Silver-masked warriors

Sienna, in the beautiful red velvet gown, was walking down the corridor in Tiger castle. She was clenching onto Sharchan 's and Tyrell's arms, she was going to a banquet and was so excited. Finally, she will have a chance to dance with her mates. Sienna smiled happily as they entered the huge hall. It was full of people from the city and Sienna spotted her kind of friends from dancing class as well. Sarcos was waiting there already. He looked so handsome, that Sienna's breath stopped. She smiled sweetly at him and sat next to Tyrell and Sharchan. Sienna looked between the guests when a familiar gaze fell on her. Lord Ziran was standing next to Magnus with Voltoire. He got over the pains of levelling up thanks to Rem's care and Sarcos's medicine and made it on time for the banquet just narrowly, with Voltoire's help. Voltoire took him to the sky with him as Ziran was causing a ruckus in the Scorpion castle. He wanted to see the queen and was so stubborn, that Rem had to call Voltoire to help. Sienna noticed them and wave to them with a big smile. Sharchan saw it and frowned. He still wanted to settle the account with Voltoire.

Magnus came forward and officially announced the start of the celebrations. Then some guests wanted to speak to Tyrell and introduce to him new merchants in the city. Sienna sat next to Tyrell with a soft smile and replied kindly to everyone introduced to her. When the fun part was due to start, Magnus announced mermaid Nefari to perform a song as a gift from king Sharchan to the queen.

Sienna was excited. Nefari sang like from a sea dream and Sienna could swear to hear the ocean in her voice. Sienna was thrilled with it. Sharchan felt good Sienna liked his gift and his mood lifted.

After Nefari's song, Magnus announced again."The artist performers came from far to entertain our guests. With King Sarcos's permission." The group of masked warriors entered the room. They wore white attire with silver masks. The masks covered the eyes only. They were big strong men with tanned skin and looked really agile. The people in the room wondered who they are. Their hair were blond and tied in half updo with feathers and colourful fabrics in them. Sienna looked at their leader and froze. The deep grey eyes were staring at her hungrily. She looked at Sarcos and he was watching as nothing happened, so she calmed down.

The fast drum music started and the masked warriors performed a fight like dance, similar to capoeira. It was fascinating to watch. They kicked and twirled in the air, they almost seemed to fly."Like monkeys, or better-said apes."Sienna thought but she was drawn into watching it. She forgot all about Ramse and watched the dance hardly breathing. It was enchanting and she smiled in excitement even without realizing it. She clapped her hands with others and was thrilled with it. Ramse spotted her wide-opened happy eyes and felt good, she appreciated his art. When they finished, the loud cheers and applause sounded in the room. The gold coins and flowers flew to the performers.

"Let's see the artists," Magnus tried to unmask them because he and Tyrell were suspicious watching Sienna's first reaction, but Sienna interrupted him. "The art is presenting itself, no need for unmasking..."She smiled politely. "Thank you for your beautiful dance. We were all enchanted," she said to the masked warrior, aka Ramse. She kind of felt better when he wore that mask.

"You can ask reward for your dance. "Said Tyrell, a bit upset that Sienna interrupted Magnus, but he understood she might get her reasons. He will ask her later.

"What is the best reward here?"Asked the Ramse in the mask.

"Dance with the queen," said Lord Ziran proudly.

Ramse nodded, "Yes, I like to dance with the queen as my reward then."

Tyrell nodded reluctantly.

Sienna sent an upset thunder-flash gaze to Ziran for this.

Sarcos also nodded and lighted a candle. "You can dance long as this candle burns. Then your reward is completed."He lighted the small candle. He knew what Ramse wanted from the beginning, he actually got Ziran to cooperate as well and was ready for it.

Ramse smiled at Sarcos. He got what he wanted. Sienna stared at the silver mask Ramse was wearing. She would recognize his deep grey eyes anywhere. She felt cold bumps on her skin when he looked at her. She was grateful to Ramse for saving her life and Sarcos's as well, so she decided to be nice for this dance with him. She knew it would be not long. Ramse came under her throne and offered her his hand with a seductive smile. Sienna looked at Sarcos, Sharchan and Tyrell and went down to accept the hand. She placed her trembling freezing cold hand into his. She felt Ramse's hand really warm, it made her heartbeat like a drum and her face went pale. He gave her a bit surprised smirk when he felt how frozen she was from him. Ramse led her to the dance. She was trying her best to look like a graceful queen. Sharchan steamed with jealousy, he could recognize Ramse and he was thinking Sarcos wanted to mate him to Sienna. He was feeling his snake is going to explode, but Sarcos's presence kept him in check. Tyrell felt something is off, but could not apprehend what, so he decided to wait. He was suspicious because he saw Sienna is not comfortable with the man. Ramse held Sienna politely. He noticed the killer gazes of Sharchan and Tyrell. Only Ziran and Sarcos were calm. Sarcos was fine because he knew that the candle will last 2 songs only and Ramse did save Sienna the day before. Ziran felt the same as Sarcos, but he could not claim the queen. Apart from staring at Sienna, he was scanning the faces of other guests for a threat and thinking about which kingdom to take.

