The merprince's mother

Hector came out of the water and came closer to the strong kings politely."King Sarcos, king Marco, welcome and thank you for coming."He said with an excited smile."I heard loads about you from your queen."

Sarcos nodded his head. Marco was cold as ice. He was holding himself not to kill the prince." I'm gathering the rest of the mermen to help," said Hector.

"Do they trust you?" asked Sarcos.

"Most of our mermen were claimed by your queen, but they are still some nameless men who still listen to my father because they are very traditional, but I will be convincing them."said Hector.

"It will be beneficial if they help to attach vines to Kraken's legs and tentacles, I'm not asking more," said Sarcos."Could they do that?"

Hector nodded."I do my best."

Sarcos looked at him."Give me your trident."

Hector gave him his precious trident without hesitation. Sarcos smiled. The prince trusted him fully. Sarcos lifted the trident up and swished it 3 times in the air. The trident glowed for a moment. Then he gave it back to Hector. Hector stared.

"When you will be convincing your men, just hold the trident high," said Sarcos," It will help you to get their trust."

"Thank you."Hector smiled."See you tomorrow at noon," he said.

After Hector left, Marco looked at Sarcos." Do you trust him?"

"Give him a chance to prove himself, he loves Nefari, the mermaid, Sienna's friend. "Sarco noted nonchalantly.

" But the merking is his father, he might join in with him," Marco said.

"The king sacrificed his mother to Kraken as well. My father tried to convince him to fight for her and offered his help, but the old fool declined. He did not want the scorpions to mate with mermaids. My father tried to save her, but the cruel merking killed her with a poisonous orange dress and let her fresh dead body be eaten by the monster. My father was heartbroken. But he was not her mate officially, so there was not much he could do. He did not kill the king only for the little prince's sake. My father is still upset about this."Sarcos said darkly." That is why I need to be strongest as I can, to protect Sienna. And you too! "he nodded at Marco.

Marco pointed to the barrels, "Is this poison from your father?"

Sarcos nodded, "The time and my secret formula made it even stronger."

Two cold purple eyes hiding behind the rocks were closed in pain. The tears of anger went down the pale cheeks. Hector listened to the kings a bit because was curious about their intentions and plans. He learned instead about his mother's death and was furious. Father always told him she died at his birth."So the Scorpion King's father offered help and was refused?"Hector thought feeling betrayed.

" Why does queen like Nefari so much anyway?" asked Marco coldly.

"She met her first on her day out with King Sharchan. She like her singing and they go to dancing classes together in Crystal City, you should know! They do not spend much time together, but Sienna adores her. She will never let her die, or anybody else for that matter. We just have to help her, no questions asked." Sarcos smiled.

" Is the queen so stubborn?" Marco asked curiously.

" Kind, she is so kind." Sarcos chuckled." But yes, she can be stubborn too, in a good way, rather don't try it and do as she says. Then she will listen to you in return." Sarcos said cheekily.

Marco looked at him in surprise. Sarcos was just too relaxed about Sienna." What about lifting up the Kraken?"

"We make sure to be able to pull Kraken up with or without mermen's help," said Sarcos.

Marco nodded. Then he realized something and looked at Sarcos."Will you be able to kill Kraken by yourself?"He asked.

Sarcos nodded." Yes, but I will have to get wet."

"Why do you want to do her plan then?"Marco asked surprised.

"Because she is clever and it will work." said Sarcos."I prefer to kill Kraken with you, it will be more fun and you can show your fighting skills in front of Sienna and your men. It will energise our soldiers and also encourage other kings to cooperate more."

Marco nodded. Sarcos was right again.

The kings went to see the rock from the other side.

Hector with a stony cold face dived under the water. He went to a secluded underwater cave. There was a beautiful statue of his mother. He curled up at her feet and cried angry tears which became part of the sea instantly.

The scorpion and eagle men worked deep into the night and then went to rest. The next day will be exciting.

Sienna and Nefari lay in the bed together. Nefari was a bit shaken and held Sienna's hand." I'm scared," she said.

"Don't be. If you want, I go to the rock myself only."Sienna looked at the ceiling thinking.

"Are you not scared?"Nefari asked.

"I trust in Sarcos and Marco," Sienna said.

Nefari nodded her head."They must be so strong, but what if something goes wrong and the plan will not work?" Nefari worried.

