The young mage

Sienna felt a bit strange as Crodius sat next to her as she lay in bed. He kind of felt as if he cared a bit about her now. She was glad to find out Magnus's love might be alive. She was sure Sarcos could find her. She glanced at the door. Her guards stood at the door motionless. Bran at the front, Scar always sideways. "He must be really shy."Sienna thought. The crocodile masks were a bit scary, but she trusted Bran's eyes and voice. They were a dangerous duo. Scar was stronger than Sharchan. Sienna felt safe with them.

Sienna looked at Crodius again. "Thank you for telling me this." she nodded. Then she felt the period cramps pass thru her body again. She wiggle a bit in the bed and sighed. "It is so unfair I have to go thru this every month! You men have it easier. You can just live pain-free if you wish!" she growled.

"Are you not grateful you are fertile?"Crodius asked.

Sienna shook her shoulders and nodded. She did not think like this when she was in pain.

Crodius looked into Sienna's blue eyes and touched her soft cheek."You know, I always liked females. They are soft and kind as you. When I was a boy around twelve, I find out our deity is not real, I followed the old mage after a bloody sacrifice, he was feeding the dead females to the wild crocodiles in the river at night."

Sienna swallowed hard and listened with wide-open eyes. Crodius continued.

"He caught me and let me go only after I promised I would become his assistant and would be the next mage. He showed me some plants and medicine mixtures. I really liked practising in his laboratory. Everyone started to respect me.

I took care of females, which were to be sacrificed at the next full moon. I made friends with them, I did not want to see them dead. I fantasized about how to save them. Then I saw the fog around the murky wetlands and an idea struck me. I invented the steamy pool with the secret door.

The old mage wanted their blood, he was used to it, so when I asked him to spare their lives, he just laugh at me. Three days before the full moon, I called him to see the rare plant, it was growing at the high rock over the secret river. I used to feed the wild sacred crocodiles there with a leftover kill.

I planted the herb at the edge on purpose, so when the mage bend down to pick it up, I pushed him into the river. The crocodiles ate him immediately. I felt horrified but relieved. I could save my friends. He deserved to die.

I came back to the city and tell everyone, that the deity took the mage to serve him, and then I became the new mage. I held the new steamy ritual and gave illusion berries to my tribe, they were ecstatic, and they believed everything I did after that even though I was still a kid.

I hid the females under the temple but could not keep them there forever. I needed to get them out but could not ask anyone from my tribe to help.

Then the group of Ape warriors approached our land. They were coming back from the south. They had a few blue-haired mermaids with them. They captured them in the South Sea and took them to sell. I had them all captured and kept them in my secret prison. I went there to strike a deal with them. They said they would take the females to safety, but they wanted money I did not have, as I just started to be a mage.

They offered to take care of the females and take them away if I sell them to them. I did need money and the females will live. Apes said they will find good tribes for them. They will be taking them to tribes, where females are precious to get higher pay. It made sense to me.

I went to ask the females I kept in hiding and they all agreed, they felt born again after my steamy ritual was over. They were so happy to live and could not stay hiding forever in the darkness. They were grateful to me, that I saved them. Going with the Ape warriors was a chance to start again for them.

I proclaimed in my tribe that the deity despised blue-haired females as a sacrifice because blue is the colour of the waters he lives in. I invented blue hair colouring and coloured saved females' hair blue, so nobody will recognize them for a time being and set them with the Ape warriors. I made a deal with them, they will come once a month, after the sacrifice. It turned out to be a good business. It help me to make money and became more powerful.

In my thirties, the king died, and Gaius was around 3 years old, so I took the reigns as a leader too. People were excited about my sacrifices because they felt the presence of magic in them. It is the feeling that counts." he nodded. "But then the Gaius grew bigger, he found out I'm selling the females. He said, he is glad I do not kill them and that he will keep quiet about it, what he did. But as he matured he wanted power back too, as I'm in reality useless to him, he has no need for me and will have me killed, if I do not do something. He killed out most of my friends and followers in secret, weakening my cult." Crodius looked into Sienna's eyes and bit his lips. He held her hand in his as if making it warmer as he talked.

Sienna listened in awe."You are very brave." she smiled at him approvingly. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I think the king does not despise you, he just wants what is his. You can have a meeting with Gaius, and tell him, you plan to start a new life, so he will let you go. You can make him an official crowning ceremony, so he can start ruling by himself only." Sienna nodded. "But you also had to say that deity is satisfied, his harems are full, that he granted his blessings forever and requires little golden statues instead or flowers, something not bloody. Talk to the king about what he wants."Sienna said a bit lost. It was a lot of things people can offer with no bloodshed.

Crodius nodded. It was a good idea. Then he looked at her more seriously." When do you think the cosmetics will arrive?" he asked.

"I think in three-four days. One and a half days for Sharchan to come back to Sand City and then a few hours for Sarcos to send me what we need."Sienna said." In the meantime bring me some more paper and ink, pigment paints and a few big canvases, a big mirror and some silky fabrics, scissors and glue, and I will design our cosmetic range. And I need different tin containers, spoons and crystal bottles. It has to be something people in your tribe can make the same always. It has to be consistent."

Crodius nodded."Will send it to you later on today. Rest for now."

"I will, "Sienna smiled."But I have to catch a few ideas before I will forget them," she went to pick up the paper and ink again.

"It is up to you, "he shrugged his shoulder and stood up too." Our fates will be tangled from now on." he looked at her.

Sienna nodded and settle back in the bed with drawing papers on her knees." I will do my best for you." she nodded kindly.

Crodius went out and Bran with Sarcos guarded the door again. Bran stopped the mage. "Mage Crodius, wait for a bit. I heard the queen was in pain, just before you came, I like to ask for some medicines for her."

