The game is on

Sienna woke up in the morning. It was fresh and bright outside. She took a deep breath and put the furs back into the nest. She looked around the cave and did not see Sharchan...

"Day one of the chance, here I go."The adrenaline hit her body! Sienna quickly put on her shorter dress and took her little bag with a few mangoes.

She slid out of the grotto, quickly went toilet and then walked down the river. The terrain was a bit wild and it was not too easy to walk on. She walked for around 30 minutes when she saw the river is coming to a waterfall. Under that was a vast forest.

" Where I'm going to run?"She thought a bit desperately. Now it hit her! Even if she runs, she will not know where to go and how to survive! If the snake did not threaten to eat her, she would probably stay next to him till she figure out what to do next to get herself to that city! It is not like she hated him. He looked handsome and did not pressure her into anything. She just could not handle the notion he might eat her!"Why he had to be so evasive?" she raged in her mind. She hated uncertainty...she needed to know what her real option are! "Well, maybe he likes to play with his food."Sienna thought." Till I'm not certain what his intentions are, I need to get out!" she thought.

Sienna looked at the waterfall and the jungle..she still felt unsettled, "Ok, here we go!" she said bravely to herself and started to climb down the waterfall, "I will just follow the river."

Suddenly she lifted her eyes and saw a huge snake sliding down the river, he did not notice her yet, so Sienna jumped off the waterfall's stones to hide in the grass on the land. Then she ran blindly into the jungle. She saw a big tree, easy to climb, so she climbed it up and hide in its leaves. She sat still on the branch but her heart was drumming like crazy!

Sharchan was watching her nonchalantly, he was laughing at her. He knew she got no chance to go away on her own. He let her run a little and then he looked for her. He knew she was going down the river as up the river was the Ape Prince. He knew she will never go back to him!

Sharchan rested in the water under the waterfall to give her some more time hiding... he could see her scent in the air like a big red line leading to her, "She will have no chance to escape...hahaha," he thought entertained.

When he finished his lounging, he decided it is time to fetch her, "Her hopes should be up now!" he thought a bit wickedly. "Let's play if you wanted a game!" he slithered behind her quietly. He saw Sienna hiding in the tree straight away! She was wearing the short dress she made for herself. Her legs were hanging down from a branch, she was hugging the tree with her eyes closed, breathing rapidly.

"Oh, she is so hopeless!"Sharchan laughed inside of him. He wanted to scare her. "I will see if she dares to run away again after this." he chuckled.

He went behind Sienna and touch the sole of her feet with his tail, then he hid quickly. Sienna felt something touch her feet! She shrieked and pull her feet up standing on the three branches. Sharchan giggled entertained."This is really funny!" he thought. Then he brushed against her shoulder and hid again."Hahaha, I like it!" he thought, it felt like a little revenge to him."How dare she, to even think to run away from me?" he thought and watched how alarmed Sienna looked around worriedly, holding her shoulder.

Sharchan dip down the bushes still hiding, when he noticed some movement in the grass under the tree! The huge but harmless spider was crawling happily around just next to him. Sharchan grinned wickedly in his mind."This is her last straw! She will be hiding under the blanket in my nest for the rest of the day after this!"He waited till Sienna did not look at the tree and then he placed the huge spider right next to her hand, which was holding the tree trunk!

Sienna felt something tickle her hand. She looked and she screamed in terror. The spider was big as her palm! Sharchan was laughing inside."Who knew she is scared of spiders this much? Well, I noticed her face yesterday. Spider silk!Hahaha."

Sienna retracted her hand away from the spider in panic and lost her balance! She crushed a few little branches loudly as she was falling down from the tree!

Sienna fall down in a second, she was not that high when someone caught her. Sharchan held her in his arms. "You lost today, let's have lunch," he said coldly.

Sienna lifted her face to meet his cold gaze " Thank you for catching me." she said still trembling.

" It was my game to catch you, was it not? Are you thanking me now?"Sharchan said sarcastically.

"I mean when I fall from that tree. You saved my life. " Sienna said with her eyes down. His behaviour was so cold, she was so confused by him right now!

"Why are you climbing the trees if you are so clumsy?" he mocked her.

"I'm not that clumsy, it was a huge spider there, "Sienna shivered.

Sharchan was trying hard to stay cold, he was thinking he will explode in laughter. He decided to scare her a bit more. "The spiders are indeed very dangerous here! They will poison you and eat you slowly while you are still alive, they hang you by your feet in their huge spider web. It is very painful, "he noted.

"Are you serious?"Sienna's face lost all her colour.

"Yes!"Sharchan nodded."It is definitely worse than to be eaten by a snake," he laughed coldly.

Sienna's heart sank."Will you at least tell me before you try to eat me?" she said.

"Have no worries, I will. You will see. You still have two more chances to run, hahaha. "he laughed coldly.

"Why are you so cruel?" Sienna trembled in his embrace. Her blue eyes stared into his wild yellow eyes.

Sharchan felt his heart clench. "All the men are cruel, I'm no different. This world is cruel. You will become cruel too, you see."

"No," Sienna shook her head."I will not be like you, never! Put me down!" she tried to free herself from his embrace. Sharchan liked to hold her in his arms. Her body was soft and nice to hold. He felt it kind of fit in his arms naturally.

"I like holding you, is nice!"He hissed."You lost, so you are mine for today, you will do what I say. You can't order me around!" he chuckled.

"That was not our bet!"Sienna shook her head."I only promised not to run away till the next morning, that is all. I did not say will I listen to you. "

"Little trickster!"Sharchan let her down."You seem too clever, but you are still trapt, why don't you spare yourself the trouble and do what I say, hm?"

"I might do what you say if I like it."Sienna looked at him firmly.

"Hahaha, I like that, you are a feisty meal." he took her hand and pulled her behind him back to his grotto. Sienna walked next to him fast. His hand was big, hard and warm. It did not feel that bad. Sienna glanced at him. "Does he really eat people? Is kind of pitty, he is quite handsome."

Sharchan turned back to her."Walk faster, you are really slow. Why you wanted to go down if you can't even walk properly?" he mocked her again.

"I enjoy walking, the longer it takes me, the better, "Sienna replied a bit jokingly.

"Sure, better for me, you will not run away like that." he chuckled. "You are quite funny." he glanced at her.

"You are also funny, but I feel a bit sorry for you," Sienna nodded," A big strong man, who wants to eat me. Why don't you catch something more suitable? Something hard to kill, if you are so strong, hm?"

"I think you are quite suitable for me."He chuckled entertained.

"Yes, whatever."Sienna smiled satirically and shook her head. Sharchan took her all the way back to the grotto. Sienna stared at the yellow rocky caves."I think I will not be able to escape by myself. He is too strong. Maybe if I can make a fire to get attention, someone may be able to help me. But who? This land seems a bit crazy!"She sighed in her mind.

Sharchan pushed her towards the opening of his grotto."Go inside!"

"Why?"Sienna turned around with a question on her face.

"I'm going to hunt, stay put, so you do not get eaten too soon!" he chuckled wildly.