Blackened scorpion

Sienna sat motionless on the cold stone floor and stared into the darkened dome when Ramse and Xander entered the room with a few Black Lizard warriors. Mathyas brought them in to say farewell to Sarcos. They saw crying Sienna on the floor and Sarcos 's armour and a golden sword in the crystal room.

"What happened?"Ramse asked worriedly. Xander just stared at Sienna. He crouched next to her and held her tight on his shoulder. Sienna was sobbing uncontrollably. Xander felt her soul was sad like never before. She was eloped in a dark cloud and was not even aware of what is happening around her!

"Sarcos is gone. He lost and is dissolved into the thin air. "Mathyas said darkly. The words just sounded absurd to him as he said them.

Ramse glanced at Sienna."So are you keeping her?"

"Yes, it was the deal. She has one week to mourn and then I mate her."Mathyas nodded a bit coldly.

"Well, let us at least help you to make her a bit better then. She is a mess right now." Ramse bit his lips worriedly.

"No need."Mathyas said coldly."You might say your words and go."

"Well, I think we should check the mark on her back, it can be poisoning her again," Ramse noted.

"You might be right, Ramse!"Xander called, "She is getting limp suddenly!"

Sienna felt her heart and body hurt, "Maybe I'm really dying too," she thought."Good! At least I will be with Sarcos."She just closed her eyes and waited immersed in pain.

"Check it."Mathyas furrowed his brows. Sarcos said nothing to him about his mark!

Ramse crouched to Sienna and Xander turned her back to him.

Xander looked at Mathyas upset. "Did you really have to do this?"

"He asked for it! He was thinking it can help him to level up."Mathyas bit his lips clearly upset too.

Ramse took out his knife and cut the fabric of Sienna's dress on her lower back quickly to check the golden scorpion."Xander, look!"Ramse called horrified.

Xander turned limp sobbing Sienna up in his arms ."The golden scorpion started to blacken!" Xander called.

Mathyas looked at it."How interesting! Do you know how to stop it?" he asked Ramse.

"I might try." Ramse looked at Mathyas."Just don't touch it, it is pure poison." he noted.

"How is that possible?"Mathyas furrowed his brows.

"Scorpion King's marks are for life, this one is sealing antidotes to a lot of poisons, but if the king dies, they join together and create the poison to kill the queen! I need to drain just one of them and she will be safe."Ramse noted.

"Why would Sarcos do that to her ?"Mathyas shook his head in disbelief.

"He was just too excited to mate with the queen and forgot. I was the one who found out when I came to steal her from him just a day after he marked her."Ramse said worriedly.

Xander stood in front of Ramse. "I can't believe you were so unfaithful to your friend!"

Ramse cleaned hid his hands quickly and hid a little piece of black charcoal in his pocket!"Well, it saved their lives."Ramse shook his shoulders.

"Is that true?" Mathyas looked down at Sienna."Ramse? "he turned to him...

"Sarcos was my friend, but I'm a weak king, I need strong allays. The queen knows me but doesn't want me, I can take care of her for you till she accepts you. But we have to hurry."Ramse said.

"If it can be stopped...," said Mathyas still thinking."I did promise to keep her alive, it will be a pity to waste her...Let's go then." he nodded.

Ramse picked Sienna's limp body up."Let's hope the antidote will work." he said a bit worriedly.

"But don't you betray me or I will kill you both!" Mathyas hissed. He led Ramse carrying Sienna thru the corridors to the room he got ready for her! Xander followed behind them. He hoped their plan will work!

Ramse held Sienna as a limp doll. Sienna felt Ramse carry her in the corridors, and then he passed the door because it caught her leg a bit. Then he put her on the soft silky bed and turned her on her belly. He put his hands near her blackened scorpion mark and pinched her back really painfully "Auu!" Sienna cried out loudly.

"It is still a good chance she will survive this..."Ramse smiled at Mathyas.

Xander just stared. He could not believe their little performance worked!

"Good, you might do whatever is needed, I want her to be happy, smiling and loving me!"Mathyas bit his lips.

"I will do my best to save her, but loving you, you have to do when she is better."Ramse nodded.

Sienna lay on the bed with closed eyes ."He is dead. Sarcos is dead."her world was shattered into little pieces and circled inside her mind, making her dizzy.

"Let her rest for a bit. "Ramse said to Mathyas."Xander will stay here and watch. I will go to the kitchen to prepare the medicine."He looked seriously at Mathyas.

"How do you know about poisons?!" Mathyas looked at him a bit suspiciously.

"Just antidotes. Sarcos taught me after I saved him and his queen," Ramse said looking really honest.

Mathyas nodded and stared at Xander. The Black Panther King sat next to Sienna on the bed and wiped her tears with a white silken handkerchief.

"He is too handsome, I don't want him near her." Mathyas looked at the Black Panther King a bit jealously.

"But she has to be watched, "Ramse noted, "Let him change to panther then, the cute fluffy pet, can help her to recover faster." he smiled at Mathyas."Change Xander," Ramse ordered him.

Xander changed to a huge panther and sat next to Sienna's bed. He put his big head on the bed and nudged her limp hand. Sienna felt the soft silky fluffy hair and touched it with her limp fingers automatically.

