Walk on the eggshells

The next day loud voices outside woke Sienna and Tyrell up.

"Give them some privacy Magnus!"Lord Ziran was growling.

"I have important reports about war preparation I need to discuss with the king. "Magnus said.

Ziran start laughing." Wait till they come out you overzealous fool!" and left.

Tyrell stand up and smiled at Sienna who was stretching like a cat."Good morning my love."Tyrell bent down to kiss her forehead. "Hi my love, "Sienna replied. "I can't move. All my body is stiff," she tried to stretch her legs more. "Look what you did to me!" she stared at the purple love marks on her white breasts.

"You still have empty space here."Tyrell poked her with his finger and smirked. He went to the bathroom and Sienna stayed in the bed like a tired doll. She did not want to get out of the nice warm bed, so she grabbed a few grapes from the bowl on the bedside table and eat them with closed eyes."I'm so tired."

Tyrell finished his shower and almost burst with laughter. Sienna was laying on the bed, covered in blankets and eating grapes with her eyes closed.

Tyrell went quietly next to her, picked the new stem of grapes and run it around her face, then lowered it to her mouth." Here my queen, I feed you." he laughed.

Sienna opened her eyes and gazed at him. Then she opened her mouth and licked her lips slowly. Tyrell stared. Sienna bit one grape off. Tyrell start thinking about what she was doing yesterday night and gulped.

"Tell Magnus you won the war and stay with me today. Is our third day together," she whispered.

"I need to go see Magnus. Sienna, I have lots of work to finish with him, but will come to have lunch with you," he kissed her lips.

"If he will let you go!"Sienna glanced at Tyrell. "Don't let Magnus completely organize your time. He is teaching you how to be the City head, not the king," she said seriously. "You need to sleep properly because you need to be strong and ready to defend your city. You can't be buried all day in papers. Tell Magnus to get some young clever assistant to help him out with his paper-works."

Tyrell looked at her thinking."You're right Sienna, but he also teaches me politics as well."

"That's great, we should do politics with him together, I need to know more about the kingdom as well," she said.

"Will tell him that."Tyrell smiled. To have Sienna there with him will be great. He gave her one long lingering kiss and left.

Sienna got a quick bath and put a pretty vine red gown on. It was made of velvet and was hugging her body elegantly. She slip out of the room and went to explore the castle. She had time till lunchtime, so what a great idea to stroll around. Sienna walked the corridors and looked at the rooms. Some needed to be fixed or decorated better, some were stunning. She need to take proper care of this castle, it was hers and Tyrell's home now. She wanted to show the power of the tiger king thru the castle decor and was so excited to see it happen. She ran down the stairs and went to the gardens. They were in full bloom. The sun was shining and Sienna took a deep breath. It was so nice to stroll around the garden.

Sienna sat on the bench next to the exquisite fountain; it depicted a tiger fighting a group of leopards. It had water flowing from the tiger's mouth and also from injured leopard bodies. It was made of white marble.

Sienna closed her eyes and turn her head toward the sun. She soaked in its warmth and relaxed. She felt happy.

The heavy steps woke her from her daydreaming. She opened her eyes and noticed the group of warriors walking thru the gardens behind the Lynx King.

His manly face was covered in bruises and scratches from fighting with Ziran. His long blond hair were falling past his shoulders. He was waving his arms excitedly and explaining something to his men as they followed him. Sienna shrunk in her seat, she did not want him to notice her. But he felt her gaze and abruptly stopped in his tracks and went straight to her. He left his warriors behind to wait for him and he strode to Sienna in big steps. Sienna glued herself to the bench and gulped. She did not feel well protected in the gardens at all, there was no one else around. Lynx King came close to her, put his hand on his chest and bowed lightly. His deep amber eyes were staring at Sienna.

Sienna gulped and bowed a little her head too in affirmation. She looked into his amber eyes and saw anger and lust in them. "How these two feelings can coexist?" she asked in her mind. "If I refuse him, he might start hating me, but I have no intention for him to become my mate." she thought.

Sienna managed a polite smile." Good morning my king, how are you today?" she asked politely.

The Lynx king looked at her ."Nice to see you, my lovely queen.Hope you are well."

"Yes I'm enjoying the sun here." she nodded.

"This garden is beautiful, but at my palace, I have even more exquisite gardens. I would like you to show them to you." he stared at her.

"Sienna's heart shrunk a little."That is so kind of you, I will mention it to my king Tyrell and we might come to visit you sometimes at your pleasure. "she smiled politely.

