Sienna the kitchen disaster!

In the morning Sienna woke up excitedly," I'm making pancakes today!"She get up and got ready.

Sarcos nodded," I will be in my laboratory, but I will come to have a look at your cooking."

"Haha, be happy you eat raw meat!"Sienna chuckled. "But I will try to make my favourite pancakes. Ramse said he will help me. I'm sure he will not want me anymore if he sees how I cook. I just have to be myself."Sienna chuckled.

Sarcos looked at her. "She said she is not good at cooking." he thought and bit his lips worriedly. He kissed her forehead and let her go with Sid to the kitchens.

Sarcos went to see Ramse."I think she really can't cook, just be careful around her." he noted.

Ramse nodded."All females can cook, let's see!" he went to meet Sienna in the kitchen.

Sarcos sent Rem to his secret tunnels," Go watch the queen in secret. I want to know everything," he said.

Sienna looked around Sarcos's kitchen. It was spacious and very clean. It was a room painted in white limewash and the copper pans were hanging off the ceilings. There was a big fireplace and a little fireplace.

"Good morning, Sienna, "Ramse came in nonchalantly. "Good morning," Sienna smiled."I'm so hungry, so let's start!" she said eagerly.

Sienna went thru the food cupboards."Ahh, cocoa," she dipped her finger in brown powder." Ramse looked at her."Do you want a spoon?"

"Yes, later. I'm so happy! Look at it," she put the brown powder under his nose excitedly.

Ramse had a sniff, "Yes and?"

"I love chocolate. Let's make chocolate," she called in a creative frenzy.

She dug in the cupboards some more." We have no other ingredients for chocolate," she said in a sad voice. "I will have to ask Sarcos. Let's just mix it with the sugar and honey and make a chocolate sauce for pancakes," she said.

Sienna looked for a bowl. She opened the cupboards and decided she want the one from the bottom. She took it out carefully when Ramse said something and all the copper bowls fell into her lap and on the floor.

"What did you say?" she asked."I'm concentrating, help me to put it back, please." she smiled sweetly.

"I just said to be careful!"Ramse sighted and help her to put it back.

"So, now let's mix the cocoa with honey and sugar," Sienna took a spoon and put it first in cocoa, then sugar, making brown splodges in white sugar powder.

"You just messed up the sugar!"Ramse stared over her shoulder.

"What?" Sienna turned around abruptly and the sugary cocoa powder puffed into Ramse's face.

"What a pity," said Sienna," If you are my mate, I will just lick it." she giggled.

"Feel free..."Ramse said a bit upset."I'm a king you know!"

"Yes, "Sienna smiled. "A chocolate king! Help me to take down that honey please," she pointed at the tall cupboard.

Ramse sighted. He was not sure about this cooking anymore. He gave her the honey and wiped his face with a clean towel.

Sienna took some honey and smeared it on her lips." It is healthy for pretty lips!" she smiled and smeared some at Ramse's lips too.

"What are you doing?" he stared in shock. "It was chapped, you should take care of yourself." she giggled.

Ramse felt so sticky. He licked the honey when she was not looking.

Sienna mixed together honey, sugar powder and cocoa powder. It looked quite good. She licked the spoon."Would you like to taste it?" she took another spoon for Ramse. Ramse nodded, and he took the spoon." It is very sweet." he noted.

Sienna took another bowl. "We need milk, water, egg and flour. But I do not see any milk here, so let's skip it." she said confidently." We use more flour. Let's put inside some spice as well. Where is the cinnamon? And a little bit of sugar." she just kept chatting to herself.

She started to put ingredients into the bowl. First, she put water in the bowl. She spilt it on the floor as she walked with it. Ramse took a rag and dried it with his feet behind her, he was worried she could fall on the shiny tiles.

Then Sienna took the egg."Look, we just break the egg on the edge of the bowl like this," she hit it hard. The eggshell was softer than a regular chicken egg and half of the egg splattered out of the bowl and slowly slid down to the floor. Ramse bit his lips and give her a rag."Ugh, that is from the floor," she chucked it on the messed egg on the floor, and took a clean towel. She smeared the egg on the wooden desk dry with a clean towel.

"Do you need some water?"Asked Ramse.

"I think we have enough," Sienna peeked into the bowl.

"No, for cleaning that egg, you just smeared it, "Ramse noted.

"Later, "Sienna picked up the fabric packet of flour and tried to put some in the bowl. But the flour was a bit stuck. Sienna was lifting it at the angle till half of the packet just fell out, some in the bowl, some on the floor and some on the table.

