The Spider King

When Sienna woke up, she heard loud noises. A woman's voice was shouting."Up, up get ready!"Sienna could not feel her body. She was stuck in that vase too long."What is this vase doing here?"Pinching voices gathered around Sienna's vase. Someone leaned on it and Sienna felt how her world is upside down, the vase smashed and Sienna was visible to everyone. She sat dizzily between the broken pieces." Ach, look at the beauty, "the big spider madame was looking at her."Sleeping in a vase like a kitten. Like our king can not afford beds for his royal harem. Shameful!"

Sienna froze at her words."Royal Harem...oh no, how will I get out of here alive!" She looked around in the panic. The madame came closer to her and obstructed Sienna's view."Excuse me, "Sienna said, "I'm lost, I should not be here. I'm a Scorpion King's mate. "

The madame looked at her stupidly, like she did not understand what Sienna just said." All eligible females here must go before the king to present themselves, it is a King's order. As you are a pretty female you need to go too!"

Sienna gulped."I'm requesting an urgent audience with the king."

"By what right?" the madame asked.

"By the right of the Tiger, Snake and Scorpion queen!"Sienna replied and stood up showing her marks."Oh that marks you have." madam grumbled."We should help you to get rid of them."

Sienna looked at her bravely."I like to see the king first. Removing my marks is a decision about starting a war with three powerful tribes and only the king has the right to decide upon that!"Sienna's tried to hide her fear with boldness. Madame nodded and backed off a little. She had to be more careful with this new female."Put this on," she gave her a silky dress, "You can go to an audience before the dancers."

"Thank you."Sienna took the plain silk dress."But you need to go bath first. You spend the night in a vase. "Madame frisked Sienna and the dancers to the huge spa. It had marble walls and colourful golden and red tiles, It had lots of smaller half rooms with separate bathtubs for a lot of females to have a bath at the same time. On the other side of the room were seats and huge mirrors, where attendance females were brushing the hair of the concubines. Sienna took a quick bath in the bathtub madame showed her. She did not want any attendance as it made her feel weird. She covered herself in a big towel and went to brush her long golden hair by herself. She slipped into a plain silken dress. It looked the same as other concubines were wearing and it made her feel uncomfortable. She took off the golden belt from her old dress and put it on, it was better,but still too plain for Sienna's taste.

Mehrat approached Thurssa slowly. "The queen woke up and request an urgent audience with you, my king."He smiled."Is she really so beautiful as the painting?"Thurssa asked."Even more my king. You will be pleased."Mehrat replied.

"Let her to my dancing hall then. I will see her there."Thurssa said.

Madame came to Sienna in a hurry . "Are you ready queen Sienna? The king is expecting you."Sienna followed the madame into the golden door with sun designs which opened widely. She noticed lots of guards on the way and it made her uneasy. It would be hard to escape from here. Sienna stepped inside the luxurious room, it was a huge dancing hall covered in mirrors. The king stood back to Sienna leaning on his silvery walking stick. When he heard Sienna approaching he turned around heroically and approached her with open arms."Welcome dearest queen Sienna."Sienna bowed lightly and was simply staring at him with opened lips.

The king was around thirty years old. He was wearing golden clothes like from the baroque times. Sienna thought he must love fashion, he was decorated more than a peacock. He was wearing a silvery curly wig and his face was painted with make up.He was very pale with painted blushed cheeks.Sienna noticed his big onyx dark eyes have a few more friends next to them and freak out again.At least the king painted his face, so he was looking more bearable.He wore expensive golden silky jacket with lace sleeve endings and decorated trousers.Silky tights and heeled man court shoes."He think he is Louis the 14th of France", Sienna thought as she stared at him. The king came to her with his arms open, but Sienna curtsied and offered him her hand."Why so formal, queen Sienna ? I promised to welcome king Sarcos with open arms, so it surely extends to you as his queen."Thurssa spoke kindly.

Sienna smiled."I will be happy to except your warm embrace in my king Sarcos presence, my king."

"Oh, lala, what a trouble. He left yesterday night my dear.Would you mind accepting my hospitality for the time being?" He offered.

