The secret of the golden hair

Sarcos ordered his generals to move all armies back to Sand City. The war was over. Sienna was safe in Sand City. King Thurssa, Mehrat, immortals and madame were buried in their tombs. King Samuel was set up, Silver City was set up, and it all seemed good, but Sarcos got the nagging feeling something is wrong. Sarcos could not get rid of it, so he decided to walk the Spider Castle again and check everything one more time.

On his way around the castle, he came to the pool, where he burned the king. He looked at it and it was spotlessly clean. Then a soft shine caught his eyes. Sienna's golden hair was on the bottom of the pool. Sarcos jumped inside and pick up the long golden hair. He held it in his palm against the sun, which peeked from the windows. It shone as pure gold.

"I got you," Sarcos whispered to himself and the look in his eyes started to change into a dark rage. He smiled darkly with a hint of sadness. He wrapped the long hair carefully around his finger. He picked a black silken square and he packed the golden hair in it. Then he straightened his strong body and took a deep breath."I need to see my queen immediately!"

Samuel saw Sarcos rushing thru the corridors, he bowed deeply, "My king Sarcos, you seem troubled."

Sarcos nodded, "I need to see my queen. Call me Voltoire."

"He is waiting for you at the Market Gate."Samuel bowed. Sarcos nodded and left. Samuel looked after him. The Scorpion King looked enraged suddenly.

Sarcos found Voltoire at the Market Gate. He looked harshly at the vulture. "Take me to the Sand City. I want to surprise the queen, where do you think is best to land to come unnoticed?"

Voltoire shook his head."In your terrace of course." Is Sarcos so loved up he could not think about it by himself?" he thought.

Voltoire took him to the Sand City fast as he could. He felt his king is angry. The dark cloud was literally seeping out of him. He was a bit worried for Sienna."My king, is getting dark, the queen is surely resting now in her state, would it be not better to wait for tomorrow?"

Sarcos shook his head."I need to see her now."

Sarcos landed at the terrace and opened door to Sienna's room. She was resting on the bed and writing a decorated letter under the light of a few candles. She lifted her head when she heard the commotion outside, but then she saw Sarcos coming thru the door, so her eyes lit up." I'm just writing you a letter." she smiled and waved the paper in the air happily."

"I hope it is a poem, you owe me at least three times more than you wrote to the Spider King. "Sarcos said a bit coldly.

Sienna blushed. "Don't talk about him, please. Now is our moment together. "

Sarcos sat next to her on the bed ."How are you feeling?"

"Still too weak, I bleed a lot. "Sienna shook her shoulders and held his hand.

"You don't need to write a letter now then. I see you are tired."He took the unfinished letter and desk for writing from her lap and put them on the table. Then he stood up and took off the light of the candles. The darkness eloped the room. Sienna stared into the dark and saw his silhouette only in the dim light of the moon.

"I came to talk to you," he sat next to her on the bed again and took her hand into his. "I read your poems you wrote to Thurssa and I like to ask you if you loved him." his voice sounded somehow painful.

Sienna looked at the dark silhouette."Well, I did not love him as I love you. I think I kind of liked him sometimes. But only when he was kind and creative and I definitely did not like that huge spider."

"Are you scared of spiders?"Sarcos asked gently.

"You know I am. Sharchan and Tyrell told you already a long time ago."Sienna furrowed her brows.

"Yes, yes, but I meant it now. Are you still scared now?"Sarcos noted.

Sienna nodded."Yes. I still have that huge burning spider in front of my eyes, when I close them and it changes into Thurssa's dark eyes. It is hard to forget."

Sarcos nodded and stared at her thinking for a while.

"You are so beautiful," Sarcos ran his hand on her cheek." So beautiful liar!" his eyes went angry with rage. Sienna could feel he is piercing her soul even in the dark. "How can you lie in poems like this? Are you lying to me now as well, or did you feel something more for the late king? I do know everything that happened between you and him. Every little word!" Sarcos's voice sounded different. The softness of his love was gone and he squeezed her hand tightly like a drowning man.