Matyas smiled."Is working. You seem to know what are you doing, Ramse!"

Mathyas took Ramse to the kitchen and gave him the fruit he got for Sienna.

"It is not much but enough to mix the antidote in," Ramse noted. He mixed a fruit smoothie and added medicine from a little sachet on his neck to it. He was so glad Sarcos gave him and Xander some stuff in case the queen is sick on the way to Sand City...

"Sienna, sober up."The huge black panther licked her hand. Sienna opened her reddened blue eyes and sit up dizzily. She stared into the beautiful black panther's sparkly eyes."Xander, Sarcos is dead, because of me. I want to die too."She cried and hugged the panther's thick neck. The bed was covered in smooth silver silk, so she slid onto the hard stony floor still holding Xander's neck. She looked very weak."Am I dying too?" she asked him.

Just then Ramse entered the room with the silver goblet of medicine. "Here drink it, Sienna! You are not allowed to die at all! Sarcos's orders."Ramse hissed angrily."He did all this so you can live!"

Ramse picked Sienna from the floor and sat her on the bed."Now drink the medicine, it will stop the mark from poisoning you!" he ordered her firmly.

Sienna shook her head."No, just let me die. I feel as if my heart will stop beating soon."Sienna whispered between sobs.

"You don't have much time left!"Ramse bit his lips."Drink it or I force-feed you!" he hissed.

"Just kill me, if I'm upsetting you! I want to go to Sarcos!"Sienna sobbed stubbornly.

Ramse knew he can't talk much. Mathyas was watching them thru the double mirror!

"Xander, change to man!"Ramse ordered the black panther.

Xander changed and looked at Ramse surprised. Ramse put the goblet with medicine on the table."Xander put it in your mouth, you will force-feed her with it! We have no choice."Ramse hissed. He was upset and did not have much patience with Sienna right now. "If we don't feed her the medicine and she lives Mathyas will find out we bluffed and will kill us both!"Ramse whispered very quietly to Xander, who stared at him with a silver goblet in his hand.

Sienna watched in a daze as Xander took a mouthful of medicine into his mouth. Her mind was foggy. She couldn't think at all! She felt Ramse pick her up on his lap and held her hands on her chest with one hand. He sat with her on the bed and propped her head up. Xander lowered his face to hers and his lips pressed tightly to her lips. Xander pressed her jaws with his hand to open her mouth and the sweet medicated juice flew down her throat!

"At least is not Ramse, " she thought as in a dream." Or Mathyas."

Sienna had to swallow the medicine. It made her feel warm inside and somehow sleepy.

Xander repeated it two more times till all the medicine was gone. Sienna felt like in a weird dream. She did not protest or moved anymore. Just stared blankly. She was feeling numb and confused.

"Good girl," said Ramse and petted her head, when the medicine was finished. He covered her with warm velvet blankets and let her rest. Sienna closed her eyes because she felt really sleepy, but she saw the pictures from the day and the tears started to flow again down her cheeks.

"Let her cry for a bit!" Ramse shrugged his shoulders helplessly and went out of the room.

Mathyas watched everything from another room and stopped Ramse as he came out."Why did you get Xander to do it? Don't you like her too?" he asked curiously.

"She will try to spit it out, if it is me, she can't stand me as a man, I told you."Ramse bit his lips." This medicine was too precious, there is no more of it, so I could not risk it." he noted seriously."Anyway, she will live for now. The potion worked, but I should give her some more tonics to make her a bit stronger. You see yourself she is too weak now! The panther is her pet. She likes him. Keep him around for a bit to make her better."

Mathyas looked into his grey eyes still thinking.

"We can help you with her till you mate her. Then we go."Ramse pressed his lips seriously. He promised Sarcos to keep Sienna alive at any cost, so a bit of humiliation was nothing to him! Besides Mathyas seemed too cold to him. He dared to call Sienna" heavy "and that is why Ramse and Xander did not trust him with her!

"Why would you two do it? I will not let you have her later on! You are still kings, weak but kings."Mathyas noted coldly.

Ramse nodded carefully," We just want to make sure she will be ok here. We know you are doing this to protect her, so we are at your service."

"She seems quite difficult."Mathyas nodded.

"You have no idea how stubborn she can be! But also very sweet and nice. If you play it right she might even fall for you. Then you will have everything." Ramse looked at him a bit jealously.

"Do you think so?"Mathyas asked curiously.

"Yes, I think she kind of like you, but is scared of you at the same time. If you will be kind to her, you can be very happy together. "Ramse noted alluringly.

"What if she hates me because I killed Sarcos?"Mathyas bit his lips.

"I don't think so. It was not really you who killed him. It was Cosimo's weapon. I will explain it to her. Leave it to me."Ramse noted.

"If she recovers well, I will pay handsomely," Mathyas nodded.

"No need, just let us visit sometimes, "Ramse said politely.

"Deal."Mathyas hit Ramse's fist in agreement.

"But you will not try to run away with her," Mathyas added just for sure. This deal seemed too easy!

"I'm not strong enough to protect her from Darren's King. I know my place and Xander too."Ramse smiled bitterly.