The golden beauty

Early morning Sarcos tried to persuade Ziran to stay till Leander will come back.

"I love to, but I promised to train Xander," said Ziran.

"I take care of that for the time being," said Sarcos with a cheeky smile.

"If his cuteness agrees, I will stay." Ziran nodded.

"Leave that to me." Sarcos nodded.

Sarcos invited the kings for a chat in the garden. He was telling them part of his business empire plan when his fast falcon screeched in the sky.

"The first coins came from the mint."Sarcos stood excitedly and lifted his hand for a falcon to land. "Good boy." he praised the falcon and pet his head. The falcon held a leather pocket with the first coins for Ramse and Sarcos to examine. Sarcos took the small leather pocket and opened it. All the kings were curious.

Sarcos took the coins and placed them on the low table. They looked good. He picked one to see it closer. Ramse's face was well-pressed and the design was nice too. Then he turned the other side with Sienna's face. She looked so delicate in the gold. Sarcos could not stop looking at it. It was too beautiful." Here, have a look at this! " he moved the rest of the coins to the kings. They each picked a coin, nodded at Ramse's portrait approvingly and stared at Sienna's portrait mesmerized.

Ramse smiled."My coins are the most beautiful."He beamed feeling proud.

"I want coins like these." Said Xander dreamily.

"Me too," said Marco coldly.

"Me three ." said Sharchan." And Tyrell will like them too."

Sarcos nodded."Me too."He was just looking at it. He picked up the packet to put them back, and give it to Ramse, but no one wanted to part with a shiny beautiful coin with Sienna's face.

"Keep them, my treat."Ramse smiled nonchalantly when he saw how much they liked them.

"Thanks, "said the kings, still staring.

"Well, tomorrow will Sienna start designing your coins. You will need to sit for portraits. The other side can be the same."Sarcos nodded. He was satisfied, this was the start of his new business empire takeover plan.

The kings nodded in unison. The coin was too beautiful.

Sienna finally came to the garden to eat her breakfast and to see them. She saw the kings sitting and staring at something small in their hands."Did Sarcos give them smartphones, or what?" Sienna wondered and peeked over Ramse's shoulder. Then she saw the coins and bend down curiously. Ramse showed her his coin." Ahh, it is so nice, Ramse, you look so handsome on it, "she smiled happily. It felt like a job well done and it made her feel a bit proud too.

"Look at yourself." Ramse turned the sides of the coin." I have the most pretty coins ever. Thank you " He kissed her cheek. Sienna blushed. Nobody noticed because they all still stared at the coins!

"Well, I'm going to draw in the garden gazebo after breakfast," Sienna said loudly, to see who will wake up from the daze first. Xander stood up first."Can I have my portrait done, please?"

Siena nodded."Yes, Xander my cute king!" she chuckled. "You should write that on that coin."

Xander stared at her."Whatever you like." he said as if in a dream.

Sienna let them be and went to eat her breakfast. Then she set up drawing in the gazebo. Xander sat for a portrait and Sarcos invited everybody else to the training grounds. Sienna draw Xander. He was ecstatic. The panther was excited and kept moving his head towards her sneakily. Sienna sighed and giggled. "Xander, don't look at me if you want pretty coins."

When Xander's portrait was finished, Sienna suggested she will add a little panther next to her face on the other side.

"Why did you not add an ape to Ramse's ones?"Xander asked.

Sienna bit her lips but said nothing. She did not like that big white scary grumpy ape at all!

Xander nodded.

"Please call someone else now, you might go train."Sienna smiled.

Xander went to the training grounds and Sarcos sent Marco to be drawn because he was stronger than the others.

Sienna smiled sweetly at Marco. She sat him down and the eagle did not move even a tiny bit. Sienna finished his drawing quite fast because of that."You are the best to draw, "she sighed."You did not move a bit. Will you stand model for me sometimes, please, to practise my drawing?" she asked sweetly.

Marco nodded.

Sienna saw his cold eyes again and wished to provoke him a bit!" Will you stand for me topless?" she asked.

"Even completely naked!"Marco saw she is teasing him and wanted to see if she will blush.

"Ahem, I'm not sure I will be able to draw you naked."Sienna shook her head innocently.

"Why not? Your skill is good."Marco noted.

"Yes, but I might be tempted to devour you instead." she looked at him with her tiger eyes hungrily.

