Sienna versus Adenou

Sienna was in the garden till nightfall and then went to her room. She saw it was empty! It had only soft carpets on the floor because they were attached to the floor with metal nails. All her things were gone. Even the lanterns for light. Sienna shrugged her shoulders and went for a bath. She washed her dress from Xander in the bathwater and folded it. Then she covered herself in the big towel and went back to the garden. She went to the training grounds gazebo and hang her dress up to dry. She made a bed from the soft cushions and lie down watching the stars. She felt peaceful.

When darkness took over the Sand City, Adenou went to Sienna's room, to invite her to sleep in his bed, if she would mate with him, but she was not there. He ordered Rem to search gardens and rooms, but they could not find her.

Sienna was sleeping sweetly and the whole castle was upside down. Adenou was raging. He called for Lord Ziran and ordered him to bring Sharchan and Tyrell to question them if they got the queen.

Ziran looked at him."I think the queen did not leave. I did not notice her scent around the doors."

Adenou looked at him."If your nose is so good go find her. You might save the life of your king." he smiled darkly.

Ziran came back in the 10 minutes."The queen is sleeping in the gazebo at the training grounds covered in the towel."Adenou rushed to see. He went to the training grounds and Sienna was really sleeping in there. The huge stone fell from his heart, but he felt like a fool. She looked so innocent and sweet.

"It looks like she misses the training grounds. Bring king Sharchan and Tyrell here tomorrow." Adenou said darkly."I will show her fights!"

When Sienna woke up. Adenou was sitting next to her and watching her sleep. Rem was standing behind him motionlessly. Sienna looked at Adenou and smiled. She opened her mouth to say "good morning", but then she just closed them. She remembered not to talk to him.

"Can you explain why you are sleeping here in the towel?"Adenou asked her coldly.

Sienna nodded cutely." All the things from my room disappeared. I was scared to sleep there. Sarcos once told me, they can be ghosts in there, so I was worried they will take me too!" she said innocently in the secretive whispering manner.

Adenou looked at her in disbelief."What is this for an excuse?" he was shocked." Is this thru?" he turned to Rem.

Rem nodded."I surely heard king Sarcos tell her that and I saw him take the queen to his room in his arms."

Adenou looked more gentle."You could come to my room if you was scared."

"I could not call you without your permission to speak to you, so how will I come to your room?"She said innocently with a dumb accent.

Adenou sighed and held his forehead. She was too much to handle sometimes.

Sarcos's soul had a bit of crazy laughter. His queen was just unbelievable. Then Sarcos started to prepare for a takeover because he sensed Adenou is getting blood-lust in his mind.

Adenou threw Sienna white silken tunic."Put it on, darhling! I have a surprise for you ."

Sienna put on the tunic quickly and let the towel go. She checked after her drying dress from Xander, but it was in the shreds behind the gazebo. "That was my dress!" she stared into Adenou's eyes upset." How could you?!"

Adenou looked at her coldly." It was a rag. You are allowed dresses from me only."

Sienna bit her lips. She really liked her dress from Xander.

Adenou looked at her sweetly. He stood up from his chair and came to her. He fixed her hair gently.

"I do not wish to be a bully or master anymore, so I decided to be a tyrant! I see you missed the training grounds. Tyrell and Sharchan will fight for your entertainment now.

You had to choose both because they were even, so today we let them fight till the end. We will see who will live. "He smiled darkly.

Sienna looked at him in horror."Why are you doing this?"

"To show you that I was really kind to you before. Don't talk, just watch."He pulled her to sit on his lap.

Sienna was upset." They are my mates and I love them. You said you will let them live!"

"I will not kill them. They do it themselves."He smiled happily.

Sharchan and Tyrell just came with Lord Ziran to the training grounds.

"How did you get the to come?"Sienna could not believe her eyes.

"I said to them if they don't fight I will hold you in the dungeon full of spiders."He smiled."The fools will do anything for you! You took my harem for entertainment, so I found a new fun."He smiled cruelly.

"Let me then say my farewell to them, if one of them is bound to die, "Sienna said with tears in her eyes.

Adenou nodded."No kissing and be fast, I'm getting bored!"

Sienna ran to the training ground sandy area. Sharchan and Tyrell stood there with swords ready to fight.

"Please don't kill each other! I will not let you be killed. He is trying to make you kill each other because I called him a bully. Sarcos will never let him kill you."She said."I love you both. Just stall the fight and play it up."

Sharchan and Tyrell nodded. Sienna went to sit next to Adenou. He held her around her waist and fed her grapes to show off. Sienna ate the grapes and watched the fight. Sharchan and Tyrell fought the same way as they did when they sparred together. It looked good but they did not get hurt. They stalled the fight for two hours till Adenou got bored.

Adenou lifted Sienna up by her waist and walked to the training ground sandy area slowly. Sienna followed fast after him.

Sharchan with Tyrell stopped sparring and watched him.

"What are you doing? What a lousy performance. You fight for two hours and I see no blood! It looks like I will have to kill you myself. Who first?" he turned to Sienna.

"Me, "she stood in front of them."First, you need to kill me!"

"Are you hiding behind a female? What a shame, at least you should die with honour."Said Adenou smiling. Sienna did look so alluring when she was upset.

"You have no honour! "Said, Sienna." You do not keep your word and you are getting crazy lately. You need to sober up! You are acting like a fool, not a king!"

Adenou looked at Sienna with hungry lust."You will see what I will do with you in the bedroom."He smiled viciously."You will be not walking for weeks." he hissed.

Sienna looked at him fiercely."I will not mate with you anymore. You are too cruel!"

Adenou furrowed his brows and wanted to pull Sienna to himself, but Sharchan moved her closer to him and held her waist."This is it. You have no right to claim our lives Adenou! " Sharchan said calmly.

Adenou looked at Sienna."Did you tell them my name? "

Sienna shook her head."You did, I can keep my word."

Adenou lost patience and pick up his sword. He will kill both of them on the spot.

Sienna went pale and Sharchan with Tyrell were ready to fight to the death.

Sarcos's soul was thinking."I can't let Adenou attack Sharchan or Tyrell, because Sienna is willing to jump in and get hurt."Sarcos sighed and stepped out of the pincer."Adenou!"His strong voice boomed in the mind of the immortal and he lost his concentration. Adenou's soul felt threatened."What's going on?"Adenou dropped his sword and held his head.

Sharchan was going to attack him quickly, but Sienna stopped Sharchan's hand." It is Sarcos."She whispered.

Adenou's soul saw the Flaming Scorpion in his mind ."That is enough!"Said Sarcos."You need to sober up!"

Just then the sky darkened. The big grey cloud hid the sun. Sienna looked up and saw a huge army of eagles with bows and arrows float around the city as one deadly flock. They came unnoticed because they were concealed behind the thick clouds. The Sand City alarm bells ringed in surprise. The city was in panic and everyone apart from warriors went to hide.

Dark Eagle King Aiden ordered his generals."Kill all the warriors with arrows. Then we will plunder the city for treasures. Take all the females. We need slaves to sell."He smiled darkly." No harm is to come to the Sarcos's queen. We can sell her again, I have already three rich and weak bidders."He smiled." She will be my treasure chest!"