Thyasse is hungry

"And you are too impatient." Sienna still sat on the floor comfortably staring at upset Thyasse. The guard behind her took out a silken rope and crouched to Sienna. He wanted to put it around her neck! Sienna dodged and stood up quickly.

" How disgusting. I knew you could not wait for my skull long." she chuckled at Thyasse nervously."Can't you rather poison me? I do not like to have marks on my body before you dig in."Sienna frowned her face.

"The royalty can die with silk string quite well, Thyasse smiled.

"Only in the barbaric lands, "Sienna shook her head, "but what can I expect from you? You are a bit savage."Sienna bit her lips."Will you eat me as that bird too?"Sienna asked her curiously.

"Maybe..."Thyasse changed into a big snake! She hissed at Sienna and then she changed back.

"Mage Crodius believed my blood can make people beautiful, is that why you want to eat me? You should keep some to smear on your face, it will be interesting, and you will be red like a tomato."Sienna chuckled.

"I will paint your skull red then too."Thyasse chuckled.

"I feel so sorry for you, even with my skull your collection will be really poor because you don't have the most precious skull of all." Sienna tried stalling hard.

"What are you talking about? Thyasse hissed.

" You don't have the diamond skull. Is from the ancient race of powerful sorcerers whose bones look like diamonds. It keeps its owner forever young and beautiful. You just need to touch it every day."Sienna smiled.

"Did you see it?"Thyasse opened her eyes wildly.

"Sure I did, but I do not collect skulls, so I just left it where it was. In the secret chamber of an ancient temple."Sienna said mysteriously. Thyasse saw that Sienna did not lie. Well, Sienna surely saw the skull. In the movie! "It was very beautiful. You can see thru the bones as they sparkle in the candlelight." Sienna said dreamily...Stalling much as she could.

Thyasse listened in awe."Well, my son can get it for me."She smiled excitedly.

"It is from a different world, I don't think he can."Sienna shook her head."Only I can get it if I want to."She nodded her head.

"I see, you want to escape," Thyasse smiled.

"Well, your loss, so do you eat live people often then?"Sienna asked curiously.

"Not that much anymore. Why?"Thyasse stared at her.

"Well, Sharchan said to me he wants to eat me alive, so I'm just curious if it is the family tradition or if you prefer dead bodies."Sienna nodded.

Thyasse came to Sienna."I forbid you to mention Sharchan again to me!"

"That's a pity because he got a golden statue of you on his pile of treasure," Sienna said. She was just making up stories to stall the time really.

"Hm, whatever the statue."Thyasse shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly but seemed pleased.

"Well, it has a secret writing on it," Sienna said.

'What does it say?"Thyasse was interested suddenly.

"Stupid older sister!"Sienna said.

"What?"Thyasse furrowed her brows.

"Well, Sharchan is very rude. Even to me," Sienna nodded pitifully."He threw my flowers on the floor, made me wear veils and locked me in the golden cage decorated with snakes and roses. You will definitely look better in that cage than me!"Sienna nodded.

"He seems to like you a lot. Pity! I'm taking my skull today. But I will do you a favour and eat you alive. Then you can feel how your bones are cracking and enjoy the sound of it like me!!"Thyasse hissed.

"You are so kind! Can you sing me a lullaby with it? " Sienna try to stall more, but it was useless.

Thyasse changed into a big snake and slithered to Sienna.

Sienna backed off and tried to run, but the guards grabbed her tight.

They picked her up horizontally and held her under their arms as a huge sausage, ready to stuff into Thyasse's huge mouth, with her feet first!

"Mathyas, Xander, Ramse, help me! Mathyas!"Sienna try to call but one of the guards held her mouth. Sienna bit him hard, but he just hold her tighter and seemed not to mind!

"It looks like I will see you soon, Sarcos, "Sienna teared up and relaxed her body. She wanted the guards to ease their grip and try to free herself again when the snake is closer!

Suddenly the door barged open and the huge black panther leapt into the room. Xander saw an enormous snake and the guard holding Sienna as a snake snack. His heart almost exploded in rage! Xander leapt high in the air attacking the lizard guards and Ramse ran to free Sienna. Ramse pulled Sienna's body from the guard's hands, breaking their stiff fingers in the process. The guards were mostly dead already because Xander got into a killing frenzy and the lizard guards' heads were bitten off clear in lightning speed. Xander became so incredibly fast after training with Lord Ziran that the lizards did not have even time to scream or fight back!

