Ramse's visit at Tyrell's

The delegation of Ape warriors came to Crystal City. Sharchan was out hunting, but Tyrell was working in his office when the guard informed him about Ramse's arrival. Tyrell welcomed Ramse in his office and his warriors waited in the gardens. Tyrell ordered to give them some food. He wanted to be with Ramse alone.

Ramse looked at the burly tiger. Tyrell was a picture of strength, but his eyes seemed kind somehow.

"King Ramse," Tyrell smiled. "My queen is not here." He looked at him suspiciously.

Ramse nodded. "I came to ask you for help."

Tyrell looked curiously."Surely, I will see if I'm able to help you."

"I like to borrow an architect and artist to design a new ape city, and a few builders, carpenters, and workmen to teach my tribe to build big houses like yours!"Ramse said in one breath.

Tyrell nodded."My city is under construction, I need most of the workers. But I will try to help you. Be my guest for now, till I gather the men to go with you."

"What is your price?" asked Ramse.

"I do not have a price!" Tyrell chuckled."But you can ask my men what they will want for their help."

Ramse nodded."Tyrell is very kingish. I should learn from him too." he thought.

Tyrell locked up his blue eyes on Ramse seriously. "Thank you for buying Sienna from Aiden and taking care of her. "

Ramse nodded."Actually, I learned a lot from her. She has a way of lecturing without feeling it." he bit his lips.

Tyrell nodded.

"She lectured you too?"Ramse furrowed his brows in surprise.

Tyrell nodded."Sharchan hit most of it, due to his rude moods."

Ramse stared at Tyrell. His curiosity got better of him. He wanted to use time Tyrell talk freely." I have one peculiar question. What does Sienna do for you especially, just because you are so kind to her?" Ramse asked carefully.

Tyrell blushed red as a tomato. Only one thing she did to him come to his mind."Ahh, that is very private," he said to surprised Ape King, "but it was the best experience of my entire life." he swallowed hard at the thought of Sienna's head near his private parts.

Ramse nodded. "It must be something extremely special, to make Tyrell so blushed." he thought.

"Let's find the builders," Tyrell showed him the way out. He missed Sienna so much.

Tyrell walked around the city with Ramse and his warriors. Ramse was observing. The males were working, the females were helping a little and taking care of kids with their mates' help. But these females looked happy and relaxed, dressed in expensive clothes and smiling. It was not many of them and each had a big family with many mates.

Ramse looked at the group of strong tigers warriors gathered at Tyrell's call. They got boxes with tools."You need more tools and supplies from the blacksmith."Tyrell instructed him and led him to the burly tiger."Ramse paid in gold and the blacksmith took his order.

"And here, my best artist Arthur will be your helper in designing the city. Treat him very nice. He is a hero."Tyrell smirked at Arthur.They got a secret. Arthur smirked and nodded."I have a few ideas for your city." he turned to Ramse. He sat with him in the City Gardens and started to draw ideas on rough paper. He designed him city with 3 ways of movement, air one, where the warriors can jump arcades and move faster, land one normally on the streets and underground one.

Ramse looked at the drawing and fell in love with it.

"How would you call it?"Arthur asked Ramse.

"What about Waterfall city?" Said Ramse.

"Sounds great."Arthur nodded. "I will incorporate it into my design."

"The fabrics and furnishings you can get from Sand City. Talk to Rem.It will be from new Spider King Samuel." Tyrell came to check on the design.

"Is Sarcos with immortal not in the Sand City?" Ramse asked surprised.

Tyrell shook his head."They went to Azure City of peafowls to free Sarcos of Adenou, the immortal."

Ramse nodded in awe." Sarcos is so powerful. I need to level up s bit too." he thought."Will you spare with me, king Tyrell? "

Tyrell looked at him."No, my tiger might have the urge to kill you, because you try to take my queen all the time. And Lord Ziran is out of the city, but he might have the same urge."Then he thought a bit." But if you like to spare with someone, I can call you a fighting master, he can teach you."

Ramse nodded."Better than nothing. "He thought."I will see him tonight!"

Tyrell nodded."Feel free to have a look around my castle." he left them to continue the designing.

Ramse wandered around Tyrell's castle. It was furnished very pretty. Then he saw the door with turquoise decor. He opened the door and stood in awe."That must be Sienna's room. It was dreamy, bathing in turquoise and rainbow crystal light." The only thing it is missing is her smiling face and golden hair." Ramse thought and stood in the doors staring. Suddenly a hard punch on his shoulder interrupted his daze.

"Is missing just her, no..?"Sharchan looked at him with his wild yellow eyes.

Ramse flinched as he stared at the strong warrior. Sharchan was like a beautiful and dangerous statue.

"How is your new city coming along?" Sharchan asked nonchalantly.

Ramse nodded."King Tyrell is very willing to help."

Sharchan smiled." Sure, I will help you too..." he glared."I heard that you wanted to spare a bit. Would you join me?" Sharchan asked innocently.

Ramse nodded."Sure, as long as you don't kill me." he said carefully.

"I have just one condition," said Sharchan." We will fight till I say stop."

Ramse nodded. He did not know what the sneaky snake was planning, but he needed to level up."But you can't kill me!" he was making sure again.

"Of course not," the Sharchan hissed sneakily with a subtle smile, "I will not kill you. You need to finish your city, so your people don't live like savages anymore."

Ramse opened his eyes wide. "Is that what you think of us? You who lives in caves?"

