The Tiger castle

Sienna and Tyrell were on the way to Tyrell's castle. Sienna was so excited to walk through the bustling streets. The way to Tiger castle was through the small set of streets and one long staircase which lead to different alleys as well. Castle was placed on the hill, and the city was under it. It was joined to the city by a few streets which lay on the hill, and it had separated walls from the city. It was possible to lock up the city or castle independently.

Sienna looked at the castle, it was a big stone medieval-looking castle with 5 rounded towers and strong fortification walls. Its walls were big enough to hide a small army and all the people from the city with their animals. Sienna marvelled at this sight, she always liked castles and was a bit excited to explore castle grounds.

Tyrell took her through a few gates to the main building, they passed buildings for different castle soldiers, servants and animal barns. Sienna learned that servants are all men, who liked to become warriors, they start at the small tasks and every year they moved up responsibility if they wished to. Tyrell also told her that it is his responsibility to invite females from other tribes and cities for them. Because of this, the castle had never a problem with getting enough staff to be run. However the late Tiger King avoided this responsibility, so all the castle men were expectant of the new Tiger King.

Tyrell furrowed his brows when he said to Sienna about it. She looked at him sweetly. "I will help you with everything I can, have no worries my love." and kissed his cheek."We can arrange some festivals and games to lure the females in for a spectacle, and even a few fashion shows and jewellery markets to attract their attention. I also think the Ape tribe might have a large number of stolen females, as Ramse is selling them just like he pleases, "she added.

Tyrell looked at her."How would you know that?"

"From the way, he talked to me."Sienna replied nonchalantly." If we found out the ones which were beaten, they might go with your men by themselves happily."She added.

Tyrell took Sienna inside the big door, they went through two wide staircases to the upper ground. Tyrell looked at Sienna. "This is our bedroom," he pointed her to a room with a beautiful carved wooden door, decorated with turquoise stones. His face was full of expectations. He hoped Sienna will like it. He opened the door for her and Sienna went in. The room was decorated in turquoise blue in different shades and gold. With little hints of purple and carved wooden furniture. The long blue curtains were decorated with crystal stones, making the room look dreamy. Sienna looked at Tyrell with a smile," You made it turquoise blue for me?"

"Of course!" he looked into her eyes, " I want you to like to be here with me a lot." He said with gleaming eyes. Sienna gave him a lingering kiss."You are so amazing, Tyrell."

Sienna held Tyrell's neck and pulled him to the bed." Can I have a cuddle?" she smiled sweetly. Tyrell pull her closer to him and kissed her gently."Anything for you my queen."

They rested together in embrace a bit. Sienna nibbled some fruits from the bowl on the little table next to the bed. Tyrell was just looking at her with satisfaction. He can just watch her all day. Sienna was getting used to it. He felt like part of her anyway. The sky outside was getting dark"We will need to go get ready."Tyrell sighed. "Anyway, I have a few more gifts for you."

Tyrell led Sienna to a chest . He opened it and it was full of dresses for her. The beautiful dresses were there in pink, purple, gold, silver and blue hues. She reached for soft sheer fabric and picked a see-through golden nightgown. "Tyrell should I wear this tonight?" she provoked him. "Only here for me Sienna." he blushed and stared at her imagining the soft fabric on her curvy body.

Tyrell handed her a little chest. Sienna took it and almost fell down under its weight." Tyrell, I'm not so strong like you!" she laughed. Tyrell smiled and lift the chest for her, holding her hand. There were tiaras, necklaces and golden bangles. Sienna stared at it. The gold felt somehow cold to her. "I picked just a few you might like," said Tyrell, we can go to shops together, so you can choose," said Tyrell when he see her stare. "Is more then enough," she smiled. Sienna did not like to wear jewellery too often. She felt she did not need it really. She did not even pierce her ears for earrings, she felt she is a whole person, and she did not see the need for it.

"I just get maybe a few fabrics as I love sewing," she said.

"Here my love." Tyrell opened a chest full of beautiful fabrics, and threads.

"How did you know?" she asked him smiling." I asked Sharchan." he muttered.

Sienna gave him a long kiss. "That means, no shopping for me yet. Hope you have time for me." she lifted her eyebrows meaningfully.

"Will do my best ."Tyrells face darkened."It is a lot of work here since the time I became king. It looks like Magnus is trying to teach me all at once."

"I will help you my tiger."Sienna hold his hand."Let's get ready for that banquet then."

Tyrell and Sienna put the clothes for the banquet, and they decided to match their clothes, so both were wearing gold and black attires. Tyrell looked handsome in his golden shirt with black trousers and boots. Sienna wore a golden silky gown with black embroidery and her favourite snake sandals. Tyrell got her a few pairs of different designs as he noticed she liked them a lot. Sienna liked the gold colour on her, it matched her shiny hair and she looked like a beautiful golden statue, apart from her pale skin, shining eyes and full pink lips. Tyrell gazed at her with satisfaction."You are so beautiful Sienna."

She smiled and give him her hand. They walked together in the corridors and then entered the big hall. Sienna ran her eyes around. She felt small in this huge stone room. Tyrell took her to sit at their places. There were two carved wooden thrones next to each other, which was somehow new as Tyrell wanted a chair for his queen too. Normally the queen sits by the king's legs on the cushions.

Sienna sat next to Tyrell and put a gentle smile on her lips. There were different people coming in and bringing gifts for the new Tiger King or congratulating him to his queen.Sienna did not know anyone apart from Magnus standing next to Tyrell's other hand.

Suddenly someone familiar bowed in front of her and looked at her with hungry eyes. "Lord Ziran, the Lord protector of Northern Tiger City. "Magnus announced loudly. Sienna looked at his handsome face, he was brutal indeed, but she smiled at him because he was the only other person she find familiar. Ziran straightened up and put his hand on his heart. Then he went to stand at the side with other lords. His eyes were fixed on Sienna. Ziran felt relieved she smiled at him, that meant she hold no grudge for him fighting with Tyrell.His heart fell on the fire. Tyrell noticed Sienna smiling at Ziran, his heart hurt a bit, but he just looked at her and felt better instantly. She was his and no one can change that.

Then another familiar face entered the room. The King of Lynx approached Tyrell and Sienna again. He looked at Sienna, who was even more beautiful then he remembered."How do I will get this little queen for myself..." his scheming mind was working hard.