Hard days in the Underworld

Deep inside the chilly wetlands, Xander finally brought Miriam to the Mathyas's fortress.

"Here we are!" Xander pointed at the Underworld's scary entrance, "But have no worries, your room will be upstairs. "

Ramse saw Xander approaching and went out. He looked at the middle-aged voluptuous woman curiously and smiled with sweet revengeful expectation.

"This is Mathyas's training queen, Miriam. She will help me to teach him how to be gentle to females!"Xander introduced her to Ramse.

"Welcome, Miriam ."Ramse smiled. "I'm Ape King Ramse and I'm very pleased to meet you."His eyes lit up."This will be maybe more painful than his cure and all the exercises!" he chuckled in his mind.

"My pleasure, "Miriam nodded politely.

"I will be helping Xander to take care of you, so what would you like to eat Miriam?" Ramse asked her sweetly,

"I like fish dishes and rice," she nodded.

"Sure, anything you want, you need to eat well, you are to be queen for a month," Ramse chuckled. "Your new king will be pleased to cook for you personally!"

"Show Miriam to her room, Xander and I will fetch Mathyas. We will do an official meeting in the Throne Room!"Ramse chuckled.

"Sure."Xander nodded. He took Miriam to Sienna's old room. Miriam quite liked it. "We will be just next door, "Xander noted," If you need anything let us know." He gave Miriam Sienna's cosmetics and loose tunic dresses."Sienna will not use them anyway, so it will be a pity to throw them out!" he thought." Get ready Miriam, I will come in 10 minutes to pick you up," he smiled."We will be going to the Throne Room to meet your king."

Ramse went to fetch Mathyas. The Black Lizard King was cutting the grass in the garden and tree branches, Xander ordered him to make it pretty! Ramse checked his work. "Well done, you worked well, just a bit slow," he nodded, "Now clean up quickly, I need to introduce you to someone." he chuckled.

Miriam got ready. She brushed her grey long hair and put on a beautiful dress, it was a bit tight, but she use two of Sienna's tunics and joined them together!

Ramse took Mathyas to the Throne Room and sat him on his throne majestically."You need to look good." he chuckled.

Mathyas stared curiously. He was not sure what is going on!

Suddenly Xander brought the chubby female to him. She had long grey hair, a jolly smiling face with a few wrinkles and her hips were really wide. " This is Miriam. This will be your new queen for training. You need to be kind to her, sweet and write her poems. Take her for walks and cook for her every day."

Mathyas stood up in disbelief. He came closer and looked at Miriam. He felt as if his eyes are sore!"But she is so ugly and fat. How I can even look at her!"He raged.

Ramse smacked Mathyas's face hard. Mathyas flew to the wall and slid down on the floor very unkingishly.

"You will never call your lady, fat, heavy or ugly! Do you understand?" Ramse glared at him.

"But how I am to call her?"Mathyas picked himself up from the floor and hold his bleeding lip.

"By her name, queen Miriam, she is voluptuous and beautiful, " Xander grinned."We got you a mature queen because you clearly need guidance! It took me a lot of time to find her and convince her to come to even see you. She is a lovely person, and you will be taking care here of her!"

Mathyas glared at Mirianm and clenched his fist.

"If you try to hurt her, I will lock you in the dungeon and simply kill you at the end of the month."Ramse looked at him seriously."I will cut you into tiny pieces and burn every piece of you separately, do you understand Mathyas? "Ramse hissed.

Xander stared shocked. "I never saw you so revengeful Ramse. I was thinking you got softer with Sienna."

"No, you two teach me to be kind to females. Mathyas is not a female. I do not know how to be kind to males," Ramse chuckled.

"Well, I'm glad to be on your good side then."Xander nodded.

Mathyas looked shocked. He felt Ramse is not joking. He was firm even with Sienna sometimes, "I know now, why she listened to him! He is ruthless inside."Mathyas thought in panic. He knew Ramse keeps his promises!

"So, what I'm to do?"Mathyas asked more calmly.

"You welcome her nicely with a kiss on her cheek. Then you show her your fortress for a start and led her clenched into your arm."Xander ordered.

"I do not want to kiss her!"Mathyas said and flew to the wall again before he finished frowning.

"Why did you hit me again?" he glared at Ramse.

"So you remember it well. When you stop behaving as a kid, I will lash you instead."Ramse chuckled.

"You need to learn to be kind and polite, she is still a female. She is your queen for now, so kiss her cheek to welcome her or she will kiss your lips instead. "Xander chuckled.

"You don't dare!"Mathyas hissed.

"Sure I will, I will hold you if you do not do it by yourself."Ramse nodded.

"You don't dare! I'm a king!"Mathyas looked at him shocked.

"I'm king too," said Ramse. He picked Mathyas up and held him in a lock. Mathyas tried to resist, but Ramse was too strong. He could not face him without his magic!

"Madame, please your help, "Xander led Miriam to Mathyas gently.

The lovely chubby woman kissed Mathyas joyfully."You are such a cutie pie. It is my privilege to help you. "She giggled and gave him a sloppy kiss on the lips!

