Strong men

Sienna closed her eyes for a moment. She felt hot kisses on her neck and saw Tyrell's kind face in front of her eyes. She felt she wanted him badly. But just as she opened her eyes, she remembered it is actually Xander and Ramse. She was stuck between them in a daze. She shook her head and tried to sober up."I think my back must be spotless now," she breathe in deeply."Thank you, Ramse.That was really kind of you."

"Wait a bit Xander, I think I like to go out now."She stopped the passionate panther and smiled gently.

"Why?" he lifted his head and stared at her with his shiny wild panther eyes. Sienna would swear she can see smallish stars in them. They felt mesmerizing!

"I'm really hungry, I need to find something to eat before is completely dark."She whispered unsurely. Ok, she kind of liked what they were doing and fell in a daze. It was the combination of hot spring, starry night and Xander's animal magnetism. She felt relaxed and pliable, but she tried to restrain herself because she was not ready to give in yet.

"No need," said Ramse, who wanted to explore her back more."Xander can see at night and me too."

Xander looked at Ramse and nudged his head."And besides, I prepared some fruits too, we will be eating together tonight because you are spending the night with me."Ramse said extremely gently.

Sienna looked at him in a bit of unbelief and sighted."Please, Ramse, help me out."

Ramse decided to comply to make her feel safe and helped her to get out of the smelly water. Sienna dipped quickly into the nearby river with Xander to take out the stench and they went back to see Ramse. He was cooking some kind of banana bread. He mixed bananas with coarse flour and added some spices. He put the small buns on the heated rock in the fire. It smelled delicious. Sienna stared at him curiously. He looked quite interesting when he cooked. Xander was pointing a big T with his fingers behind Sienna, reminding him to pretend to be Tyrell.

Xander wanted Sienna to like Ramse too because he could not see her sad or frightened. Xander had his way with Sienna because panthers were naturally good at coaxing females. They were so gentle, caring and kind, the females will do everything they wanted. Their strong animal magnetism was luring females in and they felt lost in their deep dark sparkly eyes. Xander noticed that it is working on Sienna too, and he was using it gently to get her favour and help Ramse as well. Xander was so smooth, that she fell for him without notice. He pulled Sienna down gently to sit near the fire and help her to dry her long wet hair better.

Ramse smiled kindly and put a few buns onto banana leaves."Here, Sienna try it."He offered it to her. Sienna looked at him in a bit of surprise and took it. She tried one and it tasted sweet and fragrant." Mm, you have cinnamon? "she relish the cakes ."They are amazing."She nodded excitedly, "The best ones I ever had." she smiled.

Ramse stared at her happy expression. Something unknown moved in his heart. He felt the sweet feeling of being praised and it made him feel warm inside." She liked my cooking." he thought happily. He sat near Sienna and they ate together.

"I will go to get you some berries."Xander nudged Sienna's shoulder with his head and went. He made a big T with his fingers to remind Ramse one more time.

"What will Tyrell talk about?"Ramse thought hard." Tyrell likes Sienna the most. He will talk about her." he decided.

"Your eyes are the most beautiful blue."He looked at her sweetly. Sienna smiled faintly."Thank you, Ramse."

"Ok, she likes comments about her body," he thought. He went down with his eyes."Your lips are very pretty too. And your breasts are really big, as well," he whispered.

Sienna almost choked at his compliment."Well, thank you. I'm flattered. Is not every day you like something about me or you share. I really like it."She blushed. She preferred he was trying to be nice shabbily than his usual rude himself.

"Well is just here, in my tribe things work differently," he noted.

Sienna nodded her head."That is why I do not want to go there. But you are the king now. You can change things for the better."

"Why would I be doing that? "he asked.

"So your people are happier. For now, half of your people love you. But if you treat females better, all your people will love you."She said sweetly.

Ramse furrowed his brows."Why would I care if all people like me?"

"So you are even with other kings and not under them."Sienna smiled and played on his proudness."It will make you good at being a king."She nodded.

Ramse looked at her. He never thought of being even to other kings." Is this, why is Sharchan always looking down on him?" he thought.

"I don't know how to do that."He said.

"Just tell your people to stop beating females and to be kind to them, "Sienna noted.

"My men don't beat females, the older females do that." he scoffed.

"It is still wrong. You should forbid them to do that."Sienna said seriously.

"Are you telling me what to do?" Ramse furrowed his brows.

"It was just friendly advice."Sienna smiled.

"How can you, a female advise me? I'm a king of my tribe. The only thing you should do is to give me your body and listen to what I say."Ramse said a bit proudly.

Sienna looked at him cheekily."Do you think you will be less of a man if you hear out my advice?"

Ramse stared speechlessly.

"Do you think Tyrell is less of a man because he is nice to me? Do you know what everything I will do for him because he is so nice to me..?"Sienna said seductively.

Ramse stared at her lips like in trance, but then Sienna turned serious again.

"You imitated Tyrell quite well."Sienna smiled.

Ramse turned red."I do not need to imitate, no one."

