Swimming in the falls

MATURE CONTENT: Only read if you are ok with it;-)

Sarcos called for the eagle warriors, who brought his present to Silver City. They were still waiting in his camp for their next orders. He looked at the strong eagles."You will be taking my queen to the Sand City tomorrow morning. Then you fly to Crystal City, give this letter to king Tyrell and send Leander to Sand City. I want him to guard the queen. Then you will follow king Tyrell's orders."The eagles nodded.

Then Sarcos came back to see Sienna. She was resting in his tent."Tomorrow you go to Sand City but tonight you are all mine, "he hugged her from behind around her waist. Sienna felt his cheek close to him and bend her head back a bit to kiss him. She felt so safe in his embrace. "I'm all yours." she smiled.

"Well, then I do not need to wait for the night then."He smiled and gently pushed her in front of him to walk to his cushion bed. He lifted her and placed her under him holding her back. Sienna thumped into the soft pillows.

She ran his hands on his strong back and kissed him fiercely. She missed Sarcos so much.She felt like she want to devour him all. Sarcos felt she wants him badly. He reached under her dress and stroked her opened tights gently with his strong hands. Sienna moaned in expectation.She wrapped her legs around his waist and he entered her abruptly. They swayed together in a burning passion.Sienna wanted to feel him deep inside of her and was pushing him deeper with the soft movements of her hips. Sarcos got wild and start taking her hard. Sienna wanted him to be hard. She wanted to feel her body alive with his touch.

Sarcos loved Sienna so much. She was his biggest treasure, his life and he will sacrifice anything for her. Even himself. Sienna felt his love as a sweet wave and tears started to come down her cheeks. Sarcos kissed her tears."Why do you cry, my love?"

"I love you so much, Sarcos."She kissed him fiercely."Promise me, you stay always with me."She asked.

"I will love you forever."Said Sarcos. And he meant it. He was one of those dangerous immortal warriors as well.

Sarcos's personal falcon landed at Tyrell's windows. It carried a letter with the latest news."Sienna is safe!"Tyrell gleamed."Thurssa is dead!"

"How can an immortal warrior be dead?"Sharchan asked curiously.

"Sarcos burned his spider body and imprisoned him in a blue diamond from his own ashes."Tyrell read.

Sharchan shook his head.

"Sarcos is too strong. He keeps surprising me. We should be more careful around him."

Tyrell nodded."I'm glad he is ok with us. "then his face went sad."He wrote Lord Magnus is guilty and Voltoire is punished to be his slave for four years."

"You need to judge Magnus."Sharchan looked at him seriously.

Tyrell and Sharchan went to see Lord Magnus. The old tiger looked at Tyrell hopefully. He was a longtime friend of his father. "Tyrell, whoever would think it will come to this one day." he sighed. Tyrell looked at him sadly."King Sarcos said you are guilty of treason."

Magnus shook his head."I was just trying to help! It was a pure accident!"

"Well planned accident! He almost got our queen killed," said Sharchan.

Tyrell was thinking. He felt sorry for Magnus. He thought he did it because he was overzealous to help the city. Besides, Tyrell did not have anyone better to help him with paperwork.

Sharchan looked at him and took his sword." You are too soft Tyrell. I will kill him for you brother" he pushed Magnus to his knees. Tyrell looked at old Magnus. He surely did a lot for Crystal City. He didn't want to kill him.

Magnus closed his eyes when he felt sharp Sharchan's sword at his neck.

"Stop! Sharchan."Magnus heard Tyrell's words as in the dream."I will keep Magnus as my servant."Sharchan did not bulge."Slave, I keep him as a slave, "said Tyrell.

Magnus felt the cold sword lifted. Was Sharchan making his blow or did Tyrell save him?

"As you wish brother."Said Sharchan."But if I see anything suspicious going on with Magnus, I'm killing him on the spot."

"Then you will be doing my paperwork."Tyrell nodded. "Magnus, as your punishment, you will be my slave for four years and you lose your Lord title. Voltoire is four years slave to Sarcos.

"Magnus nodded."Thank you for sparing me, I will not disappoint you again, my king."Magnus was relieved. If his revenge had to wait, so be it. Till he lives, he can work on it.

Sienna lay in Sarcos's embrace. She kissed his strong shoulder."How can you love me so much?" she smiled at him.

"How could I not?" he stroked her golden hair and kissed her lips.

Sienna chuckled."You are so amazing." her heart was fluttering at the sight of him like crazy. Somehow, she still could not get over it, how he let himself be brought like a present for her sake. It was the biggest proof of love she has ever seen in her life and she was over the moon about it. Her heart was singing on the little golden cloud when she stared into Sarcos's sparkly dark eyes. The flaming scorpion peeked at her a few times from Sarco's eyes. She was so fascinated every time she saw him.

"Why do you have a flaming scorpion in your eyes? "she asked him."It is because you can control the fire?"

Sarcos nodded. It was more complicated, but this was a simple explanation."Do you like it?"

"Yes," Sienna smiled. "It reminds me, that you are my invincible Scorpion King. Otherwise, you are just my Sarcos," she smiled and kissed his face.

