Disaster for the better

Sienna was sleeping in the dark grotto. Suddenly she woke in pain. It was still dark and her heart started to bounce faster, when she thought this morning is her last chance to run.

She felt like she must be sweating buckets, she was drenched in wetness. She reached her tights and she was sticky all over, was too dark she could not see anything at all. She smelled her hand and the sweet smell of blood entered her nostrils." No, not my period, why now? No, no, "she stood up...She felt the hot liquid going down her legs.

"What's going on?..It is too early!" Sharchan stand up and sniff the air with his tongue, the sweet smell of blood entered his nostrils, he licked his lips and changed to his human form. He start walking to Sienna, he could see well at night and he saw Sienna standing covered in blood. She had blood smudge over her nose, her hands were red and her dress as well.

"I got my days," she said with tragedy in her voice..." I need to wash up, please help me to go to a river I can't see anything " she sobbed distressed. She was so embarrassed and felt so low. "How I'm going to run like that? That's it for me, I'm done."she sobbed.

Sharchan looked at her. He felt so weird seeing her in such a sorrowful state. His heart moved a little bit and pushed the legacy back. His ancestor's memories told him to just leave her be, but instead, he lifted her up." I will take you to the river,"he offered.

Sharchan took Sienna out in the dark, he stood her till her waist into the water and helped to wash her face.Sienna took off the bloody dress, and start washing as well. She was shaking in the cold water and sobbing."What I'm going to do?I got no pads, may I have more fabric from you please?" she asked.

"Have no worries," Sharchan said, "I got some more silk and cotton pieces for you and tomorrow will go to a village to get you some cotton fluff."

"But tomorrow is the third day of our game she said..."I will lose if I don't run..."Sienna sobbed.

"We postpone the third day till you stop bleeding. I don't want you to be eaten by wild animals, you smell of blood too much. You will be attracting predators."Sharchan said.

"Why do you care so much?" Sienna asked.

"Well, you are my tasty meal, I need to take care of you." he said, "You got yourself some more time to spend with me. Hahaha" he laughed coldly.

"Thank you," said Sienna sarcastically,...but she felt grateful, but did not really get it, why would he care if he just wanted to eat her.? She got really confused.

"Ok, let's go out now," he said.

"No", said Sienna. "Please bring me my little underwear and the silk pieces here. I can't walk like this even for a minute. I will wait in the water."

Sharchan went inside to get her things. She did not see him at all, it was very dark outside, pitch black.

Sienna stand in the cold water in the dark, she was trembling but felt so strange but a little warm in her heart, it was nice of Sharchan to help her. Most normal men she knew, were grossed out about women's matters, and even complained if they had to go buy stuff for them or they made a mess in the bed. It felt so nice to be taken care of for a change. Even he never said what he planned do with her, she kind of liked him, but the insecurity of her future was making her mad, so she try to forget about it and take each day as a gift. "I will be worried on that day." she thought.

Sienna waited till Sharchan said is done.

He made a little fire, and bring her pieces of cotton fabric."Come here and dry yourself" he said and help Sienna to dry, she put on knickers quickly and took a blanket over her shoulder. She was shaking from the cold. He sat her in his lap and help her dry her hair. Sienna cuddle up in the ball on his chest and let him do it. She start feeling sleepy from the warmth of the fire and fall asleep on his lap.

Sharchan played with her hair, he loved how soft they were, he stroked her face with his palm gently, "You are so beautiful, Sienna." Then he lifted her and put her inside his nest. He lay down next to her and hug her to keep her warmer.

Sienna woke up in a hot embrace. She was shocked to see Sharchan sleep next to her in his human form. She wiggled a bit and felt she is drenched again..."Oh no..quick" she said and grab a fabric towel...Sharchan opened his eyes when he felt her move. Sienna run to the water and he followed her slowly. She quickly start washing again, her periods were indeed a nightmare. Sharchan went to get her new towel, then he gave her something that resembled her knickers." I made this for you...you will need it" he said. Sienna was gobsmacked, "What...?Thank you, "she said.."It is perfect."

Then he helped Sienna back to the bed. She sat down comfortably and closed her eyes. She felt so tired.

"What would you like to eat Sienna?" Sharchan asked.

Sienna opened her eyes abruptly. This was the first time he actually asked her.

" Anything really, "Sienna said. Sharchan brought her some fruits,"I am going to buy some stuff for you, just stay here and rest"

"Thank you." Sienna muttered. "This new Sharchan is actually kind, is it still him?"she thought.

Sharchan went to a nearby (for him only as he can slither so fast through the mountains) village. He changed into his half-human form and went to the market. He put a packet of gold coins on the table and said, "Give me a bag of cotton fluff, some more fabric, and some female food," he ordered the village market shopkeeper. "Your highness, you acquired a female..congratulations," the shopkeeper said and prepared him carefully 2 big bags. They knew him as he passed sometimes around and bought some medicines, fabrics and weapons. He always paid handsomely, so shopkeepers were happy to see him.

Sharchan picked up the bags and slither back to the grotto. He did not notice that pair of sharp eyes were watching him.

When he came back, Sienna was sleeping. He put the bags down and sorted the things out. He decided to cook her rice with lentils to bring her strength up. His legacy was quite strong about how to take care of females, once they surrendered.

Sienna woke up and ran to the toilet, she passed Sharchan who was cooking at the fire. She opened her eyes wildly but did not stop. Then she went to wash in the river again and was peeking at him. He noticed and his lips curled up, "She is interested."he thought .

