The Dark Eagle King

The Dark Eagle King Aiden looked at Sarcos-Adenou curiously."You changed my friend. Something is different about your eyes."He noticed Sarcos's eyes are missing their sparkle and the flaming scorpion is nowhere to be seen. His eyes were black as an abyss.

Adenou nodded."The patience for annoying kings evaporated from them. Why did you come, king Aiden?"

Adenou was a bit rude, he did not deal officially with many kings before, only with Sarcos really, so diplomacy was a weird word to him. He felt invincible in Sarcos's body, so he treated everyone as his servant.

"Just a well-wish visit, to congratulate you on getting your queen back and the shiny victory. I heard you did not lose any soldiers and appeared magically inside of Spider Castle."Aiden said approvingly.

Sarcos- Adenou nodded. "And?"

"Can you do some magic for us?"Aiden asked with flaming eyes.

"I'm not your clown!" said Adenou. He was a bit annoyed, he had to waste his time with Aiden. It was Sarcos's friend, not his and pretending with strangers, was also not Adenou's strongest side.

"Well, you don't seem to be friendly to us eighter," Aiden said, he was sure something is definitely off with Sarcos, but could not pinpoint what it was.

"Why would you think that?"Adenou furrowed his brows sarcastically.

"Well, why you are using bird traps then?"Aiden pointed his finger up.

"Only over my gardens, for my queen's sake."Adenou nodded.

"Show us your queen then or are you scared of us? I heard she is more beautiful than the mermaids." Aiden provoked him a little. He wanted to see the golden-haired female again.

"She will be coming shortly," Adenou nodded his head.

Dark Eagle King bowed his head a little with a cheeky smile. He could not wait to see her again.

"May I give a gift to your queen?" he asked politely.

"No, she is not allowed gifts from other men." Adenou shook his head.

"Ow, you are very strict king Sarcos, it is just a bunch of flowers, " Aiden smiled, " She will surely like it."

"My queen does as I say and she will like what I say to her to like, "Adenou replied nonchalantly.

Aiden nodded."Aw, is she your queen or your slave?"

"She just loves me so much she will do everything for me." Adenou, signed the guards to let Sienna in.

Sienna came clenched into Lord Ziran's arm. Ziran scanned the bird warrior's faces in the second."The Dark Eagle King is too much interested in you, be very careful, he is dangerous," Ziran whispered to Sienna. Adenou send Ziran away, straight as he brought Sienna to him. He could not stand him lately, because the burly tiger reminded him of Tyrell.

Sienna sat at Adenou's feet. Her long blue silken gown was draped around her curves and she looked like a beautiful vision. Her long golden hair were framing her face and cascading down her waist. Her blue eyes looked around curiously. She had something strong in them, even though she looked so docile next to Adenou. The eagle warriors gulped. She was definitely more pretty than the mermaids!

Sienna looked at the Dark Eagle King. He got long dark black hair, falling on his shoulders. His skin was looking like dark tanned leather. His eyes were red as a ruby stone and his nose was sharp and straight. He looked handsome but dangerous and cruel. "If he lives in my old world, he could be a great villain actor," she thought."How is it most warriors are handsome here?" She thought.

Aiden came closer to Sienna, " My queen, you are so enchanting.." his red eyes glittered as he locked them in Sienna's blue ones."We came from afar, my land is magical, I will be honoured to show it to you."

"Thank you, king Aiden, but I'm not allowed to leave my king's side."She smiled gently at him. "Not even for a little dance?" he offered her his hand. Sienna looked at Adenou. He was a bit annoyed and a bit bored. He was upset there are no Mademoiselles to entertain the guests and him. Adenou shook his head, "No, that be hardly fair to your warriors, instead, the queen will dance for all of us!"

Adenou lifted his goblet with vine, he missed his dancing concubines. "Sienna let them go, so she can dance instead of them..." Adenou smiled in his mind. Aiden was really surprised. He would never expect Sarcos to do this.

Sarcos's soul was really upset, he will never let these beasts watch his queen dance, but he was still interested, in what Sienna will do. The eagle warriors formed a half circle. The soft music started to play and Adenou nudged Sienna with his feet to go dance.

Sienna stood up and leaned toward Adenou. "For you my king," she smiled and bowed lightly. She decided to dance so seductively, that he will never let her dance in front of others ever again! She grabbed a soft veil from her shoulders and went slowly to the middle of the half circle with a serene smile on her lips. She thought of Sarcos and she will pretend to dance for him in the bedroom! Her lips opened seductively and her eyes shone bright like tigers one. The music started to play faster and Sienna danced wildly, she was using the most seductive belly-dance moves and her face looked smiling and ethereal, she mesmerized everyone. The warrior's eyes were plastered on her dancing body and pretty face.

Adenou was watching her jealously. She was so alluring, that he wanted to drag her to his bed straight away. He felt like he could even take her on the floor if everyone was not watching in trance. Sienna smiled and licked her lips. "I will show him, to nudge me with his feet like a dog!" She danced between the warriors shaking her hips and moving her arms seductively. The Dark Eagle King swallowed hard. "She was so innocent at that terrace and now she dances like a wild tigress."He wanted her badly.

Adenou went finally too jealous and had enough. He bit his lips in displeasure."If I knew she dance like this it be for my eyes only." he thought. He never asked Sienna to dance for him before, so he did not know. She did only slow ethereal poem recitals before for him. This was like on the exact opposite side. This was a dance of seduction. "Stop the music, the audience is over!" Adenou ordered.

The music stopped and Sienna actually finished the dance laying on the floor. Her golden hair spread around her head as a golden veil. Adenou was thinking about what to do. He was raging inside. He decided to leave, to show Sienna he is upset. As he was passing her, laying on the floor, he expected she would stand up and follow him.

Sarcos's soul was really entertained by her dance, he noticed she did it as a little revenge and he knew she will not follow Adenou. Sarcos's body screamed to pick her up in his arms with him loudly, but Adenou tighten his lips. "She can stand up on her own!"

But Sienna did not move and stayed laying on the floor. "I'm doing only what he will tell me!"She smiled cheekily in her mind."I will be laying here till he will order me to stand up!"

"Come with me to my room!" Adenou turned back, as the guards closed the door of the Throne room when he walked out. But Sienna was not behind him. Adenou furrowed his brows. "Bring me the queen!" he ordered to the guard. The guard opened the door again, but the hall was empty. There was not a sign of the eagle warriors.

"Engage the bird traps!" Adenou ordered but it was too late. Sarcos's soul sighted from inside."My queen is gone again. At least I know Aiden will not eat her. She should be safe with him for now."

Sienna found herself in the air suddenly. She did not understand exactly what happened. She just knew she stay laying on the floor as Adenou passed by her and then she closed her eyes for a moment. A tear dropped. She missed Sarcos so badly.

Then she felt two strong arms pick her up and a gush of wind and everything around her was moving in fast motion.

She tried to move, but she found, she was tied by the waist to a back of a flying eagle."Did king Aiden king take me?"She felt weird and dizzy. She held her forehead and watched the sky. "Dark eagle was Sarcos's friend, maybe he could help me." she thought.

The eagles flew long time, till they landed in high mountains. Sienna felt how she slid on the floor in darkness. "What happened?" She asked and tried to touch around with her hands, but she could not see anything. Suddenly she felt a strong hand around her waist and a hot kiss on her lips. She tried to flinch, but the man was too strong. "Be mine..." the voice sounded in the dark...Sienna recognised the Dark Eagle King." Sarcos doesn't deserve you." he said seductively.