You Are Jealous, I Might Bite You

Dread started to fill Keira's stomach. 

The squealing sound was positively coming from the right corner of eh room, the farthest away from the staff's desk and the lining tables where the patrons could sit. And her tall, dark, and handsome companion was definitely missing. 

She didn't need to be the smartest girl in the room to find the equation. 

No doubt, Nate was the culprit. 

A librarian wearing round eyeglasses sitting behind the receptionist's desk looked up from her computer, a heavy scowl on her aged face. A response she associated well, as Keira also did that when someone was making a sound in her vicinity during the hours.

Giving the spectacled librarian an awkward grimace, Keira stomped in the direction of the squealing noise. She pulled an angry, fed-up face, ready to chew the mafia out for whatever it was he had done to the girl in the library corner. 

"Nate! Stop what you are do–"