The punishment

In the morning Adenou was raging. He woke up excitedly very early to see his new concubines and the guest room was empty again. He found out from Rem, that queen gave them to the men in the city as mates again. He strode in long steps back to Sienna's room and woke her up."Why did you give away my new females again?" he asked upset.

"They were not pretty enough! " Sienna shook her head."You deserve better. Your concubines should be more pretty than me." she smiled gently. Adenou looked harshly at her and left. He asked Rem to meet her mates.

Adenou met up with Tyrell and Shatchan in the gardens. " I like to discuss the queen. She seems too willful and does not obey how she should."Adenou looked at Sharchan because he knew he is more controlling than Tyrell.

"She is just being herself, she mostly listens to me." Sharchan shooked his shoulders.

"Sienna did not listen to you eighter. I was the Spider King before and she refused me. Did not you tell her not to fight kings?" Adenou smiled victoriously.

Sharchan looked at him."Well, you must be really unbearable then, but you are right, she should not fight you."

Adenou nodded, "My spider almost killed her on the spot, thankfully Sarcos saved her and destroyed that spider's body. My immortal soul hid in Sienna's hair and then Sarcos graciously let me take over his strong body, " he smiled sinisterly."So do you still think you should not punish the queen? She disobeyed us both!"

"What do you suggest? Just say it straight!" said Sharchan. He did not like the way Adenou was talking at all and started to worry about Sienna a lot. He knew she freed the concubines because Sarcos did not want them.

"Let's make a room full of spiders, if she does not listen we lock her in, "Adenou said coldly.

"No!" said Tyrell, "She will start hating us and she might get hurt trying to escape."

"Never!"Sharchan nodded. "Sienna is not a timid queen, she is not from here. She is used to being free. If you keep her locked, she will run. If you scare her, she will run. If you love her, she stays."Sharchan said. He did not like the idea of Adenou bullying Sienna, because that was his job and even he found the spider idea too brutal.

" Well, I see you learned from your golden cage lesson, but I'm not real Sarcos. I don't mind if she got punished a bit. She is too wild."Adenou said nonchalantly.

Sharchan looked at him with raging wild eyes ."If you want her to hate you, don't be her mate and get out of Sarcos's body."

"You will dare to cross me Sharchan?" Adenou looked at him satirically.

" Yes," said the snake."I'm jealous and overbearing but I never scare my mate again."

Tyrell nodded," I agree with Sharchan. Sienna is too sensitive to be treated harshly. If you really love her you will never do that."

"Well, if you do not agree with me, you can leave. I have no more need for you anyway."Said Adenou. "I'm keeping the queen for myself."

"We see for how long!" Sharchan smiled in his mind. Sharchan and Tyrell left the Scorpion Castle, so Sienna have a place to go when she run and they also did not want to provoke Adenou for her sake as well. Sienna watched in surprise how they left the castle gate and waved her farewell. Ziran noticed something is off, so he searched them out a bit later.

Sharchan and Tyrell stayed in the Sand City Watch Tower in secret."Watch my queen as an eagle..."Sharchan said to Ziran. "He wants to punish her by locking her in the room full of spiders, just make sure to help her."

Ziran's eyes were crazy in a rage. He wanted to kill Adenau for this, but it was Sarcos's body, they needed it to be okay. "The biggest problem is that Adenou is the strongest and immortal. "Ziran sighed and sneaked back into the castle.

Sienna was sad Tyrell and Sharchan left."Something must happen."She sighed. "They probably fell out, because Adenou wants to punish me."She knew something unpleasant is coming. She bit her lips and waited for Adenou with a loudly beating heart.

She went to sit in the garden gazebo and ate some snacks, but it was hard because her stomach was small from being nervous a bit. She opened the little table and took the chess pieces out. She watched the carved figures and place them on the wooden chess board. She took the kings, the queen and the archer, horses and the towers. She took the black figures first because they seemed more pretty to her. They were carved from expensive black wood and felt luxurious.

"Tyrell is my tower, Sharchan is my archer, Sarcos is my king, Ziran is my horse and Leander is the soldier, Voltoire is my soldier, but he was a horse before," she whispered to herself and placed the black figures on the board neatly. The queen is next to the white king now on the black side."Adenou is my white king."She sighed. Then she stood the white king on top of the black king." The strongest kings are one."How to play this game?"She sighed.

