The scorpion awoke

In the late afternoon, Adenou awoke from a sweet dream and saw Sienna is not there. He dressed and went out of the room." Where is the queen?" he asked Ziran, who stood guarding the next door in the corridor. Ziran locked up his eyes in his. He could see the difference now." She sleeps here in Sarcos's room, "he narrowed his eyes." How I'm to call you?" Ziran was still suspicious.

"Call me Sarcos. Only the queen can know my real name. I do have his body, so we don't want to confuse the people."

Ziran nodded."I'm Ziran, Sienna's personal bodyguard."

Adenou nodded."Sienna surely needs a guard with her."Adenou entered the room and found Sienna sleeping soundly. He kissed her forehead and left.

Ziran stopped him."Come, I will show you king Sarcos's, Right-Hand man. His name is Rem. He will be helping with state affairs, so you can spend some time with the queen and get used to around here."

Adenou nodded."It looks like my queen has everyone around her little finger and her decision goes."

Ziran nodded."Everyone loves her here, so we do as she says. She decided to accept you, and so did we."

Adenou felt good. This takeover went much smoother than he imagined.

Rem looked at his new king with a painful expression, but he did not let him feel as if he know. Ziran left Adenou with him and went back to Sienna's door to guard.

Adenou looked at young Rem with interest. "You know that I'm not truly king Sarcos." Rem nodded. "Well, now you are. And I will be helping you with the state matters as always."

"Why would a mighty Scorpion King have such a young advisor and Right-Hand?"Adenou asked curiously.

"He values perseverance. He announced a mission and I brought him back the queen."Rem noted.

"So, it was you who snatched her for him, how interesting. And how does queen treat you?"

"Always kindly, she wanted to meet my king anyway."Rem replied.

Adenou nodded his head." Well, Sienna is always kind to others, so that is not something unusual." he thought. "As a Right-Hand man, you should know everything that happens in the castle?" he asked him.

Rem nodded.

"So tell me, why is the queen sleeping in a different room and not in her own room?"Adenou asked Rem.

"King Tyrell, brought her there because he did not want to disturb you."Rem said.

"And where was king Tyrell with the queen before?"Adenou asked.

"King Tyrell and king Sharchan met the queen in the garden. King Sharchan took the queen on his shoulders to your laboratory my king." Rem noted.

"Take me there," asked Adenou. Rem nodded and led the new king thru the maze of corridors down. He opened the huge door and went inside with the king.

Adenou saw full rooms of weapons and potions till they came to a room where was the cushion seating area and the sweet scent of mating hit his nose."They took her here to mate ?"Adenou said coldly in surprise.

Rem nodded."Look like. Well, you spend time with the queen here sometimes too my king."Rem said. Adenou looked at him and smiled with the sweet idea."Bring me the queen." Rem nodded and left. Rem brought sleeping Sienna down to him and left. Adenou put her onto soft pillows and kissed her slowly. "Wake up, Sienna."Sienna stretch her arms."I'm so tired."

"What you were doing with Tyrell and Sharchan?" Adenou asked her a bit sternly.

"They took me to mate..." she whispered with closed eyes.

'Well, I want to mate here too." He said and start taking off her sheer nightgown.

Sienna wiggled."Give me some water first, please, "she whispered. Adenou got the jug from the low table. He put the water in the crystal cup and placed it to her lips.

Sienna had a drink and fell back to cushions heavily." All yours!" She whispered.

Adenou licked his lips. "I hope Tyrell and Sharchan enjoyed their mating with you because it was their last time." he thought darkly. He got a strong feeling about possessing Sienna by himself.

Adenou lay on Sienna's body and took her gently like in a sweet dream. He felt she is all surrendered and he immensely enjoyed this new feeling of power. He felt like her body is all his. He just could not have enough of feeling her.

Ziran and Rem watch them from another secret tunnel."I'm getting so crazed up from this " Ziran sighed and looked at Rem. Rem's face was red. He was so shy to watch them."Do we have to do this? It feels so wrong."

Ziran nodded."King Sharchan's order. We need to watch the queen with Sarcos at all times, till Sarcos's soul comes back."

Meanwhile, Sharchan went thru the old books in his grotto, but could not find anything helpful. "Any other ideas?"Tyrell asked him."We need some advice, let's go to Crystal City. I might know someone who might help us."

Tyrell and Sharchan went to the old goldsmith. The old man bowed in front of two kings." How I might be of service?" he asked.

"We need advice with the secret matter," said Sharchan. The goldsmith nodded. Sharchan told him what happened with Sarcos.

The goldsmith looked worried. "This is indeed dangerous. The Scorpion King must be immensely strong to be able to do this. He is keeping two souls in his body. He has to let the other one act to keep him contained.