Sienna squeezed her hand."I'm sure Sarcos can kill Kraken by himself if needed." Sienna whispered. The memories of burning kings in front of her eyes." Sarcos is immensely strong and powerful."

Sienna and Nefari fell asleep. The guards were standing in front of their door. They were members of Sienna's marines. Sarcos with Marco wanted to see Sienna, so the guards let them pass. They were her kings. Sarcos with Marco entered the cave quietly and looked at the sleeping Sienna with Nefari.

Sienna was having a slight smile on her lips, she looked so alluring.

Sarcos smiled and pet her hair, Marco looked at him.

"She is smiling because she trusts in us."Sarcos noted."She knows we will win."

Marco nodded and clenched his fist. The sight of Sienna made his blood boil. He never felt such lust before, but as they mated, he got problems controlling himself in her presence."Come. Let's let them sleep."Said Marco.

Sarcos took out some fruits from a leather bag he was holding and placed them on the small side table. He added a few other things for her and Nefari as well. Marco smiled."Sarcos never stop thinking about his queen." he thought. Then they left the room and Sarcos sent Leander to guard Sienna as well.

In the morning Sienna woke up still holding Nefari in her embrace.

"Wake up, Nefari, time to fight."She stretched and stared at the decorated ceiling. Then she turned her head and saw a golden bowl with a scorpion design full of fresh fruit and bread buns. Sienna smiled."Sarcos was here!" she called excitedly and held her pouncing heart.

Nefari stayed pale."How could he, they were guards at door, no?"

"My guards, not merking's. Sarcos brought us breakfast, let's eat. " Sienna chuckled. They sat on the bed and ate together. Nefari really liked the buns." No wonder you love Sarcos so much if he feeds you with this!" she relished the buns.

Sienna chuckled."He is really amazing. Do you like the merprince? I think he loves you."Sienna asked cheekily.

"I'm not sure if I love him."Nefari whispered."I like him for sure, he helped me to fulfil my dream, the old king would just lock me up in a dungeon for a year, if it was up to him. Do you think I should accept him if I survive this?"

Sienna shook her head."You need to listen to your heart. After we both survive this just fine, you are a free mermaid. You can do whatever you like."

"I would like to travel and sing some more, "Nefari whispered.

"Then do it, "Sienna smiled."If prince Hector really loves you, he will wait for you, till you are ready."

"You truly understand me, "Nefari smiled.

"We both are artistic. It is from the soul."Sienna smiled.

Suddenly a huge commotion broke out in front of the door. "We have dresses for Nefari and the queen, the king is sending it." the mermen voices begged in fear.

"It will not pass till king Sarcos will check it, bring it to him first!" loud Leander's voice boomed to the grotto. Sienna stopped eating and listened."Leander is guarding the door!" she chuckled.

"Is he always so loud?"Nefari asked.

"This was quiet, and they still get to live."Sienna chuckled."He is really brutal sometimes."

In a bit, they heard the knock on the door. Leander opened the door. Sienna smiled at him happily. The servant came in with bright orange dresses."Dresses to put on to capture Kraken's attention, they were checked by king Sarcos."The servants bowed. Leander smirked at Sienna.

"Let's get ready," Sienna said. They put on bright orange silk dresses.

"I feel like a satsuma," said Sienna.

"We are two satsumas," Nefari nodded."Thank you for being with me thru this. You are my real friend. I will take the bracelet back, we are going together anyway," she noted.

Sienna nodded." We will be a double distraction."

Hector wanted to barge into the grotto room and was stopped by Leander. "Wait," Hector called in distress." The dresses my father sent might be poisonous!" he said in despair.

Leander took him aside." Have no worries, king Sarcos exchanged them," he smirked at him."It is a top secret."

Hector exhaled in relief. "Thank you for guarding them, Leander."

Leander nodded."This prince might be good, but still, he came too late." He thought.

The old mage came for Sienna and Nefari to take them to the rock. Leander followed closely. He did not care about any rituals and he decided to cancel all blessings of the mermaid wise man.

"If you are so good, you will be not needed to sacrifice your females," Leander scoffed."Your bla, bla is good for nothing. We are going to kill Kraken today, not to feed him the queen and the mermaid, so you better forget those stupid rituals forever!"He noted.

The old mage Quin bit his lips. "The rude warrior is right. I really hope they will win."