Mathyas was glad he did not eat for two days, because he would surely vomit afterwards!

"Well, that was lovely Miriam, "Ramse watched Mathyas's green face with satisfaction, "Now you are properly introduced. You are officially Mathyas's training queen." he smiled gently."And because is cold at night, you will sleep next to him, if you don't mind."

Miriam bit her lips."Is it not too early for this?"

"Don't worry Miriam, Mathyas will not be indecent to you, I will guard, "Xander smiled sweetly.

" Indecent to her?As I will try to mate with her?"Mathyas was shocked and raged at Xander's comments in his mind. He did not dare to protest loudly. His whole body was sore from hitting the wall!

Mathyas had to show Miriam all his fortress.

"Let's go garden now," Xander noted.

"I'm a bit tired!" Miriam smiled, "All this walking."

"Have no worries, Mathyas will carry you around the garden."Xander smiled gently.

Mathyas had to carry Miriam around the garden!

"Watch your steps."Xander kept reminding him.

"She is so heavy! " he raged.

"Watch your mouth. She is perfect. She is your new queen, so be polite."Xander slashed him with the back of his sword over his back."Listen and don't complain."

"After the walk, you will brush her hair."Ramse noted, "They got a bit tangled in the wind."

"But they are grey and messy," Mathyas called outraged.

"Yes, you will make them beautiful with your hands."Ramse giggled. This was fun!"Then you will cook lunch for her with me."

"And massage her back and feet. Cut her toenails."Xander added.

"Sew her a new dress," Ramse said.

"Why she needs a new dress?"Mathyas asked curiously.

"For a ball. You will cook her dinner, and then you take her dancing..."Xander said softly.

Mathyas was raging inside."I will not do it!"

"Then I will lash you till you do!" Ramse said sternly." And you can bet it will hurt more than from your mama and papa." he chuckled.

"I will repay you for this."Mathyas almost sobbed from anger.

"Sure, train harder then. You are not strong enough to repay anything yet."Ramse noted.

Sarcos watched from the window. He was making deals and buildings to make Black Lizards fortress better. He was projecting a new city for Mathyas's people as well, with infrastructure and houses. He was very busy with planning. He would not interfere.

After an exhausting day, the dawn finally came."Time for bed!"Xander ordered.

Mathyas was walking to his room as to execution. He was raging and helpless! He got already lashed one time because he was not listening well and his back was hurting as hell!

Ramse took off Mathyas's shirt."You will sleep in your trousers only. "he nodded." As a real man. Go to bed!"

Mathyas lay in his bed obediently and waited for Miriam.

Miriam lay on Mathyas's shoulder gently. Mathyas bit his lips. His heart pounded as crazy, he was raging, but there was nothing he could do!

Miriam kissed his cheek goodnight. She was very sweet to him. Mathyas felt his body tremble. He would rather sleep with a seven-headed dragon. He felt so humiliated and weak!

"Sing her a poem for a good night, "Xander ordered him.

"I don't know how to sing poems."Mathyas frowned.

"Ok, I will teach you one, remember it well, you will sing to her every night before sleep."Xander grinned.

"You are my beautiful, sweet queen, your heart is in my hands, I love you dearly my treasure, sleep well my Miriam."Xander sang gently.

"That is so beautiful."Miriam sighed.

"Now Mathyas your turn. Repeat it, is not too long, so even you can do it."Xander chuckled.

Mathyas said the poem with clenched teeth.

"No, no, no, it had to be sung softly. Do it again!"Xander shook his head.

Mathyas had to sing the poem all over again. After twenty times, Miriam fell asleep already. She put on Mathyas her heavy leg as she slept. Mathyas could feel the pins and needles as his blood stopped flowing, but did not dare to move. Xander was watching him in the darkness.

Miriam was snoring loudly all night. Mathyas could not sleep, so he lay with his eyes closed and imagined how peaceful it will to be dead!

Xander enjoyed Mathyas's grim expression, Miriam's loud snoring sounded like sweet music to him! Xander could not sleep because it just made him so happy watching Mathyas suffer! This was just a start!

Mathyas fell asleep exhausted just as morning came, but Xander counted 30 minutes and woke him up.

"Hurry up."Go make her breakfast. "Go river and catch a fresh fish, then go kitchen and Ramse will show you how to cook."

Mathyas sighed and get ready quickly. He was glad to be out for a moment.

When Miriam awoke around an hour later breakfast was waiting for her. Mathyas was sitting at the table biting his lips."Good morning beautiful Miriam." he smiled politely."Here, it will be my pleasure if you have breakfast with me!"

"Thank you," she smiled.

"You welcome."He said gently.

"You must have a good sleep when you are so sweet today, my king."Miriam smiled joyfully.

"Yes, you can say that!"Mathyas adjusted his shirt carefully. He upset Ramse earlier and the cruel Ape King took a long strip of his skin from his back!

Mathyas started to be afraid of Ramse. He realized, that he will do what he say or worse! Ramse was cunning and talked well, but was extremely cruel to the ones he wanted to punish!