Marco felt his blood boil and clenched his fist." I will go to call Sharchan. "He said coldly and went.

Sienna chuckled. "It looked like I won!"

Sharchan came to Sienna a bit upset. He wanted to see the drawing of Xander and Marco first." What happened?"Sienna asked.

"How could you paint them before me! I'm your first mate!" he stamped his feet.

"How would I know that?" asked Sienna cheekily.

"Well?Because I mated you first!"He looked at her wildly.

Sienna licked her lips." So did you? You could tell me before then." she looked alluringly at him.

Sharchan shook his head."Come draw me now. Am I not the most handsome? " He asked proudly.

"Definitely!"Sienna chuckled.

Sienna was drawing all day. She designed coins and coins back designs for Sharchan, Marco and Xander." I will do Sarcos tomorrow and Tyrell's when he will come back," she thought.

In the evening, all of Sand City was getting ready for a big concert in the arena. Sienna was ecstatic. She was getting ready. The men were faster and were waiting for her in the garden. Marco leaned on the wall nonchalantly, Sarcos was chatting with Ramse, and Xander pretended to fight with Ziran.

They were all relaxed apart from Sharchan.

Sharchan was upset with Ramse because Sarcos let him see Sienna freely. Only Sarco's presence kept Sharchan collected.

Ramse saw the strong snake glaring at him, so he came closer to him."Don't be so jealous of me. Queen is not too keen on me yet, "said Ramse chuckling."You should worry more about king Xander the cute?" he noted.

"Why?"Sharchan's eyes went into small slits.

"Because he is cute. His eyes sparkle as a diamond mesmerising your queen."Ramse pointed at Xander. All kings came closer and listen. This was quite interesting.

Xander chuckled.

"My eyes sparkle too!" said Sarcos jokingly.

"Yes, your flaming scorpion." Ramse nodded "And Tyrells are so blue. Sharchan' so wildly yellow, " he pointed at the kings, then his hand went to Marco. "But Marco's were just too cold. "He shook his head." I don't understand how she can like you. You are freezing and boring to death."Ramse pointed at Marco.

"He could be quite hot, you would be surprised. "Sarcos chuckled at stoic Marco.

"No way, I just look at him and feel freezing cold. I bet if he walks on the grass, the icy steps are left behind him."

"Did you finish yet? It is time to fetch the queen."Marco said between his teeth. It was not his fault he was so cold. Sharchan wanted to get on Marco too.

"Ha, icy! Ramse, you are so far off! Rather burning to ashes, he is so hot he burned his fingers at Sienna's buttock, "Sharchan noted.

"Really?" Xander was listening in awe.

"Watch your mouth!" Marco tried to shush the rude snake.

"Oh, I saw it right! Do you think Sarcos's balms and potions could hide everything?"Sharchan chuckled.

Ramse looked in surprise." I was thinking she got beaten by the sea waves as you fight the Kraken and that was him?"

"He did not beat her," said Sarcos nonchalantly.

"Yes, he calls that mating."Sharchan scoffed.

Marco would blush if he was not that cold.

"Marco, you should be more careful," Ramse nodded."You have to leave some soft skin untouched for others too, next time."He giggled. He felt so confident with Sarcos backing him.

Marcos's cold eyes did not move at all." She said she liked it, but I can grant you your wish and I can mark you instead. Would you like some flying lessons?" he asked in freezing cold voice.

"No, but I might need some advice about Sienna's mating taste."Ramse exploded in laughter. The kings chuckled too. This was quite entertaining.

"What is so funny?"Sienna went out in the new mermaid silk gown, and she tried to change quickly.

"Why are you so covered?"Ramse noted."Are you hiding something from us?"

Sienna blushed. Her body was still covered in Marco's marks. They took ages to heal.

"I'm just cold." she smiled.

"Can I warm you?" Ramse chuckled.

"Thank you," said Sienna," But I'm going with Marco, "She said because she noticed they make fun of him. He was the only one who did not laugh."He can keep me warm just fine."She clenched at his arm and everyone burst into wild laughter.

"I'm so happy you all are in such a good mood, " she smiled relaxedly.

The kings nodded.

Marco was thinking coldly. The Ape King was a bit annoying but at least not boring and Sienna holds onto him now. He knew he was Sarcos's friend again, so he had to wait to catch him on his own.