Coward, slave, mad man and the king

Voltoire found the prince in the prison, he flew to his window and squeezed inside. "Where is Sienna?" he asked worriedly.

"My father got her." the prince said.

"Come," said Voltoire." I will get you out."

Voltoire cracked the iron chains and get the prince out," Let's go challenge your father! You will become the king and save Sienna." he told his plan to Damien.

"No, I can't challenge him, he is too strong, let's run together and I can hide in the vulture tribe."Damien's plan was different and really selfish.

"What about Sienna? Did you not say you love her?" Voltoire opened his eyes wide.

"Is nothing I can do for her." the prince said, "She will be dead in a year anyway. Let's go."

"You really are a coward!" called Voltoire and slashed his neck with his talons. The prince's dead body fell down into a ditch.

"I need to find Sienna," said Voltoire to himself and hid between the rocks. The big hand grabbed his shoulder. Voltoire turned abruptly. The burly eagle warrior looked at him."Anthony!" Voltoire sighed in relief, "Please, help me find the queen!"

"Have no worries, Marco is right next to her. He will protect her with his life, he is the strongest eagle from our tribe, come, we will watch them if they need help."Anthony said quietly.

"How did he make her choose him?"Voltoire wondered.

"He stared at her to get her attention and then he showed her to be quiet. She took his hint well, so she chose him."Anthony said quietly.

Voltoire nodded. They both flew up and hid behind the rocks near the guest room.

Sienna was standing in the cold stony room, wearing the black chiffon gown as requested, her stomach felt upside down and her face was pale, she felt uneasy and was waiting for an old crazy king with a worried mind.

She looked at her guard, Marco. He was sitting there on the chair, watching her closely as an eagle he was. His cold blue eyes pierced deep into Sienna's soul." Please, don't let him." she whispered to him.

Marco's face was stoic and stern, she did not know what he was thinking. He was her only hope now. He pledged his support to her, so she decided to trust him. She got no choice anyway. She really missed her mates, she knew they will be looking for her at some point, but without flying it will take a few days to come here. She has to manage to keep alive somehow, for them...

Sienna sat on the bed with a hopeless gaze, she turned her head to her guard one more time for reassurance. He did not look at her, his eyes were stuck to the door like he was waiting. Then he suddenly stood up and went to stand next to the window. The big silver door opened and old Sea Eagle King come in. His face was cold and serious, wicked lights in his eyes were shining with lust, disdain and cruelty. He knew that he could overpower the queen easily, even at his age he was immensely strong. His countless fights gave him a disposition of steel. He came inside the room and looked at Sienna. She stood up and curtsy to him.

He came closer and held her hips with both his hands. She shivered with cold at his touch, her heartbeat fasten and her face lost all colour. The king curled his lip up as he look at her hips and nodded, then he gazed into her eyes a bit and then his gaze fell to her full breasts.

His eyes got stuck on the black necklace from Sarcos. He glared. He could see a vision of handsome Scorpion King's face wickedly smiling in each crystal. He blinked his eyes in displeasure and took a step back.

"Give me that necklace, it displeases me."He said. He knew he could not forcibly yank it from Sienna's neck as he will probably break her neck with his strength. It was better if she will take it off. Sienna stood frozen.

" I do not want to see it again, give it to me!" he repeated in a stern voice. Sienna undo the necklace and hold it in her palm, she reached her hand to the old king but hesitated. The pain was visible in her eyes as she teared up.

Sea Eagle King furrowed his brows. He impatiently grabbed the necklace and start grinding the crystals with his bare hands. He clenched his fist and broke the beautiful black crystals.

Sienna's gaze went dark, and she retreated a few steps back. She felt her heart crushed with each broken crystal, he took her gift from the Scorpion King." I'm sorry !" she cried in her mind, thinking about Sarcos's handsome face. She wished she could be in his embrace again.

The Sea Eagle King suddenly cringed his face, he felt something sharp and wet in his hand. He opened his fist and saw that all crystals were broken into sharp spikes, they got stuck in his palm and caused lots of little bleeding points. "Interesting, I do not feel any pain, "he thought. Then he noticed the purple liquid splattered around his palm and the insides of his fingers. He looked at it and then looked at Sienna with the silent question in his eyes. He felt like he heard the wicked laugh of the Scorpion King. He took one step toward Sienna...Then he dropped to the floor dead.

Sienna's face went even paler, she did not know, that the necklace from Scorpion King had black crystals filled with poison. Sarcos was indeed a dangerous man. Now she understood, why he gave her the antidote with his mark.

Sienna retreated a few more steps and watched in horror. "Was it my necklace?" she thought in panic. Marco still stood motionless next to the window. He was quiet. Sienna looked at him. He came next to her and planted a cold kiss on her lips.

Then Marco changed into his eagle form, picked up the body of the dead king in his talons and with a loud shriek he flew out of the window. Sienna watched in a frozen state as he got lost in the clouds and then she saw him plunging down, and shuttering the old Sea Eagle King's body on the rocks. The other eagle warriors gathered around and watched him motionlessly as he set fire to Eagle King's body.

Then he lifted his hand with a loud eagle shriek and flew into Sienna's room again."Come," he said rushing. He picked her up on his shoulder and went to the Throne Room where the eagles were gathering.

Marco sat on the silver throne and placed Sienna to sit at his feet."Don't move." he whispered to her. Then he said to the gathered eagles."I claim the throne and the queen. Does anyone wants to challenge me?"

The other eagles just bowed their heads, they were in shock the old Eagle King is dead and Marco was the strongest of them.

The new Eagle King look at his men." My king's name is Marco!" he said...

"We swear legion to king Marco!" shouted the eagles.

Sienna sat at Marco's feet patiently, she was happy the old king did not touch her, but she guessed that now she will need to accept Marco as her mate. He was indeed cold. As a king, he could claim at least three days with her. She knew she can't refuse him. It was customary for eagles to kill the queen with the dead king, so she was grateful to Marco for claiming her.

"Maybe I will be able to persuade Marco to change eagle laws a bit to be nicer to females. But how will I warm up this block of ice of a man? Hard task!" she sighed in her mind.

The old eagle approached Marco. He looked like an old mage or advisor. Marco stood up and offered Sienna his hand. She took it and looked into his eyes, he pulled her up and held her waist tightly.

The old mage spoke slowly, "The tradition is to kill the queen when a king dies, what is a base for your claim?"

"My claim to queen Sienna is older than one of the past king. I saved her from falling to her death at the Snake King's waterfalls."Marco said very clearly.

"Is that so? Do you have any proof of your words?"Said the old man.

Marco turned Sienna sideways and ripped her black gown on her waist a bit.

" Look here," he pointed gently showing the pale skin on her waist. There was a light, healed scar resembling the letter M.

Sienna opened her mouth and looked at him."Is he the one, that saved me at the waterfall and then pierced my skin painfully? Did he really mark me with his name?" she thought shocked.

The old man nodded, "You backed your claim well, king Marco. The queen is rightfully yours."

Marco nodded, the old man just saved his life. Marco will rather kill them all than have Sienna killed.

The old man, gave Marco a golden bracelet with an eagle head." Your highness, we hope to see you at the banquet tonight, we will be holding for your majesties." he bowed deeply.

Marco nodded and put the gold bracelet on Sienna's arm, she smiled at him briefly and let him put it on.

The eagle warriors cheered and Marco took Sienna via the sword corridor they opened for him in the middle of the hall.

Marco led Sienna thru the sharp corridors to a big room."This is our bedroom from now on," he said.