Little "fool"

Ramse walked the dark corridors. He was looking for Mathyas. He found him on his way to the Throne Room.

"Something happened?" Mathyas furrowed his brows.

"No, the queen ate well and is sleeping now. Xander is watching."Ramse shook his head."I just came to ask your permission to go hunt and bring some supplies for the queen, she can't eat the same food as the rest of us." he said quietly.

"Yes, yes, just do everything you need, to get the queen well," Mathyas nodded in hurry.

"I also need to take king Xander with me, as I plan to bring a lot," Ramse noted.

"And?"Mathyas furrowed his brows.

"I like to ask you if you can watch the sleeping queen in our absence," Ramse noted.

"Ok," Mathyas nodded," But don't be long, I have work to do. I will be there shortly," he said thinking.

"Sure." Ramse went back to Sienna's room to wait with Xander and Mathyas went to the Throne Room. Marath was drinking wine splattered on the black lizard throne happily. When he saw Mathyas approaching, he lifted his golden goblet and exhaled in satisfaction."My son, our revenge is complete, you won!" he beamed proudly." You are the strongest king around now. And you got yourself a beautiful queen as part of the deal as well." he chuckled.

"Yes, father." Mathyas nodded.

"Mother is very excited. She is planning to throw you a big feast to celebrate."Marath noted.

"Tell her to plan it for the next week, I gave this week to the little queen to mourn," Mathyas said seriously.

"Why did you?" Marath asked surprised."Are you not excited to have her? She must be a ball of fire in the bed."Marath licked his lips." In case you don't want her, just let me know." he chuckled.

"Well, she was crying her eyes out, I hope she will not flood us, father."Mathyas chuckled bitterly."I'm just trying to be kind to her. King Xander told me it works to get her heart." he noted.

"Ah, all women cry, your mother cried too when she came with you here, she wanted to live at Snake Castle, but her father sent her back to me." he shook his head."And look at her now! She is so savage I can't let her go out!" he chuckled coldly."You are still young and silly, get the little queen's body first and her heart will follow. Just go and take her or I will." he pierced his red eyes into Mathyas's ones.

"I gave her my word, father."Mathyas looked at him a bit upset. He did not like the way his mother was treated when he was a kid! He saw her suffer too much and his heart was scarred from it! " I will mate my queen after one week, I want her to be happy and loving. "he nodded.

"Well, she looks even better when she smiles."Marath thought for a bit."Maybe you are right! Let's see if you can get her heart first then. Let's bet, you will get her heart in one week or I will get her body in two weeks, hm?"

"Don't joke like this, father."Mathyas furrowed his brows.

"You silly boy!"Marath smiled excitedly, "Son, the new era is beginning. Imagine, even Sand City is yours now. Sarcos had hoards of treasures. If you will kill her other mates as well, you will be the richest king in the world!"

"Well, technically Sand City still belongs to Sienna only. "Mathyas noted.

"And she is in your hands, so what is hers is yours too."Marath chuckled."Silly boy. You think too much!"

"Yes, father, you are right!"Mathyas rather nodded. He still felt kind of insecure around his father!" Forgive me, I have some work to do."

"Now? What kind of work?"Marath asked curiously.

"I'm going to check on my new queen," Mathyas smiled.

"In the middle of the night?"Marath furrowed his brows.

"Yes, I'm her new master, I can do anything I want," Mathyas nodded.

"Go then, son and take your time," Marath chuckled knowingly.

Mathyas nodded and bit his lips. His father was too excited to have Sienna in the Underworld. He kept saying to him he wanted her too often and Mathyas started to realize it is probably not just fatherly teasing! "He must really have her in his mind. Or it is just his way how to force me to take her sooner?" Mathyas thought a bit confused as he walked to Sienna's room, he sat on the chair and watched the sleeping queen in the darkness. Xander and Ramse went out quietly. They walked out of the underground fortress and disappeared into the dark woods...

Sienna woke up to a sunny morning in Sand City. She sat on her turquoise bed dizzily. She slid down the silky covers and run thru the sandy corridors so fast, it seemed she almost floated in the air. She ran to the garden. The sun was up and birds sang lovely as always. She searched for the flowery pergola with a sweet expectation. Then a sweet scene caught her eyes. The pergola was bathing in sun and beautiful pink and purple flowers. All her mates were standing there and chatting. Muscular Sarcos, kind Tyrell, handsome Sharchan and cold Marco. Sienna blushed and ran to them. Sarcos looked at her sweetly, "You are finally up my little treasure!"

Sharchan looked at her a bit jealously, "My little treasure!"

"My love," Tyrell said gently.

"My beautiful queen."Marco nodded coldly.

"Sarcos!" Sienna called and run to hug him, " All the bad stuff was just a dream!" she called happily.

She jumped into Sarco's embrace and kissed his lips. Suddenly she felt that he start to disappear into the cold black fog under her hands!

"No!"Sienna shrieked in horror.

"It is your fault, Tyrell!"Sharchan hissed and disappeared as well.

"It is my fault forgive me!"Tyrell whispered and changed into a black fog.

"They are just too weak!"Marco smiled and went to Sienna, he hugged her waist and disappeared with her into the darkness.

