Royal Hairdresser

Sienna stared into the mirror. "What a weird game is this."Suddenly the door opened and the king in a long dressing gown came in. He was not wearing a wig and make up this time and his long dark brown hair were curling along his pale perfectly smooth face. Sienna watched him thru the mirrors and was speechless. The king stood behind her with a cheeky smile. He put his finger on his thin lips signing her not to talk. He held golden hairbrush and some kind of perfumed water in his other hand and started to brush her wet golden hair. He was concentrating on them like everything else ceased to exist. Sienna stared and let him do it. She had no choice anyway.

Thurssa decided to dress Sienna himself. He had uncontrollable taste to touch Sienna's hair, after watching her sleep. The way they curled around her face and moved when she toss and turned entangled his curiosity. He ordered Samuel to bring her to a mirror room for him to play with. He was dreaming to dress her up like a doll. He brushed Sienna's hair for hours, so slowly, enjoying himself, that Sienna's head fall down and she relaxed half sleeping. He looked at her surrendered expression and felt intrigued."Does she look like this with her lovers?" He wondered. After drying Sienna's hair,they were perfectly straight and so long they almost touched the floor as she sat on the low chair.He looked at her half sleeping face and ran his finger on her snake and tiger bracelet."How delicate and soft," he thought."Pity it has to go out."he murmured and Sienna get sober a little. She noticed two females bringing hot boiling stones and some weird metal instruments and she frieked out."Please, don't burn me."she begged with tears in her eyes. Thurssa held her shoulders tight on the chair."He locked his eyes with hers in the mirror and said."Don't move."And picked that horrible instrument from the boiling stones. Sienna sobbed and covered her face with her hands. She was sure her mates will love her even with scars, if she make it alive from here. Thurssa looked at her with amusement. He lowered his lips to her ear and whispered. "From what barbaric land you came, you pretty scared thing. This is just to curl your golden hair. I do not trust anyone else to touch my treasures."He ran his hand over her soft hair and began to wind the sections of it on the metal curling irons. Sienna sighed with relief and took her hands of her eyes peeking into the mirror. "So adorable," Thurssa noted. He finished her curls and let them set fallen on her shoulders. Sienna must agreed, he did a great job."He should be a hairdresser, not a king."she thought and smiled a bit at the reflection in the mirror. Thurssa noticed her smile and felt elated, she admired his skills. Then his attendance came with chests of dresses, Thurssa inspected them closely and picked some pieces. Sienna looked at him in panic again. He wanted to dress her up like a doll. She swallowed hard.

"Oh, lala, don't be so stiff darhling. I'm here like a designer now, a creator of perfection, not a king who will go ravish you against your wishes."Thurssa chirped into Sienna's ear.

Sienna blushed.

"So,so,off with that towel and let's get you dressed!"He helped Sienna to stand up and moved her hair to front to make space for a dress. He took towel of Sienna's body with a firm pull. Sienna closed her eyes for a moment. She felt so vulnerable. Thurssa noted and smiled. Her body was so pale and beautiful. Her curves were alluring and he wanted to run his hand on her hips. But he was a designer to her now. He loved to play his little theatrical roles meticulously and exact. He started to dress her up. He put on her silken underwear on which Sienna opened her eyes and smiled. Then he pushed her into a corsetted dress with huge skirt. He twirled her around satisfied. Sienna looked hopeless. "How she is supposed to move in this?"

"Right right."He noticed her look."We keep this one for a ball. Let's put on something stylish and comfortable . "He picked a golden gown."This will match your hair, darhling. Do you like it?"

Sienna nodded with a lovely smile. It felt like an sun raised and Thurssa's face lighten as well."So worth the effort."he nodded. "Now,all ready, off you go to a harem and show everyone my work," he said and called the guards to escort her. Sienna walked back to that horrible place. The guards led her to a fountain and left. Sienna sat on the wide edge of it and waited till the other concubines will join her. She thought they ordered them to come to her and prase the king's work. She felt he is watching. Siena sat in a elegant pose and touched the water,then she look at the sky and then she looked at the concubines standing around her. She did not like the weird looks at their faces with too many eyes. She bet she was the one odd, with two eyes only. They were looking with fake loveliness at her, but they remained her of predators. She was sure they would eat her alive if they could. Sienna look at the sky and held hand on her heart. Then she started to recite."The sun, shining bright in its glory, perfect in the eyes of beholder, as lift your eyes to the genius of king thy fashion is eternal and designs refined in beauty which prevail the test of time." Siena was pouring whatever pretty and complicated words came to her mind. She was so greatfull for reading so many books and her fast thinking. She tried to layer the words to make a slow sense. " My grace to the gracefulness of his golden rays, touching my locks with his love in a dance of a slowly burned passion, one besiege the creative love which sustain the universal flame," Sienna spoke slowly, with affectionate face and hand expression. It was like a little performance meant for the king,who was surely watching. She felt the spider females just watched her dress and hair and understood just a few words she said. Thurssa was watching her thru the double mirror. He had them all around the palace.He held his diary in his hands and was writing her words down. He gave it a title."The creative genius of the king," and felt excitement from the poetry. Sienna stood up and wanted to go,but the females were too close to her .So she reached her hand to the heavens, "Let me pass you unbecoming crude beauties,don't suffocate my poems with misunderstood gazes,how hard is to refine the mere words into the art which touches ones heart deeply. The glorious,heroic heart full of vigor and loveliness."

The females make a space for her to pass and Sienna stomped her feet and ran to the garden in tears. She found the gazebo and fell into the pillows. She needed to rest before the next performance. Thurssa finished writing down her poems and decorating the pages of his diary, he decided to write her poem as well and give her some gifts to get her favour. He went to his treasure rooms and picked golden jewellery with blue sapphires to match Sienna eyes. Then he wrote her a short poem on the fabric square and placed a ring inside of it. "Bring it to the queen," he ordered to Mehrat and went to watch what she would do. Sienna was still sulking in the gazebo,when the Mehrat approached."Queen Sienna, his highness the king is sending you a gift "and gave her a neat fabric packet. Sienna took it and looked at it, she opened the tissue and saw a sapphire ring in it. The ring was beautiful, but when she imagined how many probably dead concubines were wearing it, she felt sick to her stomach. Then she looked at the wrapping fabric.It seem something was written on it."A poem," she smiled and pressed it to ger chest.The king was so elated. Sienna opened her hands and read the poems whispering just so loud the king will hear her if he is watching."The golden hair are your glory, sapphire eyes hidden treasures,find the space in your heart for a wanting man,who can't take his eyes apart from your beauty."

Sienna asked for a tissue and pen and replied.

"Men might be wanting in thousands, but the heart only refined, the kind king might bear. The matters of the flesh are bounding me like a prison and my soul waits eagerly for one to rescue me from the abyss of desperation." She packed it neatly and put the ring back in it with a tiny white flower, she wrapped around the ring. She did not want the ring. But she could not just return it as it may anger the king. By wrapping a flower around it, she changed it for a symbol, a hidden message. She did not know what it will mean yet, she still had to make it up, in case king asked her,but she send it back to him.