Sienna felt threatened."I was thinking we talked about this already. What is wrong my love?"

"Love? You dare to call me love after you wrote love poems to another king?" he was raging next to her.

"You said, you love me no matter what, "Sienna said. "It is the rule of this world, that I can love more kings. I was just trying to survive till you come for me. The will to keep alive is sometimes the greatest inspiration in the world."Sienna whispered.

"Is it so?"Sarcos suddenly pinned both of her hands strongly over her head. She felt his hot breath near her cheek. It did not feel sweet, she felt pure anger from him. She was really confused by his actions. "So tell me now, my little queen, does this inspire you? I want my poem now!"Sarcos ordered her in a raspy tone.

Sienna's heart froze in pain." What happened to Sarcos? Why he is so angry? Did that late king concubines made up something about her?" she thought fast. She could not even see his eyes, she just felt how painfully he is staring at her. His aura was cold and powerful. She felt betrayed and scared. The feeling of danger from Thurssa's Castle overcome her again and the poem just came to her mind.

She took a deep breath and opened her lips to recite softly:

"My faithful king, your eyes are piercing my heart as a dagger full of poison. I dare not to raise your wrath. Who strongest is then the victorious scorpion coming home from the war. As Trojan queen, I beg for your forgiveness as I did not mean to offend you in any way but to preserve myself for you at the price of the words from my heart. They had to be set free to please the mind of danger to stall the time for you. You are the king of my heart, holding the victory sword high over the cities of enemies, you the one I call at night to be held in your arms, to hear the words of your mouth and breath of the warrior king to become mine."

Sarcos listen to her words and looked at her beautiful face in the dark. What a sight to behold. His eyes soften a bit. He let her arms free and he embraced her pressing her down to the cushion in the darkness and said. "I believe you, my queen. But I'm warning you as well, don't fight kings in the future. You almost got killed this time. If any king will claim you, is your mate's fault, not yours. Is mine, Tyrell's and Sharchan's fault." He traced the lines of her profile, going from her forehead over the bridge of her nose to her full lips down to her breasts. "I'm just pleased you are mine again."

"Are you no more upset with me?"Sienna asked with a bit of worry in her voice, she try to see his face, but only his dark shadow was visible.

"I never was. I like to play theatre sometimes too." He smiled somewhat sadly. He embraced her waist and kissed her forehead."Anyway, this poem was lovely too. You made me feel like a master of the world. Now I have to become one to meet your expectations."

"No, just stay next to me always," Sienna smiled faintly in relief, she was still shaken.

Sarcos put his hand on her eyes."Go sleep now, my little queen. I will be back with you when you feel better. I have a few more things to do in the Silver City before I leave it to Samuel."

Sienna felt the hand on her eyes and relaxed. Sarcos looked at her peaceful face. "I will see you soon my queen." He sighed and went out on the terrace, where Voltoire was waiting. Voltoire heard everything and Sarcos did not mind.

Voltoire was frozen when he heard freezing Sarcos's voice with Sienna. Voltoire did not understand, why Sarcos was so cold and angry at all.

On the way back to Silver City Voltoire could not hold his peace anymore."My king, Voltoire said carefully."You mistreated the queen, she did not deserve this theatre play. Given her sensitive state, she must be really upset right now."

" I just wanted to hear that poetry coming from the will to survive. It is pretty good." Sarcos said thinking. Voltoire shook his head. What is wrong with him?"

In the middle of the night, Sienna opened her eyes abruptly. Something was wrong with Sarcos. She felt scared of him suddenly. A weird feeling of doubt came to her. Sienna sighed. She felt guilty and sad. "What if Sharchan and Tyrell will be upset with me too? Why had Sarcos played with me like this? Does he still love me?"The feeling of desperation overcome her. She sighed and tears went down her cheeks. Sienna wept and let the darkness pass out of her body.

Leander who was also listening outside her door on guard felt wrong. His king seemed really upset with the queen, but he did not know what happened in the Silver City. He listened to Sienna's weeps till early morning and then he could not handle it anymore. It drove him crazy." Call Lord Ziran," he asked the closest passing soldier.