The dangerous king

When they arrived at the stony atrium of the huge castle, Aiden just picked Sienna on his muscular shoulder and strode fast with her thru the dark corridors. He opened a tall door from dark carved wood and let her down into the room."Wait here little tigress."He said and went away.

Sienna did not know much about Aiden, but she felt for sure he is dangerous as Ziran said to her." Why the brutish Lord Ziran has to be always right? " she raged a bit in her mind.

She had a look around the room. It was like in a dark medieval castle. Made of rough grey stones. The two windows in her room were long and so narrow, that they looked like an opening for archers shooting, not real windows. She tried to look out of them but could see only a small stripe of greenery because the angle was so steep she could not even put her head closer to the openings. But they were quite nice to sit in them, she could feel the bit of wind seeping thru and it was quite refreshing.

In the middle of the room was a big four-poster bed made from dark carved wood, it was covered in dark blue silk with embroidered golden stars. The curtains on the bed were from heavy navy blue velvet, also with golden stars. There was a small carved dark table with a mirror and a blue-painted ceramic vase with a bunch of fresh meadow flowers. They made the room smell like grass fields, which was quite pleasant. Sienna walked around and found that behind another smaller door is a simple bathroom, she rejoiced, it had a metal silvery bath, a silvery basin filled with water and even a crude toilet. Sienna looked down the toilet and could see it was high up. There was a greyish water sewer floating deep down under it.

Sienna went to wash her hands in the basin and saw there was actually a bar of soap. She smelled it and found out it was similar to one Sarcos made for her. It smelled like fresh berries." They must buy it from the scorpion tribes", she thought.

She came back to the main room, it looked like Aiden had it ready for her. "It was definitely not his bedroom. "She thought. "That is a good sign," she smiled.

Aiden was dangerous but he was not that scary to her." He is just a stronger version of Voltoire," she thought."Bit sneaky, bit cruel, bit kingish, bit lustful. He will surely not try to eat me," she smiled to herself."I should be safe, as long as I do what he says."She thought to herself. She felt a bit stupid, to be caught by another domineering king. Sharchan was so right when he told her taking a queen of someone is like a sport here.

But Aiden surely did not like Sarcos. And he was wanting to destroy Sand City. Sienna could not let him do it. She had to make a plan on how to warn them.

Aiden sit in his office and thought, that he had just come back to his castle and there were already 7 letters with ransom offers waiting for him. "The queen is surely popular."He read them and smiled. He even got two letters from Sarcos, he looked at them and smiled."It is so visible, who is the true Scorpion King..." he chuckled.

Aiden came to see Sienna. She sat on the bed and stood up as he entered the room. "I hope you find your room comfortable," He said gently. Sienna nodded."Thank you so much for taking care of me."She bowed her head a little.

Aiden nodded and he sat next to her on the bed. He looked at her with keen interest. "Tell me little tigress, which one of your mates is more rich?"

"They all are, I'm not sure, "she whispered.

"Then tell me which one gives you more gold jewellery."He asked her furrowing his brows.

"I do not like gold jewellery much. They are gifting me fabrics and dresses mostly. They all are rich." she looked hopeless, she could not answer better. Aiden nodded."You don't like wearing gold?"

"It is too heavy for me," Sienna sighted."I feel bound by it," she said innocently.

Aiden looked at her curiously and moved the hair on her shoulders away from her face. "No earrings, no necklace, no gold bracelets, no anklets, no rings." he lifted her arm." Only the mate marks in your skin." he smiled in unbelief." Yet you still look like a queen." he shook his head." She is surely telling the thru. Even her ears are not pierced." he thought and nodded. "She will be not easy to buy then if she doesn't care about the presents much." he thought.

"Come, let me show you my castle," he pulled Sienna up by her arm. She went after him obediently with a bouncing heart."Tell me, why you did not follow after Sarcos as you stopped dancing, but stayed laying on the floor?" he asked.

"Because he ordered me to do everything that he says." Sienna replied."He did not say to me to stand up and follow him."She shook her shoulders and bit her lips, still a bit upset. Aiden smiled."Good girl. If you listen to me like that, we go well together." he noted. Sienna shivered and walked next to him.