"I would like to be just by myself with you." he blurted.

Sienna blushed."Ahem, I'm not sure is appropriate, you can ask king Tyrell and Sharchan about it if they give you their permission." Sienna opened her eyes widely. He was getting too blunt. She has to stop this conversation right now!

"Would you like to stroll with me a little my king?"she asked him. She did not want to sit there any longer because he might get more personal.

The Lynx king smiled, "With pleasure. Where will you like to go?"

"I like to go around the garden, and then I have lunch with my king," Sienna smiled politely. The Lynx King gave her his arm and helped her to stand up.

He offered her his shoulder, and Sienna had to clench to it. He was leading her around the gardens, his warriors went to follow them at a distance.

"Tell me about king Tyrell. How do you find him?" he asked her.

"I do love my king Tyrell and king Sharchan as well," Sienna smiled. I find them both very pleasant."

"What about me? Do you find me pleasant?" he asked her very bluntly.

"Well, I do not know you that much my king, but you seem very charming," Sienna said politely.

The Lynx King felt a bit elated, but still not happy with her answer. "In this land, the queen can have more kings as mates, as you know. Two is still a bit low number for your status."

Sienna took a deep breath." I'm still getting used to having two mates," she said."As you know, I'm not queen for long and I have lots to learn. I think two mates are more than enough for me right now but I do not know what future will bring." she smiled politely.

The Lynx king was happy, he knew what he wanted to know. Sienna is open to future relationships, but not exactly right now, so possibly he can discuss it with Tyrell and Sharchan. Or he can have them killed and take her for himself. The only problem was they were too strong kings.

"Would you theoretically prefer only one mate than my queen?" he asked her carefully.

Sienna furrowed her brows." That is not possible. I will never part with my kings. I love them dearly, and anyone who will try to hurt them is my enemy!" she said with double meaning. She kind of felt where he was going.

"Of course, I'm happy you are so content." the Lynx King defused her raising an angry mood.

"By the way, what is your name?"Sienna asked him. She was walking with him for a long time now and she still did not know what he was called.

"Lyssander, my queen!" he smiled

"Sounds like a lynx."Sienna chuckled." Tell me more about your kingdom." she asked him." If I got him to talk about himself," he will stop asking her stupid questions, she thought.

Meanwhile, Tyrell was sitting with Magnus behind a big wooden table in his library. He could see his queen walking with the Lynx King from his window. "Why they are walking together? he asked loudly. "I thought Sienna don't like him. " he growled.

"The queen is probably being polite." the Magnus sighted. "Anyway, any new king mates will be good for the kingdom," he said, which enraged Tyrell so much his eyes turned green.

"It is your fault, Magnus. You are messing with my 3 days and now she is walking with him. It should be me walking with her!"Tyrell started raging. He was a tiger after all. "I can't stand here and look at that, " Tyrell's blood started to boil." I promised her I will have lunch with her and lunchtime just passed. I'm going to get her," he said.

" But what about the work? The black panther delegation is coming tomorrow to discuss the trade deal with you. We need to go through it Tyrell, and then you should go my king." said Magnus.

"No, I get her the lunch with me and then I will come back. Meet me here in two hours. And go get someone to get me some female food from the kitchen. Prepare it in the new Sala Terrena. (Sala terrena is a very unique room in some rich castles, decorated with pebble stones and fake caves, it also can have running water inside.)I want to show it to her as a surprise. "Tyrell said and ran outside to the gardens.

Sienna listened to Lynx King boasting about his kingdom, but his speech was quite interesting. Sienna liked to learn new things so she listened with interest.

Tyrell came to the gardens. Sienna smiled like a rising sun when she saw him." My queen, I came to collect you to have lunch with me." Tyrell said in a husky voice." Thank you for keeping my queen company, "said Tyrell and took Sienna's hand away from Lynx King.

Lysander frowned a bit when Sienna let go of his shoulder. It felt so nice to have her so close to him. "It was my pleasure, he bowed a bit. I would be honoured to accompany the queen anytime." he said politely and noticed his warriors follow him."Thank you my king Sienna bowed a little and clenched Tyrell's hand tightly.

"Hope you ok Sienna."Tyrell said looking at her with worry." Yes my love, I missed you terribly." she smiled.

"I hope you are hungry." my queen, he smiled.

"I'm starving."Sienna nibbled at his shoulder." I think I will eat you for a dessert." she laughed.

Tyrell blushed, "You can eat me anytime." he said and start thinking about what she did yesterday again.