Who Said I’ll Break Your Nose?

They returned to the Never Too Tire-d Auto Service after she took a shower. Nate was grumbling, looking none too pleased that they had to walk there. 

By the time they reached the garage, there was a faint sheen of sweat on their body. This dead-ass town was getting hotter by day, even when it was located on the northern side of the states. 

"I'd kill for a glass of lemonade," Nate wished as he blew air through his slim-fit shirt, waiting for Chuck to appear from the half-opened door of his office. 

"I'd kill for a glass of lemonade and a teleportation skill that can bring us to my parents home in an instant," she added, looking around at the many car frames waiting for modification around the garage. 

Hearing that, the tall, handsome man scoffed. "You're the one who don't want to go by plane."

"I don't do plane."

"You can do me, then."