He took her thru the decorated rooms all the way to the underground of his huge castle. He opened the heavy metal door. The huge dungeon was dark and gloomy. Aiden held her hand and led her inside thru the narrow corridors. Sienna felt the horrors and desperation screaming from the shiny wet rough stone walls. The stench of blood entered her nostrils. Sienna trembled in Aiden's hand. She wished to be locked up in Sharchan's golden cage.

Aiden looked at her satisfied."How do you like my dungeons?"

"They are very scary," Sienna replied."Did you kill a lot of people here?"She whispered. She felt like she could hear the silently screaming souls of the dead.

"Not that much, only the ones who opposed me. My father killed more surely. Very, very slowly. But I'm merciful, I kill fast." he smiled.

Sienna lost all the colour from her face. She felt sick to her stomach and felt tears on the edge of her eyes. Aiden smiled."She is so sensitive." he thought."Are you afraid of pain?" he asked her darkly.

Sienna nodded, she could not speak, because she was holding up her tears. Aiden smiled. He looked at her with his ruby red eyes gently."You will be doing what I will tell you."

Sienna nodded. She was scared he will lock her up there. Aiden nodded in satisfaction. She will surely obey him now in everything.

He led her out of the dungeon. Sienna sighed in relief and calmed down. She knew why he took her to the dungeons, but he could save a trip, she will obey him anyway. She knew already he is very dangerous. She was too scared to anger him.

Aiden took her up to the kitchen. There was some rice and bread ready at the long wooden table. Aiden pull out a heavily carved chair for her as a true gentleman."Eat something, little tigress." he told her and sat next to her. "Thank you."Sienna smiled at the king faintly. She was starving, so she gobbled it up quickly. Aiden looked at her with satisfaction." The hunger is the best cook." he said and poured her a drink of mint water. Sienna nodded and drank it in one go. She was so thirsty. Sienna looked into Aiden's handsome dark face. "This is the kind of dangerous king Sharchan was talking about."She thought.

"Let's go, if you are done eating," he picked Sienna's hand again and took her back to richly decorated rooms. He led her inside to one with black and marble gold decor."Do you like it?"He asked her.

"It is absolutely beautiful."Sienna smiled sweetly. She was on her best behaviour.

"Come here."He pushed her down gently to sit on the bed and he sat next to her. Sienna obliged. She did not dare to move.

Aiden run his finger on her cheek," So beautiful," he kissed her other cheek. Then he kissed her neck slowly. Sienna bend her neck and bit her lips. She just let him do it. He was not ugly or repulsive, just utterly dangerous and domineering.She was scared he will lock her up in that dungeons.

Aiden pushed her down onto a bed firmly and look at her. Sienna gulped and breathe out. She did not dare to protest."If he will try to take me, I will close my eyes and think of Sharchan as he told me."She decided. Aiden took off his top tunic and a strong tanned muscular body was revealed. Sienna looked at him like a scared dove. "Will he try to take me like now? "she thought.

She was pretending already with Adenou, she needed to stay alive to find the way to bring Sarcos back. Aiden bend over her and started to take off her dress slowly, when a loud horn sounded thru the castle." Ah, what a business." he said annoyed. He picked up his tunic and strolled out of the door fast. Sienna sat on the bed and sighed in relief. She is saved for now. She looked around his room.

It was furnished richly with dark decadent carved furniture. There was a table with lots of drawers, cupboards with marble desks, and a bed she was sitting on with black silken covers and ruby red cushions. It reminded her of his eyes. He had paintings and a few beautiful weapons hanging on the wall. Sienna stared at the huge bow with arrows. "It will be horrible if eagles can shoot from the air. They can kill anyone they like."She gulped.

Shortly after a young guard come to pick her up politely, "Please, follow me, my queen, I will be taking you back to your chamber, the king has a business to attend." Sienna nodded and followed the young eagle back to her room. He closed the door behind her and left. Sienna looked to the windows. Outside started to get dark. Sienna quickly refresh herself till she could see a bit and lay down in the bed. She had no candles, so she was in utter darkness. She was exhausted anyway and fell asleep like a piece of wood.