Sienna was in the garden all day, then she went to refresh back to her room and she was looking for paper to do some drawing, when Adenou came in.

"Adenou, what happened?" she asked him sweetly. "Why Tyrell and Sharchan left?"

"Nothing, they just wanted to give us some privacy, so we can mate."He kissed her deeply and put her on the bed. Sienna's heart flinched, but she smiled and hugged him. She wanted to feel at least Sarcos's body. She felt a bit lonely, and she knew something is going on. Adenou took Sienna gently, she felt somehow vulnerable and he enjoyed being the one in the power. He felt she craved the comfort from him. He decided to give it to her before he will punish her.

Adenou finished mating with Sienna. They rested till the sky started to darken. Sienna got her head on his hard muscular shoulder and felt a bit sad. She was expecting him to do something. She knew he will keep his word, but he was a bit unpredictable in his ways.

Adenou looked at the beautiful queen resting on his shoulder. Her long eyelashes and swollen pink lips. His hand glided down her waist feeling the soft skin. Sienna opened her eyes.

"Get dressed! I have a surprise for you." He told her.

Sienna bit her lips," Here we go! That will be nothing good."She thought."I wish he would not mate with me just now."She sighed in her mind. "It will just hurt my heart even more, but what do I expect, he is not Sarcos."She shook her head and went to the bathroom to get ready. She dress up in a warm red velvet dress because she did not know, where are they going.

Adenou signed Leander, who was at the doors to follow them. He led Sienna to another room, down the corridors, carrying a small cotton bag. The room was very simple, it was just for storage, full of empty crystal bottles and glass containers stocked neatly on the big shelves. It was only a simple wooden bed in there and nothing else reminded her of a room. Adenou decided on this room, because he found out from Rem, that Sarcos did not have any dungeons. Sand City was rich, everyone knew their place and everyone obeyed him or was chased away, so he used all space for storage or his laboratory.

Adenou looked at sad Sienna. She stood there clenched into his arm looking into the dark room and biting her lips nervously. Adenou took a torch from the wall and took her inside. She stood in the room looking at him.

"Here is your punishment." He opened the small cotton bag and threw five huge spiders near Sienna's feet. They were big as her palm. Sienna shrieked in horror and jump up on the bed like a startled cat. She looked at him in disbelief, holding her hands over her mouth, watching the direction, where the spiders are going.

Adenou's lips curled up." She is definitely scared of spiders."He nodded satisfied in his head. "That is why she was refusing me before." he thought.

"This is just a little warning, if you keep being disobedient it will be more spiders in the future, "Adenou said coldly piercing his abyss eyes into her blue ones.

Sienna's eyes were tearful.

"Why you are doing this? I thought you loved me."Sienna sobbed with a shaking body.

Adenou nodded."I do. But you are too willful. You need to learn you can be punished too. I told you not to cross me."He said with a smirk.

"This is not love. You just like my body and my poems."Sienna was raging suddenly. She knew that anyway but was scared of being alone with spiders in the room, so she tried to stall a bit, to give him a chance to change his mind hopefully.

"You are a female, that means you have to listen to me. We will talk tomorrow," he took the torch with him and closed the door. Sienna stood in the darkness. The spiders were getting bigger and bigger in her mind. She felt like getting crazy.

Adenou locked the room and told Leander had to guard the door. "No one is allowed inside." he looked at him harshly. Leander heard the queen scream in terror. She was really scared. He started to despise Adenou for this. Leander liked the queen and knew Sarcos loved her deeply. He started to appreciate Sarcos even more now when he saw how petty can Adenou be."King Sarcos will never do this. It is not action worthy of a Scorpion King."Leander noted.

Adenou slapped his face hard."When you will be the king, then you do what you want!"

Leander smiled." You slapped my face as a little girl. You should do more training my king."

Adenou punched him so hard, that Leander flew to the wall." Was it better?" Adenou asked with a grin.

"So much better my king." Leander nodded. He started to feel a bit more man now when he stood up for Sienna and understood why Lord Ziran will give up his life for her. It felt like freedom.

Sienna could not see the spiders in the room, because it was pitch dark outside. She could not get out of the window eighter because it was too high. She was still standing on the bed. She started stomping with her feet and screamed like crazy. She heard that spiders don't like loud noises and vibrations and hoped they will keep away from her. It was too much for her. She started to resent Adenou a lot. She felt so angry at him and wanted just to run away from everything." I need Sarcos back fast!"