"Thank you, my king"Sienna smiled."May I please send a messenger for king Sarcos, to pick me up." she pleaded. Thurssa's kind exterior changed.He looked like a predator now."You are in my house, dear Sienna, that means you are mine." he looked at her with raised eyebrows. His manners were theatre like.His movements were flowing like in the water.Sienna felt her throat stiffened."But I just got lost, someone brought me here while I slept." she tried to explain innocently.

"The little fly who gets lost, will lose its life here." the king said coldly.Sienna's face became pale like flour.Thurssa noticed and ran his finger on her soft cheek."Nevertheless, I will not hurt you, "he looked at her with a charming smile and picked a strand of her golden hair. Sienna felt terrified. He can change into a huge spider at any time. She wanted to cry. She looked into his mesmerising onyx dark eyes."What I can offer you to let me go?"She asked.

"I have everything I ever wanted now. Think about something unusual."Thurssa smiled."Now excuse me my dear. I have state matters to attend. I will see you at the ball tonight . Please, wear something pretty, your dress is a sight for the sore eyes." he turned sideways and was on his way to the other room. Sienna got upset."It is not my taste either. That stingy madame in your harem gave me a dress like for a maid. She is crude and has no fashion sense. To send me in this in front of you!" she stomped her foot and turned about to leave. Thurssa turned around and caught Sienna up quickly with his hand around her waist. She stood frozen and angry at the same time and stared at him. Thurssa lifted her chin with his finger. "Pretty,feisty,fashionable.I'm not letting you go. You will be mine only. But still, think of some nice gift for me. It is my birthday party tonight. " Sienna stood frozen till the two guards came to escort her back. He looked at them and blink his eyes "Call madame in and send the queen back to my harem."

Sienna was walking along with guards like a prisoner. They pushed Sienna into the harem entrance.

" What happened?" madame squealed when the guard rushed her in front of the king. The madame approached the king carefully. "Dear madame, this is the last time you embarrassed me! You gave the queen dress like for a maid. How shameful. She is a queen, not a maid or servant or mere concubine. Do not do anything against her will. The only rule is she can't leave the castle. Let her explore a bit. I want her to like me. If anyone dares to hurt her, the sentence is death. You included. The queen is to be unscratched." Madame nodded, bowed and left. She was so angry that the queen caused her troubles with the king.

At the harem, Sienna go thru the corridors and saw rooms, full of females. Some were concubines, some dancers and some were servants. All of them had black round tiny eyes on side of normal big eyes as well. They all froze quiet and stared at Sienna when she passed by. Nobody said a word to her. She just felt how they looked at her with that black round eyes. Sienna felt weird inside so she looked for the garden. She found one and went straight in. The tall and burly spider guard followed her, which made her uncomfortable. Sienna turned around abruptly. " Why are you following me?" she asked the tall spider warrior fiercely.

"For your protection."He said kindly.

He looked like an honest man to Sienna."Would you guard me when I sleep too?"She asked. "Only in the garden."He replied."I sleep in the garden then." Sienna nodded. Sienna was terrified of the harem and jealous concubines. She preferred to be herself with one guard. She found a gazebo with cushions in the garden, so she lay down and rested with closed eyes. She found her situation beyond strange and she needed to find a way out. She needs to talk to the king more. The guard was watching her. He has never seen such a beautiful female before.

Sienna felt she could not think of anything anymore, because she was getting hungry."What's your name? "She asked the guard kindly. " Samuel," the spider replied. " Samuel, where can I find some food here? " Sienna asked." Samuel pointed to harem. Sienna shooked her head."Let's go to the kitchen instead," she suggested."You can lead the way." Sienna smiled.

Samuel nodded, he was told, she can go around, just not to escape. He led Sienna thru the corridors to the kitchens. It was so busy there. Sienna stopped a cook and asked for some fruit and bread. To her surprise, he gave her a paper cone, similar to the ones she had in the Tiger castle. With peaches, grapes and soft bread buns. Sienna asked for a jug of water as well and went back to the gardens. She was prepared to stay there till Sarcos will get her out.