hair. And just when she thought that he’s done, his lips traveled down, and settled between her legs.

Eve moaned a little louder when she felt his tongue in her entrance. The sudden struck of sensual whirlwind dazed her, that both of her legs are opened wider to grant him full access.

Arsene did not leave any part of her untouched; anywhere his lips have been are scorching with the kind of heat she felt for the first time her whole life. While his lips are still between her legs, his fingers are tending her now sensitive breasts.

Eve wandered back to those lewd conversations she has overheard between her fellow knights when she once found them telling each other stories about their erotic spree. He recalled them saying how a woman could make peculiar sounds and expressions when enjoying the heat of the moment. She then would yell at them at how disgusting it is, but by the looks of it now, it’s what she’s doing. She realized that maybe after all, it’s not exaggeration.

“You’re tight. Ugh, I can’t stop this,” Arsene grunted while his finger is playing between her legs, teasing her core.

Eve shamelessly wrapped her arms around his neck as she’s now convulsing in pleasure while Arsene took that as an indication to ravage her more. He then grabbed her hand and made her touch his manhood. Her eyes widened at that but in no time, she was already able to adjust to his thick, veiny, beast-looking texture.

“This thing,” he trailed off then bit her earlobe. “Is going inside you.”


Eve instantly fell down on his back when she attempted to sit up. She’s sore all over that she can barely move her legs let alone her fingers.

She looked around the room to find Arsene however, he’s nowhere to be found. When she looked at herself under the blanket, she’s relieved to see that she’s already dressed in a thicker, silk nightgown.

She almost jumped upon hearing a knock on the door. She swallowed hard, contemplating whether to answer or not. The fact that she has spent the night with the emperor inside the Calypso Castle just dawned on her and soon it will be a talk of the castle once the word goes out about it.

“I know you’re in there, Lady Eve. It’s me your sister-in-law, do not worry. Do you have a dress on or would you like me to get one for you?”

She sighed at relief, hearing that. “I’m dressed, sister. Please come in.”

Lady Rosalind entered the room. She was about to sit on the bed when her eyes narrowed at the bedsheet. Eve followed her gaze and when she realized what she’s looking at, her cheeks burned in shame. There’s a red stain on it.

“Sister, I apologize,” she said not bothering to make any excuses. After all, she wanted it too.

Lady Rosalind just smiled at her. “What are you apologizing for? I just came to ask if what happened between you two is something you both agreed on.”

Eve looked cautiously at Lady Rosalind whose worry is evident on her face. Slowly, she nodded and clutched the blanket around her tighter.

“Then if it is, I think you should hurry to your brother. At this rate, he might kill His Majesty, already.”


Lady Rosalind shrugged and sighed. “This morning, he requested to meet us and the first thing he said is he’s going to take responsibility of what happened.”