Play My Strings

Approximately half an hour after they saw the staff give Nate's folded secret message to Axel, they got a new companion on the balcony overlooking its ballroom.

"Nate, I'm looking for you."

They turned to face the caller, finding the city mayor, who was none other than the victim of the most annoying patron slash self-proclaimed mafia lord's ultimate prank.

"Oh, look at you, still breathing and alive. Well, don't be too happy, your age just decreased by a year. Perhaps you'll die next month." Nate patted his adoptive older brother, Axel, who was also the city mayor.

A strange way to say happy birthday, but if she were the recipient, she'd prefer the implied death threat than the horror waiting for him in the presidential suite's bedroom.

"Miss Hawkins, I'm glad you come too." A good handshake and perfect smile completed the polite greeting.

"Likewise, sir."

"Didn't I already say to call me Axel?"