Then the goldsmith went to look for something and came back with a single yellow dried flower. He placed it inside of a small golden charm with smallish holes inside. "Put this flower under his nose when Adenou sleeps for a moment. One sniff is enough. Sarcos's scorpion will be brought out at night if you gave him this. The scorpion will bear true Sarcos's soul. He needs to go hunt a lot to preserve his inner strength. If he is not hunting, the scorpion will starve and die. Good, you came to me." he nodded his head. Sharchan and Tyrell gave him each a packet of gold."Just a little appreciation, we will send you more tomorrow. "Thank you, my kings, I'm happy to help." the goldsmith bowed.

Sharchan and Tyrell rushed back to Sand City. Sharchan gave the flower to Rem. "Your king's life is depending on this."Rem nodded."I will do as you said."

Sharchan looked at the sky. "Is almost nightfall, where is Adenou?"

"He is sleeping with the queen in the laboratory. He wanted to mate there as well."

Sharchan nodded."Let's try it out then."

Rem, Sharchan and Tyrell sneaked inside the laboratory. Adenou was sleeping next to Sienna, holding her tight in his embrace. Rem put the flower under his nose for a moment. Adenou suddenly turned away from Sienna and started to change into a huge scorpion. It was good that Sarcos have only big rooms in all his castle, otherwise, he will not fit in his scorpion size. He designed his place, so he was able to go around as a scorpion as well.

The big Scorpion stretched his legs and pincers. Sharchan, Tyrell and Rem stared. Sienna was sleeping.

"Well, finally you are out!"Sharchan noted a bit angrily."What a stupid idea to give up your body."

"We were so worried about you!" said Tyrell."And Sienna as well, she had to accept Adenou in your place."

"Thank you, for bringing me out," said Sarcos.

"Did you know, you can die of starvation?"Sharchan asked him.

"If I don't contain him, he would take another body, kill the owner and go after Sienna. Most likely it will be a spider body. Sienna fears spiders, so he will surely hurt her. Like this, he can mate her and it is still me. I can see and hear everything. I'm going thru his memories to find out who he is, but they seemed to be wiped out, so I need to search his unconscious mind. Adenou is only half of his name, it seems he was forced to forget the rest of it. It is linked to his original tribe. If I find it, I will be able to make a plan for how to contain him better. He is too powerful immortal to be placed in the crystal."Sarcos explained hurriedly.

Sharchan and Tyrell listened."My king, let's go hunt, the night is going fast."Rem reminded him.

Sarcos nodded."Let's go together, Ziran will watch the queen."

Sarcos went to talk to his armies first. He called to assemble his armies at night and addressed his men."For now, till I tell you otherwise you listen to me only in my scorpion form. If you see me in my human form, just be polite and keep out of my way."

The armies and generals nodded. Sarcos took his generals to the commanding tent to explain in detail for them."I'm fighting a powerful immortal. I needed to contain him in my body. His name is Adenou. He was a spider king before. He can use my body in the human form, the only difference is in my eyes. There will be no flaming scorpion in them, they will be just dark." The generals look at him worriedly."I will try to keep everything normal, my queen is entertaining the immortal during the day. Rem will be managing the kingdom matters during the day. Any other issues I will solve during the night. Also, Rem, Lord Ziran, King Tyrell, King Sharchan or my queen will have the right to order my army in my absence during the day."Sarcos noted.

Generals nodded. They appreciated their king. He was straightforward, fair, generous and always on their side.

Then Sarcos lead his men to hunt. Sharchan, Tyrell and Rem joined him. Sarcos killed two gazels from the desert Oasis and ate hungrily, he did not feed the scorpion for a long time. Sharchan and Tyrell brought two killed deers each. They gave Sarcos one deer each. "You need to eat extra, the goldsmith said, "Sharchan noted."To keep your inner strength, "added Tyrell.

Sarcos smiled, "It was good to have them as his brothers. He did not feel like fighting the immortal by himself anymore."

"Thank you." he nodded.

"Well, we want you back soon as possible," said Sharchan.

"Adenou is a bit unreasonable and I feel like he wants to occupy the queen by himself, "Tyrell noted.

"Anyway, it doesn't seem right, he is using your body."Sharchan shook his head.

Sharchan and Tyrell bicker with Sarcos till they come back to Scorpion Castle almost at twilight. Sarcos with Rem went back to the laboratory and Sharchan and Tyrell went to sleep for a bit in the guest room.

Sienna missed Sarcos's warm body next to her and woke up. She opened her eyes and saw a huge Scorpion coming back with Rem." Sarcos" she spring out of the cushions and hugged his hard pincer."I knew you are still inside."She kissed it and put the finger on her mouth. Then she lay down on the cushions obediently with a happy smile on her lips. The huge scorpion told her."Sienna, just do everything Adenou wants. Try to find out more about him. I need to find his original tribe and his full name. I'm so sorry to trouble you so much. Just know I love you forever, you are my life. "

" I love you," Sienna whispered and watch how huge Scorpion changed to unconsciously sleeping Sarcos in human form. Rem put Sarcos's heavy body next to her and left. Sienna hugged it and went back to sleep with a serene smile on her lips. Rem admired the queen. Sarcos told him, she felt him straight away.