He decided that the second part of his legacy about how to take care of females is working better and started to be quite nice to Sienna.

"Come, Sienna, let's eat" he called her and gave her rice with lentils. It was simple food, but it was so warm and filling. Sienna was not so fussy anyway, she could feel the subtle sweet taste of lentils and she relished it.

"It is amazing," she said.

Sharchan looked at her kindly. "You will have enough for 2 days, "he showed her big pot. "Perfect, "Sienna smiled gratefully.

Sharchan did not feel like cooking every day and Sienna also did not like cooking every day, so they both were happy. Sienna did not even mind eating the food cold, she eat to live, not live to eat.

Sienna was very tired and sleep a lot. Sharchan was a lazy snake and also slept a lot or went hunting at night.

The first 3 days went very fast, after that Sienna start feeling a bit better, so she was more active and went around.

"Sharchan, good morning," she said with a smile.

"You look better today," he said and stroked her cheek gently.

"I have something for you," he gave her a small leather packet.

"Needles and thread!" Sienna exclaimed happily. She gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek."Thank you so much."

Sharchan looked at her in surprise," She is so happy with that little things."he thought. He felt her kiss on his cheek and he liked it. It felt warm and sweet.

"That's not everything," he said and bring a big bag to her"I got you some fabrics too."

"Ahhh, "Sienna was so excited, fabrics were her passion. She loved them all. She touched the silky colourful fabric. He got her blue, purple and red silk.

"Wow."she smiled.Then she started thinking..." Why did he get me all this, it doesn't look like he is going to eat me now, does he like me?" she smiled, "Ok, I will give it a try and be nicer to him, I have nothing to lose anyway." she thought.

"Sharchan please help me cut the fabrics," she said. She did not have scissors and he did not want to give her sharp objects like knives anyway, so he come and help her. He was cutting fabric with one of his scales, it was sharp like a razor.

Sienna showed him lines with her finger on the fabric and he cut it. Sienna was a very good designer and she could see dress patterns in her head, so she knew where to cut exactly. When they finished, Sienna took a pile of cut fabrics to her little place and started to sew it together. She was so excited and relaxed. She just loved to sew.

Sharchan was watching her, she looked so cute when she sewed. He went out to make her some food. He made her rice with bamboo pieces and mushrooms and bring it to her.

"It smells so nice," Sienna said, I will be right with you,"she smiled. She put the sewing down and went outside to eat with him. Sharchan did not eat food like this, he preferred meat, so he just looked at her eating. Sienna gazed at him back and smiled. He made her blush. She liked he cared about her a bit, he was not so cold anymore. When Sienna finished her food, she went to drink some water to the river. Sharchan went behind her. He watched her bending down and pushing her long golden hair on one side. Her white neck was so alluring to him

,that he came from behind and tried to kiss it!Sienna lost balance and almost fell down, but 2 strong hands hold her waist. She felt a shiver all over her body when Sharchan held her. He felt it too and asked, "Why do you shiver?"

"Because you hold me," Sienna said.

"What if I kiss you here?" he touched her neck.

"Then I shiver more," Sienna said.

"Let's try it!"he kissed Sienna's neck slowly.

He felt a wave of energy from kissing her.

Sienna let her head fall on his shoulder, he smiled and scooped her up. He brought her to his nest, cuddled her and kiss her lips slowly.

Sienna relaxed and closed her eyes, she felt her body giving into him every time he touched her. Sharchan kissed her lips and felt tingles mixed with waves of energy.

Sienna open her lips and kiss him back. It felt so good. Sharchan liked this new feeling and keep kissing Sienna for a while. Sienna felt good and start falling asleep in his embrace.

The next few days Sienna spend sewing new dresses and kissing Sharchan. It was so much nicer than before. He was looking quite happy and not cold at all.

Sienna sat in Sharchan's lap." You stopped bleeding today" he said and kiss her lips.

"Yes, we can finish the game tomorrow," she saida bit unsure.

"The game..you still want to play the game?"Sharchan frowned "What about we mate instead," he suggested.

"Do you still want to eat me?" Sienna asked.

"You will see tomorrow...." he said evasively.

Sienna's heart was hurt" Ahh, no mating then, I wish to finish the game."Sienna tried to escape from his lap.

Sharchan face darkened and he held her tight,"If you dare to run away tomorrow and I catch you, you be paying the price double, than I intended "he said and let her go.

Sienna trembled in anger, she felt betrayed "Whatever, you are just a weak snake who have to eat females, why don't you catch something big if you are so strong!" she cried in anger, she felt she have nothing to lose any more, she felt so hurt. "I don't want to see you ever again...just leave me and eat me tomorrow you horrid snake.I wish I'm dead already..." she shouted wildly in tears. Then she ran out and throw herself into the grass and sobbed...his kiss was still burning her on her lips, she felt so hurt and confused.

Sharchan looked at her coldly and slid out of the cave, then he disappeared into the forest.

"Stupid legacy."he felt he messed this up. "Anyway, I will catch her tomorrow and then she will have to stay with me forever."he thought and went hunting to vent his anger. Then he curled onto a tree and rested. "Tomorrow is my victory coming." he smiled in his head.

When Sienna stood up, she found the cave empty. She ate some mangoes and went to sleep. She picked up the most pretty dress she made and prepare it to wear in the morning. Then she sobbed herself to sleep. She missed Sharchan's embrace. She felt so empty and hurt." Why does he have to be so horrid cold snake?"she sighed.