The bloody business

In the dark underground laboratory, Crodius looked at Sienna seriously."I will need your blood to add it to my mixtures."

Bran looked at Sarcos and clenched his fist. Sarcos pointed him to wait. The queen was safe as long they are there.

Sienna giggled coldly in disbelief. "My blood is the same as anyone's else. It is not magic. Besides, your idea got a lot of flaws. It will not work."

"Why do you think so? "Crodius asked curiously.

Sienna sighed and started to count on her fingers cutely. She looked like a teacher explaining to a really dumb student.

"Firstly, not everyone knows how beautiful I Am.

Secondly, not everyone will believe you it is really my blood.

Thirdly, most females don't want blood on their faces.

Number four, you will have a very limited supply, which will finish before you became rich.

Number five, your mixture is repulsive, it will make sure everyone's skin will peel off!

Besides blood is the liquid of life, not beauty, it will just rot in the cosmetic and spoil it. It will smell horrible." she shook her head.

Crodius looked at her." Maybe you are right, but it is my only shot, you messed up my relationship with the king. You cost me the king's trust." he pointed his finger up.

"Don't lie to me and yourself. You had no right to order the king around and he knew it." Sienna said coldly.

"You are clever, but now I have to leave before the king has me killed. That is why I need means to survive. Cosmetics is my passion, and I will never stop working on it if your blood works or not!"Crodius looked at her a bit disturbed. She just shattered his plans. He felt a bit stupid.

Sienna touched her head." This is not a good plan!" she scoffed." Whichever fool will trust your mere word." She shook her head."You need to show me to the people to make a legend of my beauty." she pointed her hand elegantly."It goes like this. You travel the land with me. I go on a camel in a golden dress, so people can see how precious I Am. Then you gather rich families, queens and kings. I dance for them and mesmerize them, it should look like a secret theatre, a privilege just to come in to watch, then you take a big pot full of perfume and give me a rose, I prick my finger on the rose and squeeze 3 drops of my blood in it and then you bottle it up for and sell on the spot."Sienna said tilting her head cutely.

Crodius looked at her in awe."You are the queen?"

"Sure Am. Why do you think so many strong kings fight for me," she shook her shoulders. "But it will work only till I live."

Sarcos and Bran listened to Sienna's plan in awe. She was surely a clever trickster.

"And you can sell make-up too. There is a range of cosmetics you can sell, but you always have to show me to the people," she smiled excitedly, "The right presentation is everything in business. And the right products! The best cosmetics are the ones I use in Sand City. They are made from rare plants personally by my Scorpion King. He has the best beauty recipes. It makes my skin so smooth and hair so shiny, "she chuckled."And if I keep my secret beauty routine, is so great, it works miracles even on my female friends."

"So you will tell me your recipes for cosmetics?"Crodius asked excitedly. Sienna gave him new hope and completely mixed up his mind.

"Well, I know a few, but why work so hard if you can just order the best ones from the Scorpion tribe in Sand City? Just tell them to do different colours, smells and packages," she said. Then you just put your labels on it and is done."

Crodius nodded. He liked her plan. It sounded exciting and easy to do.

"And after a while, you can live in the big villa near the sea or have whatever you want."Sienna smiled.

"That is all nice, but how do I stop your kings from taking you?" he pointed at her.

"Well, we go south. Till they reach me, you will be a legend and rich man. And then you just keep selling and enjoying life. If the kings will come for me, it will make me even more precious and your sales will go up. Everyone wants what kings have. "Sienna shook her shoulders.

Crodius nodded."It is a good plan. I like it."

"Thank you, but it has still one flaw."Sienna pressed her finger on her lips as if thinking. "I would not use my own blood to make myself more beautiful. It is stupid. I should rather give you my secret beauty recipe. Is made of the rare plant which grows only in the Amazonian Rainforest." Sienna just recited the commercial sentence from her old world. Crodius seemed caught as well.

"And you can also employ some bird warriors for deliveries, so you don't need to travel all the time. You will have an emporium of power."Sienna brought in another idea.

"But how do I get my hands on that rare plant?"Crodius was excited. He liked Siena's second plan much better, it looked easier and more feasible.

"It is the secret plant the Scorpion Kings were guarding for generations. It made their queens love them more. That is why they practised alchemy and make the best cosmetic in the world. This rare plant is not for sale, but I can gift it to you as thanks for saving Sharchan's and Tyrell's life. They are priceless to me." Sienna said gently.

"I will not let you go."Crodius looked at her sternly.

"I promise you can show my beauty to all your customers, you have my word."Sienna smiled."So relax. I'm happy to help you."

"Why?"Crodius asked in surprise.

"Because you did not kill all that females. I think you deserve that cosmetic empire."Sienna nodded her head approvingly.

Sarcos and Bran could not believe their ears, Sienna turn Crodius from using her blood completely. Sarcos chuckled in his mind. He will need to invent that rare plant for Sienna!

"So, where do we start?" Crodius asked.

"You bring me to Sharchan and Tyrell first. I have a job for them." Sienna smiled sweetly.

Crodius nodded. He took Sienna out of the laboratory to the room where Sharchan and Tyrell were staying.

" I do not like treachery!"Crodius touched Sienna's shoulders as they walked.

"Don't be silly, I will keep my word. I'm a queen."She smiled gently.

Crodius looked into her kind eyes and nodded. He led her to the room on ground level. He knocked on the door."Sharchan, Tyrell, your queen is here!"

Then they entered the big room. Sharchan stood with hands closed on his chest a bit angrily. Tyrell was holding onto him a bit, he was still weak. He needed to go hunt. Crodius led Sienna to the raised seating area.

Sienna looked at Sharchan and Tyrell as she walked. She blew them a kiss because the guards did not let her go very close to them. Crodius wanted her to stay at a distance. When Crodius seated Sienna and himself, he pointed Sharchan and Tyrell to come closer. He wanted to sit on his chair with trap buttons, he had them in a few rooms! Well, almost in all the rooms at ground level. He loved to be a trickster!

"The queen has something to say to you."Crodius looked at them victoriously.

Sienna looked at her mates. Her heart ached, but she had to get them out of there."Sharchan and Tyrell. You go to king Sarcos and order barrels of perfume and cosmetics for me! Sharchan you pay for it, of course, it will be a gift to mage Crodius from you for saving your lives. He will give you your lives back. I'm helping him to start a cosmetics business empire."Sienna smiled."Please also carry Tyrell, he looks really bad, "Sienna sighted.

Sharchan stared at Sienna speechless." What? Does she want them to go away?" he thought disturbed."Then he looked at weak Tyrell."She is right, we need to go call Sarcos and Tyrell needs to recover." he thought. He was grateful he got such a clever queen.

"But how can I let them go?" Crodius looked at her a bit surprised.

"Someone has to make the order. You don't need them here if you have me. They are troublemakers anyway, is better to send them out." she said sweetly, "They will do anything I say."

Crodius nodded his head slowly." She is right, Sharchan is hot-headed and unpredictable, Tyrell is wild, and my guards are stronger anyway." he thought.

"Now, can I please have pen and paper, I will write my order to king Sarcos" Sienna smiled sweetly.

Crodius nodded and sent for it. Sienna started to write the letter. Crodius looked over her shoulder curiously. He wanted to make sure it does not contain any secret messages!