The duty of the queen

The morning came and Sienna stretched her tired body. She felt good after the night with Tyrell. He was already working, so she went for a short bath and got ready. She went to the kitchen with Bran to pick a fruit cone and went to the garden for some fresh air.

Later on, Lord Ziran came to pick her up."How are you today my lovely queen, are you still keen to go to the library? You look quite happy today." he smiled at her." Did king Tyrell make you feel better?"

"Sure he did."Sienna blushed.

"Well, the whole castle could hear his growling," Ziran chuckled.

Sienna clenched into Ziran's arm and went to the library with him.

Magnus was studying the old maps and writing something when Sienna and Ziran came in.

"Ahh, Lord Magnus, good morning," Sienna greeted the old tiger. Her blue eyes pierced into his brown ones. She was not upset with him anymore but was kind of curious about how he would talk to her.

"I'm not a Lord anymore, I'm a slave now, " he said politely and kept looking at his maps."A slave waiting for death," he murmured.

"I hope you will not die!"Sienna bit her lips.

"That decision lay with your kings, " he chuckled."But you look even more stunning than when you came here," he nodded." I still remember it like yesterday... Simple dress and golden hair. You had nothing but that blue tiger eyes of yours."

"I still have nothing."Sienna stared at him.

"Don't you have mates who love you? Four powerful kings?" Magnus chuckled."You could have more if you took the chances I gave you."

"Chances?" she looked at him a bit shocked. "You mean your little treasons of using me as a bargaining chip to coward Eagle Prince and absolutely crazy vampire spider? Do you think is funny to be forced into something with someone who you don't like?"

"How would I know?" he asked coldly." I'm a man."

"The man has a word. But at least you have a heart, that is the only thing which can save your life." Sienna looked at him firmly. "Anyway, I forgive you. Luckily my mates get me out and I made it alive. "She nodded.

"And now, you are the richest queen in the world," he chuckled.

"I'm not rich, my mates are!" she noted.

"Well, I did not see you in the library before," he smiled. "Did you come to learn something?"

"Yes, I came to have a look for some book about the queen's duties. "she nodded.

"Well, it was a time. For now, Tyrell has to do the king's and queen's duties as well."Magnus nodded. "He is working hard. You should work harder too, even if you are not here that often." he nodded.

"Make me a list. "Sienna nodded," I will have a look at it."

"Sure, my queen."He bowed his head politely and touched his heart.

"Here it is, Sienna."Ziran got her the book.

Sienna took it and start listing in it."What is this?" She stared at the ridiculous rules.

"The queen's most important duty is to give the king an heir?"Sienna read aloud.

"Yes." Magnus nodded." You are a bit behind with that."

"I'm just a few months here."Sienna shook her head.

"You are here exactly four full months by the end of the next week. You are highly mateable and people are wondering, why are you not pregnant yet? Given your strong mates, it is strange."Magnus looked at her a bit curiously."When the nation can expect?"

"But I'm not ready for kids yet."Sienna opened her eyes wide.

"And when you will be?" Magnus asked curiously.

"When I will feel safe."Sienna blurted.

"What? What did you say? "Tyrell was standing at the door watching! He came to say "good morning" to her, but instead, he caught her talking to Magnus. "Sienna, you don't feel safe with me?" his face had an expression of deep hurt.

"I don't know why I said it."Sienna stayed pale. She did not want to hurt Tyrell! Ziran stared at them a bit shocked.

Magnus held his hands together and stared at Tyrell's face."It is good to clean up the air."He said calmly. "The wild tigers also don't breed in captivity, when they don't feel safe, that makes sense." he nodded his head knowingly." So the question is, how we are going to make you feel safer here, my dear queen?" he turned to Sienna.

Sienna stood a bit frozen. "What exactly happened?" She thought and stared at calm Magnus, hurt Tyrell and a bit shocked Ziran and bit her lips. She felt like a child caught stealing sweets!

"You are right it is my fault."Tyrell come to her and hugged her shoulders."You are more taken away fighting to survive than being at home. That is why you don't feel safe." he kissed the top of her head." You are not to leave the castle for now."He ordered. "Only with me."

"But I like to go dance lessons, the teacher told me off already, "Sienna said carefully, she never saw Tyrell so firm! His aura projected such strength she started to feel terrified suddenly!

"You can dance here. "Tyrell nodded."I will give you everything, my love." he kissed her cheek gently."But you stay here."

"Great."Sienna sighed." I think I will have a lot of time to read this ridiculous book."She scoffed and sat in the wide chair."At least I will know what a queen slave is supposed to do!" she frowned at Tyrell clearly upset.

"A queen slave?"Tyrell looked at her shocked."You are not a slave! You are my mate, my love, my queen, silly."Tyrell crouched to her and kissed her forehead.

"Can I make my own money?"Sienna looked at him.

"Sure, design them and I will let you mint any money you want."Tyrell nodded.

"But I mean like sell things to make money. My own money I can spend how I wish."Sienna looked into Tyrell's face.

"Unheard of!"Magnus opened his mouth wide in shock.

"Are you worried that I can't take care of you? Is that what you think of me?" Tyrell looked heartbroken. Sienna saw he actually had tears in his eyes!

"I'm sorry, I did not mean it this way. I just want my own money to buy something if I want."Sienna tried to explain to him.