Sarcos smiled. "The flaming scorpion is part of my soul, he will never leave."

Sienna hugged him tightly."That is good. We will be friends then."

Sarcos smiled."Do you want to be friends with my flaming scorpion?"

Sienna nodded.

"He loves you the same as me. He is part of me. You are not his friend but his mate."Sarcos cupped her cheeks in his hands. She was just so cute sometimes."And he accepted he will never mate with you the same as your other mates' animal forms."

Sienna nodded."It was so thoughtful of them." she thought.

"But you can mate with me as much you like."She lay down at Sarcos and kissed him gently. Sarcos smiled and hugged her like an iron ring."You just sealed your fate...I'm taking you again."

Sienna looked at him with her cheeky tiger eyes. She will never have enough of him! Sarcos turned on top of her and took her again. Gently as a sweet dream this time. Sienna felt so loved. Only her soft moans were piercing the love in the air. Sienna drifted asleep tired in Sarcos's arms. When she woke up, it was already early morning. The sun was just coming up. Sarcos hugged her tightly. "Stay with me a bit more."

Sienna wiggled."I'm sticky, I need to wash. Is there any river near?"

Sarcos nodded," Let's go for a swim."Sienna looked at him with excitement. She did not go swimming with Sarcos in the river yet.

Sienna took a big folded towel and clean tunic and strode after Sarcos, who slid out with her from his tent. Sarcos led her to the forests around. The river stream was just around its edges, but Sarcos wanted to take her deeper."Come here!"He picked her up like a doll in his arms and strode at a fast speed towards the beautiful waterfall. Sienna smiled." It was truly beautiful." she thought.

Sienna slipped into the chilling water. She enjoyed the bath next to Sarcos. He hugged her naked body and Sienna wrapped her legs around his waist instinctively. She kissed him gently and lost count of place and time again.

The huge spider web fell on both of them suddenly. It was soft and sticky and Sienna shrieked and buried her head in his chest.

Sarcos looked calm."Take a breath!"He told her. Sienna did as he said. Sarcos held her tight and dived under the water. He dragged her behind him under the waterfall. He hid her behind the rocks and falling water and went to have a look at who disturbed them. Four spider warriors scouts were searching for their bodies when a huge scorpion appeared at the waterfall.

"The war is over!" Sarcos said to scouts. " Go back to the city. You have a new king now. It is Samuel, the former guard."

The spiders stared at him in shock."Is that thru?"

Sarcos nodded ."Go now and see for yourself. Next time you see me, stay out of my way. Don't you dare to throw the web on my queen again or I squash you to mush."

The spiders stared at his golden pincer." It is king Sarcos, he surely told us the thru. The queen is here, you saw the golden hair. The war must be over then. Let's go." they whispered between themselves. They pulled the spider web away and backed off to the city.

Sarcos changed to human form and went to pick up Sienna."Let's go, my love is..."He looked at Sienna who sit like a little sad puppy." I just got my days." She whispered and looked at him tragically.

Sarcos smiled and pet her wet hair."Does it hurt a lot?"

Sienna nodded."A bit. And it bleeds a lot."Sienna sighed."I can't go like this. I need some pads and underwear."

Sarcos nodded."Have no worry. I take care of it. Wait here, my love."Sarcos brought a towel to Sienna and covered her up. Then he took a whistle from his clothes. It was one of those ultrasound whistles, so Sienna hear only a soft noise. But all dogs in Sarcos army camp start barking. Voltoire heard the sound."King Sarcos needs me."He changed to a vulture and flew to the sound. He was with Sarcos in a few minutes.

Sarcos stood dressed in an Egyptian-like short skirt at the waterfall, Sienna was nowhere to be seen, but Voltoire could smell an alluring scent in the air. "Go get me a little wooden box with a golden lotus flower on the lid, from my tent! Be quick," Sarcos ordered him, even before he landed. Voltoire screeched and went.

He went to Sarcos's tent with Sid and found the chest. Sid opened it, it was full of some tiny woman's clothes and cotton pads. Sid and Voltoire blushed. They close the chest immediately." Go quick, and take some more towels and clean dress as well, "Sid packed a bag for Sienna.

Voltoire was back with Sarcos shortly, he gave Sarcos the chest, all red in the face and went back to the camp. Sarcos took the chest and went to pick up Sienna. She looked at him hopefully. "I have everything for you," he said gently. And took her out from the waterfall. He had knickers for her, pads, a towel and a new dress. Sienna smiled in relief and got ready. Sarcos was just so perfect.

After she was dressed up. Sarcos picked her up in his arms." I carry you, my love." He was so gentle and caring that Sienna wanted to cry again. She was indeed very emotional at this time of the month.

Sarcos carried Sienna up all the way back to his camp."I will need to send you now my love."Sienna nodded and kissed his cheek. Sarcos called the eagle soldiers to take Sienna to Sand City. "Go rest my love."Sienna nodded and kissed him deeply."I love you so much Sarcos."The eagles rise high to the sky with her. Sarcos sighted. He had to send her faster than he wanted because the sweet scent of her in this state will drive his soldiers crazy.