Thyasse hissed at Xander. The panther looked into her wild yellow eyes. "It is a gift for you. Seven new skulls!"He growled. The big snake attacked Xander, but he dodged and changed into a man form. The twinkling stars appeared in his eyes and the snake got mesmerized for a moment.

"Who are you?" Thyasse suddenly changed to a human form.

She stared into handsome Xander's face! She could not take her eyes off the tall tanned warrior with long flowing black hair, and a passionate expression on his face. Thyasse was mesmerized by the little stars in his dark eyes. She started to feel kind of happy. He heart begin to beat faster as she felt her body come alive when suddenly Mathyas barged in and the handsome man changed into a black panther again!

Thyasse shook her head out of the daze. She stared at the black panther and felt upset. She wanted to watch the stars!

Then she remembered Sienna and searched for her in the room. She noticed she is almost at the door held tightly in the embrace of a tall burly warrior with blond hair. Thyasse watched his slightly tanned muscular shoulders and licked her lips."So strong!" the thought came to her mind. The blond warrior explained something to Mathyas quietly holding the visibly shaken Sienna.

Mathyas nodded his head and came to Thyasse."Mother! The queen is mine! No one is allowed to touch her. I promised to keep her alive. She will be the mother of your grandchildren, you can't eat her!"

"But she was rude!" Thyasse hissed.

"Then you can punish me not her!"Mathyas nodded.

Thyasse looked at Mathyas hard. She felt kind of grumpy she can't watch the stars in the handsome warrior's eyes again."Kneel down instead son then if you want it so much."She hissed.

Mathyas knelt down and Sienna, Ramse and Xander watched in shock as Thyasse took a fire-like whip from the ring on her finger and slashed Mathyas's shoulders and back with it.

He looked like he did not feel anything, but became even paler. He was white as an extra bleached paper cured with an optical white coating!

Sienna felt the tears flowing down her face. She could not stand this! She slipped out of Ramse's embrace and walked to Thyasse."Stop, how can you be so cruel to your own son? You just said to me you love him the most!" She called and stood in front of Mathyas. Ramse sighed and stood next to her and Xander as the black panther as well. Ramse bit his lips and watched upset Thyasse. He would kill that snake if she dared to hurt Sienna in a flick! Even if it cost him his life.

Thyasse stared at the strong handsome warriors and halted. She fixed her eyes at Sienna."It was meant for you. He asked for it! Or would you like to scar your pretty face?"

"Are you jealous of me? Is that why are you doing it? Because Sharchan did not find you attractive and he took me?" Sienna asked her boldly.

"You...!" Thyasse hissed in anger but stopped frozen staring at the door. Sienna turned her head and saw as Marath entered the room seriously. He walked slowly to Thyasse and took the whip out of her hand.

"Stop, that's enough! Don't embarrass our son in front of other kings, he said coldly and pointed to Ramse and Xander...he is not a little boy any more...he should be a father soon. Well, he or me..." he licked his lips.

Marath went to Sienna and touched her cheek. "If you don't take my son by the end of the week as he said, I will keep you for myself and you can continue to play your brother-sister game."He pinched Sienna's cheek lightly and chuckled entertained. Then he went back to shocked Thyasse and pulled her out of the room by her arm! When they left, Sienna crouched to Mathyas ."Are you ok?"

Mathyas nodded."It was nothing."

Ramse gave Mathyas a hand to stand up. The Ape King was shocked. Ramse glanced at Xander, the panther stared in disbelief too. It was the first time they ever saw another king be beaten by his own mother!

Sienna touched Mathyas chest gently. It was wet from blood."Thank you for coming, but you were late."She looked at him a bit bitterly. " If Ramse and Xander do not come in last minute, I will be crushed inside of your snake mother, "Sienna said seriously.

"I apologise for my mother, she must go savage."Mathyas nodded.

"Apologise? But how can you stand it? You are the king. You are not to be punished as a little boy by anyone!"Sienna called in disbelief. Her image of Mathyas was completely crumbled. He was a little mama's boy! And a silly one!

Ramse nodded in agreement. "You would not like any of your enemies to see that, your reputation will be finished in instant."He shook his head...

"Should I kill you then?" Mathyas looked at Ramse.

"No, he is your friend, not enemy," Sienna sighted." We are all friends here!"She looked into Mathyas's red eyes gently and took him by his slender waist.

"Your mother should not have the right to beat me or you. You are a king, you need to change it. Or next time, you might find me dead. I think your mother hates me."Sienna said carefully.

Mathyas held Sienna's hand in his." I will keep you safe Sienna, don't worry. Sienna smiled at him back, but she did not believe him!