"I will get you everything you want. Even Sharchan will, Marco too and Sarcos owns half of the world already, he actually owns all the things you might even want to buy. Is it not enough for you?"Tyrell asked a bit desperately.

"Exactly, everything belongs to you, even me."She touched her marks." I am a slave." she bit her lips.

"No, you are my baby and I will take care of you."Tyrell caressed her cheek gently.

"I'm not a baby. I'm an adult."Sienna looked at him. "I do not want to beg anyone for money."

"But I'm your mate. You are my responsibility!"Tyrell tried to explain to her gently.

"I don't want to be a burden on you all. I feel like am not self-sufficient to even decide for myself."Sienna shook her head.

"What's wrong, Sienna?"Tyrell held her hands. He felt his heart start to freeze in fear!

"I feel as if I woke up from a sweet dream into a nightmare."She stared at him."I am really so ignorant!"

"Who said that you are ignorant?" Tyrell looked at her firmly.

Ziran bit his lips but just watched. Magnus noted and smiled knowingly.

"It doesn't matter. "Sienna shook her head."I am. I do not even know half of the things that you, Marco, Sharchan and Sarcos are doing. I am like a little ball going bed to bed loving you all and not questioning anything. If you kick me away I am on the street with nothing of my own." she bit her lips.

"But we will never abandon you. Don't you trust us?"Tyrell looked at her in shock.

"I do, I just do not want to end up on the street with a baby."Sienna opened her eyes wide. She did not even understand why she was saying all these things to him. It was just a fear deep in her heart and it had to get out!

"What?"Tyrell stood up upset as if he was burned. He looked like he was smacked by a huge iron pan over his face.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to hurt you, I just feel scared."Sienna burst into tears and turned away from him, hiding her face in her hands.

Ziran stared at Sienna and bit his lips. Tyrell looked at him desperately."What is going on with her? What did you do to her?" He came to him dangerously. Ziran backed off behind the shelves with books.

"It was not me, "Ziran shook his head."It was that dirty water!" he realized and looked at Tyrell a bit crazily.

"What? The water was poisoned? "Tyrell asked him quietly.

"No, no, it must be a fear from her old world."Ziran started his deduction."Sienna said to me that the water in their cities is a dirty mess. That means their men don't take care of things properly. Maybe they would leave females alone on the streets with the kids, so females have to work to feed the young. Maybe even females work before they have the kids as they can't rely on their men!"Ziran nodded his head."And that is why Sienna feels uncomfortable having children without her own money."Ziran said."Whush, I'm so good."Ziran patted himself on the shoulder.

"That makes sense."Tyrell nodded."So how do I make her feel better without becoming a laughing stock for everyone, hm?" he asked quietly.

"Leave it to Sarcos."Ziran shook his strong shoulders."He can change any rules."

"Good thinking, Ziran." Tyrell nodded a bit calmer.

Tyrell sent Magnus and Ziran out and came to sobbing Sienna. He scooped her up and sat her on his lap."Don't be sad my love. You are not a slave. You are our beloved queen." he held her hands and lifted her teary face." Are you not happy with me?" he asked her gently, drying her tears.

"I am and I depend on you for everything, " she sighed."It is nothing just mine."

"I'm just yours," Tyrell smiled and caressed her cheek, "And you have Marco, Sharchan and Sarcos, is it not enough? "he kissed her cheek.

"Don't mix love with the business," Sienna shook her head.

"But my love is my business."Tyrell cuddled her up even tighter. Sienna felt her body giving in to him again!

"Look, Sarcos is strongest of us. He will come for you in three weeks. You can make a plan for businesses you like to own by yourself and ask him if he will let you have them, hm? I will give you my full support and I will talk to Marco and Sharchan for you too, hm?" Tyrell looked at her lovingly.

"You will?"Sienna asked hopefully.

"Yes," he nodded."If Sarcos will agree, it will override any laws and anyone anyway."He smiled.

"Thank you."Sienna nodded satisfied and smiled at him. She gave him a lingering long kiss. They kissed for some time. Tyrell could feel the little leftovers from her fears and desperation in her kisses, they tasted bittersweet. His heart somehow started to understand, what she wanted.

"I love you so much my queen, would you join me for lunch?"Tyrell asked gently.

"Can I refuse?"Sienna asked still kissing him.

"No, I am your king."Tyrell said still kissing her."If you do not listen to me I will lock you in the dungeon!"

"You will?"Sienna halted.

"Yes, and I will have to lock myself up as well because I can not last without you." he chuckled and slid with her down on the floor. Sienna felt her back on the soft carpet. Tyrell lay over her and kissed her passionately.

"I love you so much too, Tyrell, I will have lunch with you then, "Sienna whispered gently to him.

"I think I want to eat you first," Tyrell pulled her dress up and sat her on himself!

Tyrell mated with Sienna wildly in the library. His growls and Sienna's moans were travelling down the castle corridors.

"It looks like king Tyrell subdued the queen."Magnus nodded to Ziran who stood next to him.

"I think she rather got him." Ziran grinned a bit cheekily.

"Well, the king needs an heir and that is the prime reason to have a queen."Magnus nodded.

"Wake up Magnus."Ziran shook his head."You suck." he left the old tiger alone and went hunting.