So ... Is it Over?

Keira wondered if this was the karma sent by God after she pulled a stunt by claiming that Wilhem Carter was a stalker to the police. A totall bullshit, but they had believed her nonetheless. 

"Wilhem, it's not very nice to see you again," Nate looked up at the rude young man who had pested him for the last few days. "And for the record, I don't make you grovel at my feet, you did it by yourself, daddy boy."

"Hand." Wilhem demanded, the police-issued cuffs clinked against each other. 

"Is that your way of asking me for my hand in marriage?" 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Wilhem unceremoniously took Nate's right hand and snapped the cuff on it. Then, he took Keira's hand and did the same, rendering both of them to one another. 

"Oh, look at this," Nate snickered, as if seeing that there was nothing wrong wih it. "Now, we looks like a married couple."