The Offer

Keira had removed the stuffy bunny suit, washed her hair, and applied almost an entire vanilla-scented lotion on all available body parts. It was the most rebellious thing she ever did in this sweaty library. Well, apart from that one time, she let Nate get into the reference section while not knowing any better.

The maroon cardigan that was her best article of clothing did not make a comeback after her quick fix in the restroom.

"You disarranged the shelves, Hawkins?" An irritating female voice sounded from behind. She turned around and found the library boss leaning against one of the Political Thriller shelves.

Keira frowned. "Why would I do that?"

Rachel shrugged, looking accusingly at her, just like how it was since they met at Hyde's apartment. "Who knows what else are you up to? You might say that now, and the next thing I know, you'd be up against the shelf with that shameless bastard."

She cringed hearing that.