Sarcos versus golden cage

The door to Sharchan'd room opened and Sarcos came in with Tyrell. Sarcos held the torch with fire and Tyrell had a silky black dress in his hands. Both of them were smiling with wicked excitement.

"Sarcos, Tyrell, I'm so happy to see you, "Sienna get off the bed and held the cage bars. "Please take me out. I hate this cage. "

Sarcos looked at her gently. She looked like a beautiful bird in that cage." Have no worries, Sienna, after today, this cage will be gone. "he laughed darkly. He can't stand to look at her locked up like this."What is going on?"Sienna asked, noticing their dark gaze.

Tyrell bent down and opened the secret door," Come quickly out, Sienna. Sharchan is on his way back now."Sienna bent down and Tyrell pull her out of the golden cage. She sighed with relief. It felt good to be out. Tyrell hugged her tightly and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Then he started to take her dress off.

"Hurry up," said Sarcos.

"What are you doing?" asked Sienna when her dress fell to her knees.

"Helping you! Be a good girl and just do what we say, if you want to get rid of this cage. Take this off and put a new dress on."Tyrell said in hurry."You are going with Sarcos tonight."

"But is not your week starting tomorrow?" Sienna asked in surprise.

"We need to teach Sharchan a lesson, so I'm giving up my week with you. He will not let me have it anyway, he is still half crazy. It will be better if you stay out of his sight for a week."Tyrell sighted.

Sarcos watched Sienna's pale body in the light of the fire, she was putting on a new dress quickly. Tyrell hid her hair inside the tall turban and put a small veil on her face, leaving only her eyes out."Please bear with this. Just till you're out of the city, "he kissed her hands.

Sienna nodded. When she was ready, Tyrell placed her old dress inside the cage on the bed. Then he closed the secret door on the cage. Sarcos with a wicked smile took a vial from his dress and splash it inside of the cage on Sienna's dress and on the bed. Then he lowered the torch inside and all insides of the cage got engulfed in red flames. Sarcos watched satisfied how Sienna's dress caught the fire with a wicked grin. That will teach that snake a lesson. Tyrell held Sienna close, his face was pale as if there was a fire for real, Sienna will be dead, thanks to Sharchan's possessiveness. He was grateful to Sarcos. He squeezed Sienna tightly next to him..Sienna felt weird. She saw what will happen to her in case of fire, and was glad she is out, but felt sorry for Sharchan." Tyrell, you need to watch him closely. I don't want him to destroy this city in the rage." she whispered to him.

"Have no worry, I will not let him be upset long."Tyrell nodded. The flames were raging in the cage and Sienna's dress was almost turned to dust. Tyrell picked Sienna up and took her down the corridors to the stables. He waited with her for Sarcos there.

The eagle quard spotted the fire and went to check it out, but before the huge eagle come closer to the decorated glass window, Sarcos clasped his hands and the fire stopped. Sarcos disappeared into the dark walls almost instantly and went down to the stables to pick up Sienna.

Sienna sat with Tyrell hidden in the haystack." Tyrell you gave up a week with me to help me," she kissed his lips.

" I will do anything for you." he hugged her tight."You will be going with Sarcos to spider tribes to make new deals. Just trust him, he is a good man."Said Tyrell.

"I know, that is why I accepted him as my mate. I do love him. "Sienna said to Tyrell and blushed..Sarcos was standing behind the haystack and his lips curled up. He liked what he heard.

He waited a bit longer and then he show himself."Let's go, the flames are down. He looked at Tyrell. Sienna looked at him."Hurry up, my love."Tyrell led Sienna behind Sarcos to the gardens. There were 2 dark eagle warriors waiting."Take queen and King Sarcos to the sand city and stay with them." said Tyrell."You will be under Sarcos's order for this week," he instructed them. They saluted and nodded.

Sarcos helped Sienna up to the eagle's back and they both flew high up to the sky.