The slow music started to play. Ramse held Sienna's waist. She could feel her heart in her chest stumping like a frozen stone. She was shivering all over but tried to compose herself as strong with a fairy-like smile.

"Why are you so stiff my queen?"Ramse whispered to her quietly. "You are so frozen. Don't your mates know how to keep you warm?"

Sienna was lost for words and just stared at him. The ends of her lips twitched a little.

"Are you worried I would try to take you tonight?" he asked her.

Sienna shook her head." He did not have a chance to take her when all her mates were there and Ziran as well."She thought fast.

Ramse smiled at her."You see, so relax and enjoy the dance. You don't get to dance with me every day."He ran his hand over her back to coax her a bit.

Sienna was really confused. She did not know what to think, but her breathing got better. She just blinked her eyes and nodded.

Ramse's arm was holding her waist and his hand held hers. She had to have her hand on his shoulder and felt his hard muscles moving around as they danced. "He did look handsome in that costume. "Sienna was thinking. It was actually his cruelty she could not stand and the fact that he was a brute. Probably he learned that in his tribe, which was violent to their own females. She did not trust him at all, so she was always wary of him. Ramse saw she is thinking and squeezed her hand. She looked at him alarmed."Would you like to go walk in the garden instead?" Ramse asked. Sienna shook her head. Ramse nodded. He felt a bit proud she is wary of him, but was not happy her body was not relaxed in his hands. All his point was for him to keep close to her often, to make her body relax in his presence. If she would just stop flinching from him.

Sienna looked into Ramse grey eyes and in her head were so many questions."Why are you doing this? "She asked him.

"I just wanted to dance with you." he said."I'm still a prince, so you don't need to worry that much."Sienna nodded." Why you are trying to be nice now, when at Sarcos's castle you pushed me on the floor?"She asked.

"I was still raging. I was actually very upset when Sharchan took you. I came back to the cave and found your shredded dress only. I was thinking you are dead, till the news came that Sharchan was buying stuff for a female." he grinned.

"The news goes so fast around here. My dress went to shreds for nothing." She frowned.

"Did you go with king Sharchan naked back then?" Ramse asked her with a raised eyebrow. Sienna blushed."Almost, but not completely. Thanks to you."She said and tightened her lips. Ramse nodded."I was excited to find out you are still alive from king Sarcos. He saw me in a sorry state, so he was looking for you for me. I promised him 100 females, if he found you for me. But he claimed you instead. Hard business."He sighed.

Sienna looked at him confused."Why you just don't pick up one of that other females instead of following me?"

"I want you. No one is like you."Ramse said gazing at her. Sienna nodded, he was right in that.

"But I'm not your match," she said." I will never make you happy. Besides I have three mates already."

"And fourth is waiting," Ramse glanced at Ziran. Sienna furrowed her brows."What do you mean? "

"Lord Ziran is thinking which kingdom to overtake for you...I hope he will not try to take my one," Ramse smiled..."Then I would be your Lord Protector instead. Hahaha."

"Tell him not to take your one. I would not like to be an Ape Queen at all."Sienna said coldly. She felt a flinch in her heart. She liked Ziran.

Ramse seem amused by her answer but his heart started to rage. He glared inside her eyes and placed his finger on her lips. "Let's dance for now my little angry queen." Sienna opened her mouth to say something to him, but felt his hand pulling her closer to his hips, so she was distracted to keep her distance.

Ramse looked at her with a victorious smile as he led her dancing through the hall." When she is quiet, she looks so adorable," he thought.

Ramse glanced at the burning candle, it was almost off, only flickering. His time with Sienna is almost up. He pulled her abruptly to his waist, still dancing. He gazed into her eyes and his finger run on her cheek."When I become the king I will come for you. I will take you for myself. I find a way how to make your mates abandon you one by one of their own will. They would be not coming for you anymore. I will have you trained to cook and clean for me. Females can't resist the canes for long. You will do everything I will tell you, with a smile. There would be no more queen, just my slave. I will take over your body and keep you close. "Ramse tightened the grip on her waist more. Sienna almost lost her breath."I will have you three times every night till you be not able to move...You be my mate and my slave, you be my everything..." he whispered with his lips close to her cheek. Before Sienna could reply anything. He let her go, bowed a little and said."My time is up sweet queen, thank you for the lovely dance. It is truly the best reward this kingdom can offer." He smirked at her. Then called his masked warriors and left.