Ziran sneaked in thru the windows. He heard Sienna's screams and was enraged. Sienna was stamping at the bed with a crying face. It was too dark for her and she flinched as she felt someone come thru the window." Who is it? " she whispered."Ziran," the answer came."I can't sleep because of your screaming. What is going on? I do not see anyone here." the burly tiger scanned the room.

"Help me, they are five huge spiders, " Sienna sobbed. Ziran could see well at night. He picked the spiders out and locked them inside the big jars. "I did lock them in the jars, "he said to her.

"Thank you Ziran, you got all five?" Sienna whispered.

" I got six, five big ones and one small one. You are safe now my little queen." he laughed brutishly.

Sienna sighed in relief. Ziran looked at her but Sienna saw nothing."Don't touch me till you wash your hands." She told him.

"Anything for you my queen."Ziran nodded.

"Come closer and give me your cheek," Sienna whispered. She felt the big black mass move closer to her. She leaned forward but Ziran was too slow to turn his face and Sienna planted a slow kiss on his lips instead in the darkness. She froze a bit when she felt it is his lips, but it was too late anyway, so she just continued the kiss. She kept her lips pressed to his ones for a moment. It was nice to feel someone familiar. Ziran felt her lips and feel the wave of pleasure pass thru his body. He felt her soul and his mind blacked out for a moment. Sienna broke the kiss and looked at him in the dark."You are my hero today."

Ziran blushed, "So little to gain the queen's favour." he thought."Have no worries, I'm keeping my eyes on you." he said brutishly. He still felt a bit shaken from that kiss, so he tried to hide it from her. Sienna nodded."Be careful. He is more ruthless than any of my mates."

Ziran nodded."I will."

Leander heard them talking and smiled cheekily."Lord Ziran will never disappoint the queen." He decided to pretend he did not hear anything, he was glad Ziran help her.

Adenou looked at his empty bedroom."If Sienna listens better, I can mate with her right now!"He had a strong urge to get her but was fighting it. He was a bit upset with himself. He should punish her when his harem is done!

Sarcos's soul inside of him saw Sienna's scared face and was raging. Straight as Rem woke the scorpion, Sarcos ran to Sienna first. Leander let the huge scorpion pass and bowed to his king. Sarcos barged into the room and saw Sienna sleeping, sweetly."Rem, find that spiders!" Rem looked around. "They are locked inside of the glass jars. Lord Ziran did it." Rem smiled as he noticed the familiar scent of the burly tiger.

"Let the bloody spiders go outside and change them to butterflies," Sarcos ordered. Rem did as he was told. While they hunted, they looked for sleeping butterflies for Sienna. Sarcos told Rem to put them in that jars. Sarcos's scorpion stared at sleeping Sienna longingly. He missed her so much. He also ordered Rem to bring a bowl of fresh fruit, water, snacks and a bunch of roses to her room. Then Sarcos went back to bed.

Morning Sienna saw the beautiful butterfly in the jars." Sarcos, "she smiled. She saw bowls of food and she felt warm in her heart. He still watched over her!

Sienna ate the food hungrily. She was too busy to eat lately. She looked at the lovely roses and made a flower crown for her head. She looked even more alluring. She looked into the little shiny pot instead of the mirror and smiled.

Morning Adenou went to check her up."I hope you will be more pliable today." he said with a gentle tone. He was expecting her to run to him after a sleepless night full of horror. Sienna was looking out of the window. She looked fresh and alluring. She was having jars with butterflies next to her and she was letting them fly free. She turned her head with a smile."Good morning."She let the last butterfly out of the window.

"How you did that?" Adenou wondered.

Sienna shooked her shoulders." It was you, you pretend to put spiders in my room but it was actually butterflies, you fooled me. I knew you can't be so cruel to me." she smiled sweetly.

"Where did you get the roses?" He asked curiously." From you of course, "she smiled sweetly.

Adenou felt confused. He shook his head."Still not respectfully enough, but is no point in holding her here anymore." he thought."You can go to your room now and Sid will take you to the gardens for lunch."

Sienna shook her shoulders, she started to be fed up. Adenou was going too far.