Dance with the King of Underworld

Mathyas turned frozen Sienna to him and held her in the dancing position, but the song just finished. Sienna felt as if most of the people in the room just stared at them. The Black Lizard King was a dark figure among the kings. Sienna felt him holding her and tried to sober up."Of course, he came; I promised him a dance, smile Sienna, smile!"Panicked thoughts run thru her mind.

"Let's wait for the next one!"Mathyas locked his scarlet red eyes into Sienna's blue ones. She nodded and smiled politely."Of course my king." she finally gathered her thoughts and decided to be brave. "It is not like he will kill me on the spot for no reason, so there is nothing to worry about!"She convinced herself.

He held her in the dancing pose till the next song started. Mathyas heard Sienna's heart beating loudly, she felt he is a danger and she breathe deeply trying to calm down. The serene smile on her lips was hanging faintly. Her face was pale and her hands trembling a bit, but Mathyas held them steady.

Mathyas smiled cheekily." Are you scared of me, little queen? '" he pressed her fingers lightly in his hands and tilted his head curiously to be more on Sienna's level.

Sienna shook her head slowly."I'm not sure yet. I do not know you that well, my king." she said as in trance.

Mathyas chuckled."I take it you are not scared then!" he smirked.

The music started to play and Mathyas led Sienna firmly with light ease. She felt at some moments he is actually flying with her! Mathyas's embrace felt very secure, so Sienna decided to ignore that she did not feel the ground under her feet occasionally. She let her guard down a bit and enjoyed the weightless dance with him.

Mathyas noticed Sienna became calmer around him. He smirked in his mind. "Maybe it will be not so hard to sway her over to me." he thought a bit proudly. The song finished, but Mathyas still held Sienna in his arms." I like to dance more." he said nonchalantly.

"As you wish, my king, as many dances as you want."Sienna smiled kindly. "If I keep Mathyas entertained, everyone else will be free of trouble!" she thought in her mind. She did not want him to ruin Gaius's big day by killing people!

The music started and Mathyas led Sienna around the room again." Would you like some fresh air?" he asked her suddenly. Sienna nodded as if in trance, she did not feel as disagreeing with him. "Keep him busy, keep him busy, keep him entertained..." played in her mind as a melodic song.

Mathyas grabbed a goblet with mint water on the way to the gardens. He led Sienna to the bench. The night was young, the stars with the moon shone brightly and the Midnight Lily bushes with intoxicating smell were everywhere. Mathyas sat opposite to Sienna and gave her the goblet with minty water."Have a rest little queen." he smiled.

"Thank you," Sienna took the goblet."I'm not that little," Sienna smiled and had a drink.

"How cute," he ran his hand on her cheek." You are like a child." he looked at her with cold entertainment in his red eyes. Sienna kind of felt like dinner for a vampire, "Does he like to play with his food?" the silly thought ran thru her mind.

Mathyas tap her forehead, "What are you thinking about little queen?"

"Nothing, you just remind me of some interesting stories from my old world." she carefully left the words, unpleasant" and,, scary" just in her mind.

"You mean Vampire stories; he looked at her a bit hard. "About the men who suck innocent maiden's blood..." he whispered to her sarcastically.

Sienna felt her heart freeze." Can he read my mind?" she thought in shock.

"Have no worries, you are not that innocent anymore, you have four mates already. I'm sure they can protect you from any vampires..." he said the last word very slowly as if tasting its sound.

Sienna bit her lips."I'm sorry, I just have a very vivid imagination, it is the artist thing."

Mathyas decided to play on Sienna's kind heart." I understand, everyone is judging me, by my appearance. My red eyes and pale white skin... I surely must look very scary to you."

Sienna shook her head, "Forgive me, I did not mean to upset you. Of course, I will not judge you by the way you look, I just need to know you better."She smiled kindly. "I feel a bit foolish now." she bit her lips cutely.

Mathyas felt his trick was working. He held Sienna's hand in his."I forgive you this time, but you have to promise me not to be scared of me anymore. I will never hurt you."

"Ok, "Sienna nodded." How I'm not supposed to be scared of him? I saw him bleed the man to death...don't think, don't think, he can read your mind. "her thoughts panicked.

Mathyas saw her bit startled expression and petted her hand in his with his other hand. "Don't be upset, you are so beautiful when you smile. You are the most beautiful person I ever saw," he said kind of gently.

"Thank you."Sienna gathered her courage and smiled.

Mathyas touched her long hair around her face gently, "I do not think about your golden hair and you're beautiful face," he ran his hand way down her cheek," but about your lovely heart." he pointed his finger at her heart." I can see the beauty of your soul. I understand why Sarcos loves you so much."

"Are you flattering me now?"Sienna looked at him suspiciously.

"No. I'm just saying what I can see."He smiled kind of innocently.

"Thank you then."Sienna smiled kindly. She looked at him a bit curiously.

"Tell me, why Sarcos said you are frienemies?"Sienna asked.

"Because we know each other so well, we were close as brothers, we have the same interests, similar yet opposite powers, but we can't stand to each other now."

"Why?"Sienna tilted her head.

"My father almost killed Sarcos's one, but it was an accident. But Sarcos does not believe us and he almost killed my father in anger, we were just kids, but we fought really hard to protect our fathers. Sarcos won and burned my face badly, if I'm not a lizard, I will be scarred for life. But I shed my skin many times and it healed, so that makes it alright, I guess." Mathyas said innocently.

"But why don't you just forgive each other and be friends again?"Sienna asked gently.