"Why would you care so much?" asked the mage.

"She is our responsibility, we guard her with our life and she should be well. I think she needs some more food too. If you are too busy, we can take care of this as well."Bran offered.

"Do whatever you think is needed. I will send you the medicines."Crodius nodded and went. He did not think too much of it, because was kind of natural that strong males wanted to take care of a beautiful female, even if she was not their mate.

"He is in luck, he agreed."Sarcos furrowed his brows.

"What do you think of him?" asked Bran. "Will you let him live?"

"I leave it with my queen."Sarcos decided. Just then the servants of the king dropped packets of food to them. Sarcos check it out. He arranged it nicely into big bowls. The medicine for Sienna arrived as well, Sarcos opened the small vial and tasted it. It was fine. Then he thought for a little bit and took out the gold coin he made for Ramse." Give her this as well, say Sharchan lost it. She might need it later on."

Bran knocked on Sienna's door. "I brought you some medicines for the pain and some food, " He said gently," And this." He gave her a gold coin." King Sharchan dropped it, so I came to return it to you. "He smiled. Bran somehow became less cold around Sienna. He saw she was kind and he wanted to be supportive of her. If it was up to him, he would just take her away straight as they came!

Sienna took the gold coin and held it in her palm."Thank you."

Bran nodded and went out."What now?"He asked Sarcos.

"We watch!" the strong scorpion said."We need to wait till she feels a bit better anyway. And I want to see her ideas come to life," he whispered.

Sienna took the medicines and ate some food. She was grateful to the guards. They were really nice to her. Sienna started to feel better. Then she stared at the coin. Ramse's handsome face minted in gold and hers on another side." How crazy," she thought."Probably this is the first time, I'm glad to see him!" she chuckled.

In a few hours, Crodius sent up all the things Sienna wanted. Bran dropped the packets into her room. "Put the mirror next to the window, I like a good light," Sienna ordered him around a bit. "The containers please put on the table, "she asked him.

Sienna arranged the containers on the table and decided which one will be the best. Then she measured pieces of paper to make labels. Then she started to draw, colour and design even more eagerly. Sienna got excited by this new challenge. She was happy to make something beautiful and forget about everything else for a moment.

Bran and Sarcos went to check on Sienna a few times. She was busy drawing designs and paintings. She just waved her hand at them cutely, when she saw them checking her.

Sienna was painting her own portraits in secret as a cosmetics commercial. She promised Crodius to be able to show her beauty to all his customers, so portraits were the best option. She did not mean to go with him at all! Sienna made one portrait as a shampoo commercial painting, and one as a face cream and lipgloss commercial. Then she designed the labels for the containers. She draw fantasy leaves and flowers and berries as she knew them. She had no idea which herbs or scents will Sarcos send to her because she made almost all of them up!

She hoped Sharchan mentioned the double barrels, it was also a hint of how to get in. Sienna was expecting Sarcos and his men will hide in the barrels and put cosmetics just on top. That is why she wrote him in her list of the Trojan Horse Leaf as an ingredient!

Meanwhile, Sharchan arrived at Sand City with Tyrell. He was rushing as crazy. Rem went out to greet him.

"I got a letter from Sienna. Where is Sarcos?" Sharchan panted heavily and put Tyrell down from his coils.

"King Sarcos went after the queen already, he went the same night after you took the queen without letting anyone know, he should be there. "Rem furrowed his brows."You did not see him?"

Sharchan stood frozen." I think I did saw him!" he bit his lips."That enormously strong guard!It must be him!He hit me so strongly, I looked like a little leaf in the wind."Sharchan raged a bit.

"What?"Rem asked.

"I think he was right next to the queen! But why he did not reveal himself?"Sharchan was lost.

"He must have his reasons."Rem nodded a bit surprised.

" He wanted to punish me!" Sharchan realized and wild rage appeared in his eyes."He enjoyed to hit me so hard!"

"I think he want to find out more about that mage." said Rem.

"Why would he?"Sharchan scoffed.

"I'm not sure. Give me the letter, I will prepare the things queen asked for."Rem opened his palm. Sharchan gave him the letter. Rem looked at it. "She wants cosmetics?"

"Yes."Sharchan nodded."In double barrels, I will pay for it." he hissed.

."I will have it sent immediately."Rem nodded."Maybe the queen is trying to get Crodius's trust and find information about that female Tyrell was looking for."Rem added and looked at the exhausted tiger."Let's put Tyrell to rest, I will give him some medicines."

Sharchan rushed to Sand City. He just gave Tyrell small prey he caught on the way, so Tyrrell was still very weak. Sharchan left Tyrell with Rem to rest and went to hunt. It was good for venting his anger. He could not believe Sarcos hit him so hard and humiliated him this much in front of their enemies!

He caught a few deers and bring them back to the castle. He sat next to Tyrell in his room."Eat Tyrell." he pointed to the deer.

Tyrell changed to a tiger and gobbled up the meat. Sharchan ate too. He was hungry but really grumpy, he still needed to cool down a bit, so Sharchan took Tyrell out to the garden for fresh air.

They lay next to each other in the soft grass on a cold night. They needed to think and digest. Sharchan looked at the stars."Tyrell, the winter is coming, I will be going home to hibernate soon."

"Don't you want to see Sienna before?"Tyrell asked quietly.

"She doesn't need me, she has Sarcos, "Sharchan said a bit sadly. He was upset that Sarcos is stronger than him again.

"But she loves us too. She needs us too, we are a family, you silly snake."Tyrell smiled.

"Yes, especially you as a half-dead tiger," Sharchan chuckled."I bet you are not even able to mate!"