Not That Kind of Red Wedding, Nope

Keira was pacing around the small space of her bedroom, worrying herself into wearing the – very – high heels Nate had kindly provided or her most fashionable flat shoes sitting side by side innocently.

Although, her more fashionable roommate in college would argue about the term she just used to describe the shoes, considering she almost burned them last year.

She stopped abruptly when her phone buzzed on the bed. She glanced down, seeing a text from Nate. Her heart skipped a bit without any apparent reason.

'Do you want me to come up and escort you?'

Keira quickly typed back her negative response and put her phone inside the matching clutch Nate also gave her.

Grabbing the heels, she hastily wore them and locked her door. She betTer hurry before Nate would one-sidedly decide she needed a saving throw from an imaginary fire-breathing, acid-puking dragon in her second-floor apartment.