"I would love to, but I'm afraid, Sarcos would not listen to me. Maybe, if you talk to him." Mathyas smiled gently." The little silly fish just got caught in my net." he chuckled in his mind.

Sienna nodded her head."I will ask him." she said gently. She was not sure to believe him completely, so she planned to ask Sarcos.

Mathyas kept his innocent smile, "Sienna will enrage Sarcos greatly by telling him this!" he thought satisfied.

The cool wind started to blow and Sienna shivered.

"Are you cold?"Mathyas asked caringly. His mission was accomplished, so he could retreat now!

Sienna nodded. She was still thinking about his story.

"Let's go inside then. I'm asking you for one more dance before I go."He smiled cheekily.

"You are leaving so soon? " Sienna asked.

"I came only to dance with you. I will do deals with Gaius later."Mathyas said nonchalantly.

"Ah, ok," Sienna nodded.

Mathyas helped Sienna to stand up and led her back to the Throne room. Sienna noticed the other kings were waiting to dance with her as well, but as they saw Mathyas's freezing face they backed off thankfully. Mathyas was too dangerous. So they just hoped he will leave soon.

Sienna did not like the neighbouring kings at all. They seemed weird to her. Especially the Bullfrog King!

As Mathyas passed the kings, he glanced at Sarcos, who was talking to Gaius, but when he felt Mathyas's gaze, he followed it. Mathyas glanced at the other kings. Sarcos shook his head gently. Mathyas smiled and nodded.

The next song started. Sienna danced with Mathyas relaxed, she let him lead her and her body followed the rhythmic music. She did not notice Mathyas is actually using the sleeping spell on her! Her head went a bit heavier and she leaned closer to him. Mathyas smelled like Midnight Lilies, leather and fresh blood. Dangerous, a bit toxic and mesmerizing.

Sienna felt as if her body became a doll. Her mind went all confused and foggy. Her head fall on Mathyas's shoulder and she fell asleep the moment he finished dancing with her! Mathyas smiled and held her tight at his chest. She was pliable and soft, he liked that feeling.

Ramse noticed Sienna splattered too close on Mathyas. He was suspicious and came to check on her."King Mathyas, what is up with the queen?" he asked worried.

"She is just too tired, "Mathyas checked sleeping Sienna and picked her up to his arms.

"Show me to her room," Mathyas asked Ramse.

"I can take her if you are in hurry."Ramse offered. Mathyas scoffed."I'm not in that big hurry."

"It is quite a long walk." Ramse looked at Mathyas."You are a too important guest to trouble you with this." Ramse said sneakily.

"Well, she is not that light!"Mathyas weighed the sleeping Sienna in his arms.

"Blood and milk, "Ramse chuckled."She is not made of feathers."

"I was thinking you are stronger?" Xander came to Mathyas."I can carry her all day and night if I want to. "the black panther chuckled.

Mathyas frowned."Here, you take her then!"He gave sleeping Sienna to Xander.

Xander picked Sienna and pressed her on his chest with satisfaction. He followed after Mathyas. Ramse walk first and led the way. In the dark corridor suddenly Mathyas stopped. He turned to Xander and slapped his face hard. Xander's back hit the wall, but he held Sienna steady.

"Never-ever question my strength king Xander."Mathyas hissed.

"You are the one who complained that she is heavy," Xander smirked. He wiped his bleeding lips cheekily on his shoulder, lifting Sienna a bit higher in his arms as a feather. Xander was very strong and he did not find her heavy at all!

"Do you know that she likes me?"Xander's eyes shone brightly. He wanted to provoke Mathyas a bit more.

"You will never have her. You two are so weak you can be hardly my slaves."Mathyas hissed.

Xander still held Sienna and carried her as if nothing happened.

"I don't understand why you want to send the queen to her room if you don't like her?" Ramse asked a bit grumpily.

"Who said I don't like her?"Mathyas asked coldly.

"You said she is heavy."Xander reminded him.

"It will not matter when I will be on top of her."Mathyas grinned.

Ramse turned disturbed to him."You will need to go thru Sarcos first."

"I plan to kill him."Mathyas nodded.

"Good luck, he is invincible."Xander chuckled.

"I have my ways, don't worry about me," Mathyas smirked.

"If you kill Sarcos, she will refuse you anyway." said Xander seriously."Sienna loves Sarcos the most!"

"She will listen to what I say, "Mathyas said coldly.

"Hahaha, "Ramse chuckled," I tried this approach, good luck. You will learn the definition of stubborn then. I'm still trying to fix my mistakes."

"Yes, you need to be kind if you want her heart."Xander nodded.

"Aren't you clever Xander?"Mathyas frowned.

"It is working!"Ramse said seriously."Xander took her before by force, but he fixed it with kindness really fast."

"Yes," Xander nodded.

The three bickering kings finally came to Sienna's room. Xander put Sienna into her bed and took her sandals off.

"What are you doing?"Mathyas frowned.

"She doesn't like to sleep in shoes, "Xander whispered.

"You are such a nanny Xander." Mathyas shook his head in disbelief.

"And what? I do love her. Besides, her skin is so pleasant to touch." Xander smiled gently, looking at sleeping Sienna.

"Does she like sleeping in her dress then?" Mathyas chuckled sinisterly. He wanted to provoke them a bit.

"Don't touch the dress."Xander said carefully."Only Sarcos can do it. You need to be more respectful Mathyas."

"Who will stop me? If I want she will never wake up!"Mathyas whispered dangerously.