Sienna just ignored it and started to mix." I will clean it later," she shrugged her shoulders."If we clean everything straight away, we never get to cook or eat," she chuckled.

Sienna's mixture looked interesting, it was quite liquid with some bobbles of hard flour.

"You need to mix it better," said Ramse."Let me show you."

"No, I do it, don't worry!" Sienna mixed more and made an even bigger mess.

Ramse sighed and watched as the liquid mixture splashed out in the little drops at Sienna's excited mixing." She is worse than a kid in the kitchen!" he thought."She can paint so beautifully, how can she be so useless inside the kitchen?" he wondered. He started to realize she did not lie to him!

Sienna put the first pancake onto the pan excitedly." I missed this so much," she smiled. "Oh, I need a fork," she noted."Ramse get me a fork, please."

Ramse looked at her in awe."Me?"

"Is, too late, it is burned now."Sienna had to scrumble the pancake off the pan."You need to be faster next time." she shook her head.

Sienna picked up the fork by herself and started to make a second pancake, it cooked fast and it was time to turn it around," Look Ramse, I'm going to throw it in the air as chefs in my world."Sienna called excitedly.

"Why don't you just turn it with the fork?" Ramse looked at her worriedly.

"Because this is more fun! Flying pancake!" she moved the pan strongly but the pancake just jump a little and did not turn.

"Well, I need to do it stronger, "Sienna did a big movement with her hand." Hoplaa, "she called. The pancake flew into the air high and splattered at the ceiling. Sienna waited with the pan under it."Come on down Mr Pancake!"

Ramse held his forehead in disbelief. He was lost for words. If it doesn't look so funny, he would go upset if it is not her.

Sienna had her pancake still stuck on the ceiling. It still did not want to fall off. She looked at him hopefully."Will you get it down for me, Ramse?"

"No, you are cooking." He said in a daze staring at it. He was speechless!

"Well, I can't climb so we have to wait till it falls down then. Here, take a plate and wait under it in case it peels. I'm going to make some more." she whispered innocently and stuck a copper plate into his hand.

Ramse stood in awe."I'm a king."

"I know, you look so heroic with that plate!" Sienna chuckled and went to put more oil for the next pancake.

The smell of pancakes filled the room and it smelled quite pleasant now. Sienna managed to make one unburned pancake and put it on the new copper plate proudly.

Ramse was waiting for 5 minutes and nothing happened. He glanced at the pancake which was still splattered on the high ceiling. He was done waiting. He felt really stupid! He bit his lips and dropped the plate on the floor on purpose to show her off.

Sienna was just putting a bit of oil on the pan over the fire when the plate hit the hard floor. She flinched up at the loud noise and spilt the oil inside of the fire as well. The huge wall of fire suddenly raised and Sienma shrieked and stepped back. Ramse just pulled her more out of the fire, her long sleeves were charred. The fire started to burn high, onions and garlic hanging on the walls, caught fire too...The smoke started to fill the kitchen rapidly.

"What a nice smell." Sarcos was going to check on Sienna. Just then Rem ran to him from the secret tunnel, "The kitchen is on fire, be fast!"Rem called.

Sarcos ran down to the kitchen. Well, he kind of appeared there suddenly, he was not far anyway.

He saw a lot of fire and Sienna running with a dry towel trying to put it off, but instead, the towel caught fire too, so she dropped it into the fireplace."Don't put water on oil," Sienna stopped Ramse with a bucket, "It will explode more."

"So what I'm to do?"Ramse called to her.

"We have to stop the air from getting to the fire, we need to choke it."Sienna tried to gather some thick rags.

"You are crazy," said Ramse."You can't stop air or choke a fire."

Sarcos clapped his hands which turned off all the fires magically. At that moment the pancake from the ceiling fell onto Ramse's forehead and slide slowly down his face. He caught it in his palms and looked at it. Then he looked at the charred kitchen."This is the work of the female I love!"He sighed and glanced at Sarcos. Scorpion King was still staring in disbelief. Ramse started to walk slowly to the back door." I should rather hold that plate," he thought.

Ramse slowly backed out of the kitchen and went to calm down in the corridor. He could not believe what just happened.

Sarcos saw Ramse's shock and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. He was sure Ramse will be not that keen on Sienna after this. Cooking was a very important skill for apes.

Sienna looked at Sarcos worriedly." I'm sorry!" Sienna whispered standing in the middle of the messy burned kitchen. She saw Sarcos had an amused smile on his face, so she asked him gently."I have one pancake that survived, would you... Do you want to try it?"