Did what?

Sienna looked around her room. It felt a bit dark now. She gave her sketches to Ramse."Hide it in my treasure cave." she whispered.

Ramse petted Sienna's head."Be good tonight and go to bed early, so we can spend more time searching, ok?"

"Ok," Sienna nodded excitedly. She ran into the bathroom and changed into a silver velvet nightgown straight away. Then she ate a bunch of grapes and one mint leaf and went to bed!" I'm in bed now, you can go. Good night." she closed her eyes.

Ramse chuckled."Don't be so impatient, we need to get Mathyas to watch you when you sleep till we come back."He put his hand on Sienna's eyes."You need to calm down a bit. You feel too frantic."Ramse noted.

Sienna felt her heart pacing fast, she was really so excited that even her muscles were shaking!"Ramse, I want him to come back to me, so much."She sighed.

"I'm here, "Mathyas just came in.

"Finally!"Sienna whispered. Mathyas felt kind of happy, it looked like she missed him.

"Ahh, right on time."Ramse came to Mathyas."We need to get some new shoes and dresses for Sienna tonight." he noted.

"And hunt..."Xander growled. He was very hungry!

"What happened to your nose?" Mathyas noticed the scratches on the black panther.

"Your invisible thorns."Xander grinned.

"Haha, Sienna did not warn you?"Mathyas chuckled.

"Yes, she did. I just never saw invisible thorns before."Xander growled. He felt a bit stupid.

"You did not see them anyway, you felt them."Ramse smiled."Silly cat."

"Sienna is almost sleeping," Ramse noted, "You can stay with her for a bit, yes?"

"Yes," Mathyas nodded but went out of the room behind Ramse and Xander. "Wait for a bit."Mathyas pulled Ramse and Xander into the little carved space in the corridor."I want to thank you for saving Sienna's life today." he bit his lips.

"We are just glad to be there on time!"Ramse sighed.

"You both have a favour with me for today. "Mathyas said seriously.

"Thank you..."Ramse and Xander nodded.

"One more thing. My father is after Sienna. He saved her once and if he will save her again, he plans to claim her for himself!"Mathyas bit his lips."I need you to watch her even closer now."

"What do you mean? He is not a king."Ramse furrowed his brows.

"He doesn't care for laws."Mathyas shook his head.

"Are you not stronger than him?"Xander asked.

"Father gave me his powers and the crown by himself. I never fought him. He kept the essence of his magic and he can take it back at any time. His word is the law here. If he saves Sienna again, he will take her to Sand City and rule there!"Mathyas sighted.

"And you will not fight him for her?"Xander asked in shock.

"Sarcos gave her to you to watch, not to him."Ramse bit his lips.

"How can I fight him? He is my father, I love him and my mother."Mathyas looked puzzled. "I sure like the little queen too, but they are my family, so you better watch her."Mathyas nodded."Anyway if I mate her straight after midnight of the seventh day, she is mine." he smiled to himself."Or earlier if she let me," he licked his lips thinking.

"We will do our best for you!"Ramse and Xander said to Mathyas politely and went out.

Mathyas went to Sienna's room and sat on her bed. She was sleeping already. "I almost lost you today. "he bit his lips. He looked at the sleeping female in the bed. "You are mine now. Fragile and beautiful as a morning sun. I still can't believe it." he chuckled and ran his hand through her soft hair, kissed her forehead, and relaxed in his armchair listening to her deep breathing.

Ramse and Xander ran quietly through the dark forest.

"I can't believe he is so weak to his parents!" Xander suddenly exploded.

"You are right," Ramse said darkly, "He can protect Sienna from Darren's king, but not from his own mother!"

"And his father..he wants to take her, even though he is not a king! That is despicable."Xander raged.

Ramse nodded. They came to the caves bewildered. Xander killed a few deers on his way and they just took them along on their strong shoulders. Ramse and Xander pushed the boulders to the side very easily. They were so upset and in such a frenzy that the heavy boulders seemed light to them! They uncovered cave rooms filled with gold, food, furniture, fabrics, dresses, books and art supplies for a few lifetimes!"

Ramse went to the cave with books and started to dig frantically for the book he remembered from Gaius's library. He found the heavy book about crystals and sighed in relief." Got it!"He searched for the part about the invisible warrior when a sheet of paper fell out. Ramse's eyes lit up. It was a plan of Mathyas's fortress! And it had a secret way out outlined in red with a small scorpion mark on it!

Meanwhile, Xander went to the treasure room and found a sealed letter in the golden box. He ran to Ramse frantically, "Look what I find!"

Ramse smiled a bit wickedly. He lit a candle and melt the seal carefully.

"It is a letter for Mathyas, no?"Xander asked.

"Yes, but we can read it too," Ramse noted. He opened the golden parchment and read aloud;

"Brother, take this to take care of my queen, if I do not come back after seven days, send Ramse to take care of Sand City for you and me. Your second son with my Sienna will inherit it."

Ramse and Xander felt their heart clench painfully.

"I hope he will come back. Sienna will be never happy with Mathyas."Xander bit his lips.

"If Sarcos will not come back, it will be my second son with his queen, who will rule the sand City."Ramse chuckled a bit bitterly.

"How so?"Xander asked.

"We do our plan and take Sienna away from him! He should not have a queen he can't protect! I found a map of Mathyas's fortress and a secret pass from the old volcano, we can use it to get her out in secret."

"You are so sneaky!" said Xander.

"I take you as her second mate anytime." Ramse chuckled.

"Thank you, my friend!" Xander nodded."And I will help you to get her heart in return."

"What about the letter?"Xander looked at it curiously.

"Let's go see the treasures first!"Ramse stood up and went with Xander to the room full of gold. He dug in the full chests of gold, till he picked a small golden locket."This will do!" he mumbled to himself.

Ramse put the letter on the stone and carefully cut out the words; "come back after seven days". Then he folded it neatly and put it into a golden locket!

"What you doing?"Xander asked curiously.

"A secret clue for Sienna," Ramse chuckled."To cheer her up!"

"But the letter is now ruined," Xander noted.

"What letter?"Ramse burned the rest of the golden parchment in the small fire.

"Why did you do that? It was a will of the king, your friend!" Xander stood shocked.

"Did what?" Ramse chuckled."If Sarcos will come back is fine, we take Sienna with him. If not, it is his problem. She has a right to choose who to stay with. We help her to get away from Mathyas and Sarcos can stay happily dead."

"But he is immortal," Xander noted.

"And what? That doesn't mean indestructible. "Ramse chuckled. "We will find a way."

"Let's start with this map, we need to convince Mathyas to let Sienna into the empty volcano freely. She needs to spend time there, so it will be not suspicious on the day we take her out."Ramse thought loudly.

"My mother has a garden in an empty volcano," Xander noted. "The soil is great for plants."

"Great idea."Ramse chuckled."You will suggest to Sienna, that she needs to ask Mathyas for a garden."

"Why me?"Xander asked.

"Because I will have to order her something she will not like."Ramse sighed.