"I do have a city and castle too. The caves are just for fun."Sharchan smiled.

Ramse nodded, he was really the one behind.

Sharchan and Ramse sparred in private in the city arena. Ramse's warriors and Tyrell with a few tiger warriors were watching. Sharchan was playing with Ramse like a snake with the mouse. He wanted him to suffer.

Ramse was getting beaten up badly but ignored the pain. He needed to level up. Sharchan knew he wanted to level up, so was a bit hard on him. Sharchan tortured him in the fight for two hours, till Ramse could not do any more, and changed into a big ape by itself.

Sharchan stay in his human form and went on to it a lot. He had so much fun chasing the big ape around the arena. Ramse was climbing the walls and running thru the empty spectator's seats. He brushed slightly around Tyrell as he ran around him to hide from Sharchan.

Tyrell's eyes lit up, he laughed coldly like in a daze and he changed into a huge white tiger. He started to chase the ape as well, it was like a fun hunt for him. The ape warriors noticed that Tyrell had a bit of bloodlust in his eyes, so they changed to apes, trying to lure Tyrell away from Ramse.

Sharchan smiled and called the eager tiger warriors to join in. They changed to tigers. The excitement of the hunt was in the air and was making the tigers crazy. It was like a huge fast hide and seek. Apes were screeching and it made tigers too excited to hunt for them...

Sharchan went after Ramse and Tyrell too. Ramse knew Tyrell did not promise not to kill him. He sensed his ape form provoked the hunter in him. Ramse's only chance was to fight with Sharchan as Tyrell kept a distance from the snake. Only Sharchan promised not to kill him. Sharchan smiled. Ramse had nowhere to run.

Ramse was too easy to fight with for Sharchan, so after another two hours, Sharchan decided to let half-dead Ramse alone. Ramse could not stand up anymore, and it was no more fun for Sharchan. Ramse felt like he has no more feelings in his body at all. His warriors took him to a guestroom in Tyrell's castle and let him rest.

Tyrell felt so wild and bloodthirsty. His eyes got a red staining in them and he breathe rapidly. He was still crazed up. Sharchan noticed and changed to a huge snake."Let's fight brother."

Sharchan and Tyrell fought to ease their frustration and they felt good. It was so much fun for them. Their warriors just watched. The arena was shaking. The kings were too wild and formidable without the gentle touch of their queen. They were too full of energy. Sharchan and Tyrell wished for Sarcos. He was the best to spare with.

They fought till sundown. Then they dipped in the cold river."I miss her so much!" Tyrell sighed.

Sharchan nodded."I miss her too. I just hope, the Sarcos will be back himself."

Tyrell nodded."You miss his ordering around?" he chuckled at proud Sharchan.

"Haha. Yes, level up, you are too weak!"Sharchan laughed and picked on Tyrell's muscular shoulder.

"To him, we are like Ramse to you, "Tyrell noted.

"It is so embarrassing." Sharchan sighed. "Anyway, I did not see blood-lust long on you brother?"

Tyrell nodded."I just wanted to crush all his bones." he said innocently.

Sharchan smiled."Let him be, apes need him as a king. He might make them better."

"I just wish he stop hunting Sienna."Tyrell furrowed his brows angrily.

"Will you, if you are in his place?"Sharchan asked.

"No, "Tyrell shook his head.

"Do you think she will accept him?"Tyrell asked worriedly.

"No, she is scared of his white ape."Sharchan smiled.

"Good," Tyrell sighed. He was really happy to be a tiger. Sienna liked tigers.

"But she might accept Xander one day."Sharchan teased him.

"Why?" Tyrell furrowed his brows again.

"He is cute!"Sharchan laughed."Everyone is calling him, "Xander The Cute" now. Hahaha. She might take him as a pet."

Tyrell looked at him. "Is he strong enough?"

"Not so far at all."Sharchan shook his head.

"Would you let her have him?"Tyrell wondered.

"Only as a pet!"Sharchan laughed wildly.

Tyrell chuckled. "The king as a pet!" he thought. But in Xander's place, he will take the position of a pet, happily, just to be close to her.

Ramse was resting in his room. He was boiling hot, so his warriors brought him a cold wet blanket to cool him down. He lay on the bed and his warriors slept on the floor. They felt insecure in the city full of tigers and did not want to sleep away from their king. Sure, king Tyrell was polite, but the blood lust in his eyes was clear.

The next morning Ramse levelled up. He felt more strength in his steps and he smiled happily.

The tiger builders were ready and went with the ape warriors. Tigers were much stronger than them so they went without any worries.

When Ramse came back to his tribe, he saw fresh wounds on the few females' backs. He gathered the older females. "I forbid you to beat the females, did I not?" his voice was angry. One old female bowed. "We did not disobey you, my king. The men beat them instead as we refused."She tightened her lips."One female almost died."She went tearful.

Ramse went really angry."Show me all the warriors who beat their females." he ordered.

Ramse gather the men and looked at them."You dared to disobey my order. I will issue you the punishment of mining stones then. It is the hardest labour in making our new city."

"But is our way of life, our tradition." the warriors complained.

"I want all beatings to stop. I will start a new tradition instead for you. If you have too much strength, we will fight every early morning at the training grounds before your work." he smirked at them.

The warriors bit their lips. The easy times were over! The females started to love their new king. He made males so busy with training and hard work, they had no time to order them around!