Let's Call Him Ducky

Over the food, she couldn't even pronounce the name; they talked. 

"So… who's this person sending you clues?" Keira wasted no time in asking that. 

"You can't know his name yet," Nate hummed as he munched on the roasted duck. "When the time is right. I'll tell you his name. No, I'll even introduce you to him."

"Hmm… is he your mafia friend?"

"Mafia friend? I don't have a 'mafia friend', darling."

"He warned you against an attack, right? Or a death threat. You rushed off and came back with broken bones after all."

"Yes, he is on the darker side of my associates. That's why it's best for you not to know him first."

"What do we call him, then?"

Nate leaned back against his chair, sipping on the complimentary wine. He smirked at her from the rim of his glass. "Just call him Dick will do."

Keira stared flatly, unamused.