Suddenly Sienna found out she was standing on the top edge of the volcano! She looked down at the boiling magma deep under her. She lifted her eyes and stared into Mathyas's pale face.

He smiled at her and offered her his hand."Welcome Sienna, you are my new queen of my Underworld."He said gently.

Sienna furrowed her brows."What did you do to my mates? Did you kill them?"Sienna called.

"They were too weak."Mathyas shook his shoulder."You will not need them anyway! You have me now!" he chuckled darkly.

"How could you? You are a heartless monster!"Sienna cried out and run away from him.

The volcano was steep and Sienna tripped over. She started to rumble down the sharp rocks! The rocks pierced her skin and ripped her clothes to shreds! Suddenly two strong hands caught her! Sienna looked up in relief."Xander," she smiled, but then she blinked in surprise. Xander's eyes were red! Sienna shook her head and noticed Ramse, who stood next to him. His eyes were also red. They looked like lifeless puppets."Ramse, Xander, wake up!" Sienna shook their shoulders frantically, but they were still the same!

"Where are you going? "Ramse asked harshly.

"Just away!"Sienna whispered a bit unsure.

Ramse shook his head. He grabbed Sienna's hands and dragged her back to the top of the volcano.

Sienna saw Mathyas is still standing there motionlessly. His face was in quiet rage.

Ramse threw her back to Mathyas. "Here your highness, your prize..." he bowed. Xander changed into a black panther and just watched. Sienna shook her head, "What is happening?"

Mathyas hugged her waist tightly."I see you will never love me...How could you love a heartless monster!" he laughed darkly and jumped into the boiling magma with her!

Sienna woke up in cold sweat. She sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room eloped in darkness. She hugged her shoulders and felt the soft velvet nightgown. She tried to remember what had happened."He is dead!" she cried out suddenly.

She looked in a daze into the darkness till she noticed two scarlet red eyes staring at her.

"Mathyas!Did you kill all my mates?"Sienna asked with a whispering broken voice.

"Of course not! It was just a dream," he said gently. "Let me fix it for you!" he sat next to her on the bed.

"What?"Sienna asked confused.

"Go back to sleep." he pushed her under the velvet blankets gently and covered her eyes with his warm hand.

Sienna felt she was being pulled by the black cloud. Suddenly she was standing on top of the volcano again! She looked at Mathyas. She took his hand and smiled."I'm sorry to call you a monster, I was thinking you killed all my mates."

"All?"Mathyas furrowed his brows.

"Well, apart from Sarcos, that was your ridiculous deal."Sienna bit her lips.

"So, you don't hate me for it?"Mathyas lifted his eyebrows.

"No, it was not your fault. He planned it with you!"Sienna sighed.

"Well, who is to be blamed then?"Mathyas asked coldly.

"Me! He did it for me." Sienna bit her lips.

"Is not your fault eighter. "Mathyas sighed." Anyway, is done. I can't change it," he said a bit darkly.

"But I can do something different for you. Come."He moved his hand and the gate into the sunny gardens appeared in front of them. Sarcos and all her mates were there again, standing under the flowery pergola, chatting happily.

"If you accept me, you can stay here every night," Mathyas said gently.

"Every night?"Sienna asked surprised.

"Yes, it will be my gift to you."Mathyas nodded.

Sienna looked at the happy scene and teared up."Would I sleep forever?"

"No. The days belong to me!"Mathyas said firmly.

"I do not want it Mathyas!" she sobbed, "It is not real. Please, take it away! I rather spend the nights with you too." she shook her head. She felt she would go crazy if she spent nights in paradise and days in hell!

"But I don't want you to cry anymore!" he looked at her seriously.

"This illusion will just make it worse." Sienna bit her lips.

Mathyas nodded. Sienna watched painfully as the beautiful illusion disappeared into a dark twirling cloud. When she looked at Mathyas, he was gone! The dark cloud came closer till it swallowed her completely, but she did not feel scared somehow. It took her to the wide flowery meadow and disappeared. A beautiful white horse stood there."Sunshine!"Sienna called and the horse came to her slowly.

Sunshine nudged her with her soft pinky nose and Sienna smiled. The horse knelt down and Sienna climbed up on her back. Sunshine walked slowly as Sienna was petting her pearly soft mane. She felt happy and free suddenly.

Mathyas took his hand from Sienna's eyes and watched her sleeping peacefully in the darkness. A slight smile appeared on her lips. "I hope you have a good time playing with your horse," he whispered gently."You are such a little fool. I was just trying to ease your sorrows." he shook his head.

"And I wanted to see your reaction if I would kill your mates for real!" he thought and bit his lower lip cheekily."Maybe I should let them live as Sarcos did!" he said quietly to himself. "Your smile is worth it! I still don't understand, why you did not accept my illusion. Was it not exactly what you wanted? Now you will have just me and my Underworld. Or do you like me already so much, that you can stay without seeing your mates?" he chuckled darkly. "Or are you scared of illusions? How fragile you are." he looked at Sienna's long eyelashes and full pink lips."Little tigress." he chuckled. "How will I make you love me?"