"Why not? Learning by imitating is the best way to learn."Sienna smiled."It is definitely working on me. If you are still kind like him, I might actually like you a little bit." she pointed her finger at him.

Ramse looked at her."I prefer to be myself!"

"You are not yourself really anyway. You just act so rudely, because someone taught you to do that. It is your culture. It is not the real you. If you are raised in tiger tribes, you might behave differently."Sienna noted seriously.

Ramse looked at her."What do you mean?"

"All that bad stuff about females being servants and weak are lies. Sure they are differences between males and females, but they should help each other and not take advantage of each other weaknesses."Sienna said gently.

"So how do you help your mates?"Ramse looked at her."Far as I see, they just take care of you and keep saving you."

Sienna shook her shoulders."Because they love me. I'm not sure, what kind of help they really need, they did not ask me of anything yet."

"And why is that? They did not ask you, because they know you are weak and can't do anything. "Ramse pointed his finger at her.

"No, they did not ask me, because they are so capable and can do everything they want."Sienna said."Their tribes don't need to exploit females as servants, because they are capable. The strong man doesn't prove his strength by fighting the females or by ordering them around! He is confident in his abilities. Only weak, insecure males have to compete with females to show off, because they can't measure to strong males."

"Are you thinking my tribe is insecure and weak?"Ramse looked at her in unbelief.

"That is up to you to decide, you are the king. What do you think?"Sienna asked seriously.

Ramse just stared at her in a bit of shock.

"Weakness of the mind is like a sickness, I just told you the effects of it. Do you see them in your tribe?"Sienna said in a mesmerising voice and stood up. She just wanted to go to the smallish grotto to make her bed.

Ramse caught her hand."Where are you going?"

"To make my bed," she smiled.

"Were you mocking me before, because you think I'm weak?"Ramse asked in a raspy voice.

"I did not mean to mock you. It was just a conversation. You can't really mock strong men because they find it as a joke."She slipped out of his hand and went to the cave.

Ramse looked behind her walking figure."Do the strong men really find her words funny? Was that, why Xander was chuckling at it? Is he stronger than me then?"Ramse was left wondering.

Xander made a small fire for Sienna. Sienna made another nest to sleep in, but a bit smaller one. She was worried Ramse will try to come sleep next to her. She felt cold after she finished her nest and sat next to the fire to warm up.

Xander sat next to Sienna. She was a bit sad. She missed her mates. Ramse made her think of Tyrell. It was her weak spot. She looked at Xander thinking. "Xander is so handsome and kind. "She liked him, but he was not Tyrell.

"Why are you not smiling ?" Xander asked her and touched the ends of her lips. Xander smiled alluringly. Sienna smiled too. She felt the wave of alluring energy. "Xander has animal magnetism for sure." she thought.

"You are so cute as a panther. But you look handsome in your human form too. You should not take me so rudely before." She smiled.

Xander looked at her."I had no choice. I wanted you so badly and I was still a prince."

Sienna nodded. She felt he just wanted her. She looked into the flames. She thought of her mates again. Her lips opened softly and her face and hair shone like gold, lit by the subtle shine of the little fire.

Xander licked his lips. She was just too beautiful and the sweet moment caught him. He leapt and captured Sienna under him. She stared into his dark sparkly eyes but did not flinch. He was handsome, and the panther was so cute. She wished she could keep him as a pet. He was really kind, easy to talk to, caring and funny and most importantly she liked him.

Sienna put her hands around his neck hugging him lightly and stared at him. She smiled." Xander, what are you doing?"

Xander went for s kiss instead of a reply. He brushed her lips with his and Sienna felt they are soft and warm. He kissed her lips gently. He felt the energy raising and her body became hot. She clearly wanted to mate with him. Xander got excited.

Sienna looked at Xander." Xander, I like you, but I'm forbidden from having other mates. I can't even see Sharchan and Tyrell or the immortal in Sarcos's body will kill them. If you will became my mate now, he will surely kill you "Sienna sighed.

Xander looked at her with a longing gaze."What if I manage to take you again?" he licked his lips.

"Then I will decide again," she whispered and kissed his cheek slowly.

Xander run his hands on her waist, her back arched and he felt she wanted him as well. He kissed her forehead and pushed her head onto his shoulder." Come sleep then, my dove."He sighed. Xander was upset." He wanted to take her, but was kind of happy she liked him and try to protect him..." he was confused.

Sienna fell asleep in Xander's embrace. Ramse came back." Tonight was my turn." he furrowed his brows.

Xander nodded."Just go to her nest and I will bring her to you. Just stay in your human form, ok?"

Ramse nodded."This will be my first night ever I can hold her."Xander lowered sleeping Sienna into his embrace. Sienna was sleeping and cuddled up to the warm man's body unknowingly.

Ramse let his head fall down. It was such a strange feeling to sleep next to her. He could feel his heart beating loud. He was not sure he could sleep at all. Xander smiled."Just go sleep, I will watch tonight."

Ramse was kind of glad he is with Xander. Xander surely got his way with Sienna and she listened to him quite well. Or was he just letting her do what she wanted? He was not that sure. But he must admit pretending to be Tyrell was working quite well.