Sharchanm was coming from his hunt, when he saw the light of flames on top of the castle tower, in his room, "Who dares to come inside my room, when I'm out."He growled. "Probably Tyrell felt sorry for Sienna and made a fire for her," he thought and slither faster to the castle. He will beat Tyrell to mush for this, his crazy snake was still high.

He slithered fast into the castle and everyone was quite quiet, going out of his way." What happened?" he asked himself and strode up the stairs to his room fast. He smelled the stench of fire and he felt something is wrong. He did not sense Sienna's presence there. He opened the door and saw the cage covered in black dust and ashes. He turned around in disbelief and found Tyrell there, sitting and leaning his head on the wall.

"Where is Sienna?"Sharchan roared. Tyrell was quiet. Sharchan opened the cage door and picked up her burnt dress...The stench made him sick to his stomach and his heart was squashed with fear, he went out of the cage and shook Tyrell hard."Where is Sienna?"Sharchan did feel she is alive, as he got a mating bond with her, he was just so confused with the view.

"Come on," Sharchan growled impatiently" I know she is alive. Don't play theatre with me, Tyrell "

"Sit next to me Sharchan," said Tyrell quietly.

Sharchan saw he will get nothing out of Tyrell, so he sat next to him. He looked at the ashes.

"Tell me Sharchan, what will happen to Sienna, if you lock her up in a cage and there is a fire in the castle. How we will get her out in time?" Tyrell said with pain in his voice.

Sharchan breathed in the stenchy air and it hit him...She will be dead. He didn't want anyone near her, so she was alone, and till anyone will notice she would be dead. He felt guilty to send Ziran away and for locking her up now.

Tyrell looked at him."What will you do if she is gone forever?"

Sharchan went crazy in his mind...his human self started beating his possessive snake self so hard, that his mind would be covered in blood if is for real. Tyrell was right. He needed to show the snake his place. Sharchan felt his body shaking, his eyes turned blood red as he looked at his brother. He felt immense sadness in his heart."How could I do this to her?" He asked out loud.

Tyrell looked at him."It was your crazy poisoned snake."

Sharchan nodded."I will have this cage destroyed. I will never lock her up alone again."

Tyrell looked at him."I think Sarcos have a new use for your cage. Just send for a blacksmith tomorrow."

Sharchan looked at the Tyrell calmly."How did you know the puzzle code to open the door?

"I did not," said Tyrell. "This cage has an extra secret door for us to get her out."One key for Sienna, one for Sarcos."

"You dared to do that?" asked Sharchan. Tyrell shook his head."It was Sarcos, he ordered the blacksmith and pay him extra for it. He wanted this cage to be changed to a garden feature after this. He even got our blacksmith to do the design for changing it already."

Sharchan laughed in disbelief, "Nobody will refuse the Scorpion King, is it?"

"Yes, "said Tyrell," He is strong as you if not more and has many secret weapons. I think he can order the fire."

"What?" said Sharchan.

"He put this fire on with the torch, but I don't know how he stopped it so fast," Tyrell said.

Sharchan looked at Tyrell. "Is Sienna with him now?"

Tyrell nodded."They will be going to Silver city to negotiate the silk trade."

"I'm sorry brother," Sharchan said sadly.

"You should write Sienna a letter." said Tyrell and put his hand around Sharchan's shoulders."She doesn't want you to be upset or angry. She asked me not to let you suffer for long."Tyrell smiled lightly.

Sharchan felt warm in his heart. Sienna still loved him. Suddenly Sharchan furrowed his brows. "Why is Sienna going to Silver City of spider tribes? It is too dangerous. Thurssa is too unpredictable. He is psychotic."

"Magnus thinks it is necessary," said Tyrell, who started to worry about Sienna now.

"I do not trust Magnus with the queen," said Sharchan."Send a warning to Sarcos not to let her inside the Silver City. "

Tyrell nodded and left. Sharchan sat in his burnt room and in his eyes the flames of revenge started to form. The snake will not give up his reign easily.