Where is your love?

In the dark mountains, Bran carried the injured Ziran to the river to wash his wounds and check on him. Bran tried to hurry much as possible. He lovered Ziran into the water and the burly tiger caught his breath." I will be ok, just go fetch Marco to help Sienna." he sent Bran off quickly. Ziran felt the water was helping him to bring his strength back.

Bran glanced at Ziran and went up to the sky. He needed to reach Marco fast. Bran hoped he is already on the way to Crystal City.

Meanwhile, Tyrell carrying Sienna was already in his castle. The castle was illuminated by torches and Sienna watched her's and Tyrell's dark shadows travelling around the stony walls. Sienna felt scared and nervous, the castle did not feel like her home anymore in the darkness with her crazed-up tiger mate around. She felt her neck is hurting and was also really hungry, her stomach was in pain too."Aouu."Sienna moaned uncomfortably.

"Why do you moan?" the tiger asked a bit grumpily.

"My stomach just hurts, I missed my dinner, so I'm really hungry," Sienna explained to the tiger pitifully. "Do you think I can go eat something, please?"

"Ok, let's go around the kitchen then. You can take some buns and eat as I will mate you." he nodded.

"Thank you."Sienna said gently."How romantic, eat as he will mate me!" she raged in her mind."At least I will not be hungry as I stall him." she thought.

Tyrell carried her to the kitchen door. Sienna hopped off the huge tiger and went to find some buns and grapes. She found some paper cones with buns and fruits from the past day and she just took them. It was not that soft but she was really hungry!

"Do you have it?"The tiger called to her.

"Yes my love, I'm coming, "Sienna called gently and opened the door. Her heart was tight as a little golf ball.

The tiger looked at her a bit suspiciously and nudged her to go. Sienna could not wait to eat, because apart from being hungry she was stressed out so she started to munch the grapes and the buns from the cone. The grapes were sweet and she really needed to feel their fresh taste in her dried-up mouth! She could hear her heartbeat and her chewing in her head as she was walking behind Tyrell in the dark corridors.

Tyrell took her to his room. The tiger opened the door with his head and held it with his back as she passed inside.

Sienna put the almost-finished cone on the table. "I also need to go to the bathroom," she said innocently.

"Don't be long, " the tiger growled and went bathroom with her!

Sienna bit her lips. She wanted to wee, but she just could not do it because the huge white tiger was staring at her!

"I can't concentrate when you are staring at me. At least turn away, please!" she said nervously. "Or just go out and wait for me." she sighed.

The tiger looked at her suspiciously."Then you sing. I want to hear you.No more tricks tonight."

Sienna sang and stall on the toilet. She did not feel like going out at all!

"The time is up, come."the tiger growled behind the door.

"I should have a bath first."Sienna bit her lips.

The tiger put his big head inside the bathroom.

"You smell really good to me." he growled."Come."

"But I don't feel comfortable without a bath."Sienna tried harder."Look, I have blood all over me."She sighed.

"Ok go quick but I will watch you."the tiger stood at the bathtub.

"As you say, "Sienna nodded sweetly. She went into the bath and washed in front of him. She stood up as she washed her tights from his blood when the tiger came closer and licked the glittering water from her body. He just could not resist. Sienna touch his head gently. "You have blood on you too, let me wash it quickly."

The tiger said nothing, so Sienna gently wiped the blood off his ripped shoulders, back and chest. She tap-dried it with a soft towel and then went back to her bath quickly to finish her bath.

Tyrell watched her naked body. He wanted to be joined with her and licked his lips hungrily."That's enough. Go bed now! " the tiger gave her a towel.

Sienna picked the towel from his strong jaws.

She dried herself very well stalling much as she could. The tiger stared at her naked body, as she dried herself, with a quiet enjoyment until he noticed it was taking too long.

"Come on, you are dry now." he nudged her out of the door.

Sienna covered in the new dry towel and walk after him reluctantly. The tiger pointed Sienna to his bed.

Sienna sat on the black and gold silken bed, she started to undo the towel slowly. The tiger stared. He was losing his patience...

"Are you trying to stall me?" He rasped and looked at her suspiciously.

"No, I'm just a bit cold," Sienna said carefully.

He took the towel into his jaws and pulled it off. Then he pushed her back to the bed."I will warm you up right now." he growled.

"Please don't bite me again, "Sienna begged him."You really scared me today, I felt as if my neck will snap under your strong teeth and I will bleed to death." she tried to start a conversation to stall innocently.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm not killing you. You are my mate!" he licked her hand."Lay down on your belly."The tiger rasped.

"This is not fair. We had a deal." Sienna curled up and sobbed. The tiger nudged her with his pink nose."Lay down or I will make you," he was getting impatient again. Her sobbing agitated him because it made him feel as if he did something wrong. He felt pain in his heart. It felt as if she doesn't want him!

"Why are you so rough with me?" Sienna asked."Don't you love me too?"

"I do." he nodded."But I wasn't to mate with you and you keep refusing me. You are the one who doesn't love me enough!" he growled.

"I do love you, you are just too big. Why can't you change to human form, hm?" she asked gently." Please."

"Not possible, I told you tonight is my night." he rasped.

"But I'm scared it will hurt a lot." she bit her lips pitifully.

"It will, but you will have a baby from me after it. It will be worth the pain." he grinned.

"But I'm not ready for a baby yet," Sienna said gently.

"What you are thinking mating is for? Making babies. So if you can mate, you are ready." he nodded.

"But I don't want to get hurt. It is very sensitive inside of me. Can't we do it later? I can ask Sarcos for some pain-killer medicines, so it will not hurt me that much," She bit her lips."If it works you can mate more often with me, not just once." she tried to make him a deal. Now, she would promise anything. She was sure Sarcos will save her if he knew.

"Are you trying to trick me? Ask Sarcos for pain-killers, so you can mate me more often?" He chuckled."Do you think I'm stupid? Tyrell will not let me at all! The Tiger's Eye Star is once in four years. It is my only chance to shush him out. Lay down now and hold." he growled and pushed her with his heavy head.

Sienna grabbed his big furry head into her hands gently. She looked into his eyes.

"Can you be at least more gentle with me? You are too strong. I can't stand that much as the females from your tribe." she said gently to him. She noticed he is calmer when she does not cry!

The tiger touched her face with his head quite gently." I will not promise you anything. I never did it in my tiger form before. So you will have to bear with it."

"Can I look into your eyes at least?" Sienna was asking anything just to stall.

"No," he shook his head.

"What about taking it really slow? You know, just let me have a look at you first? I should know more about your tiger body as well." she still held his head.

The tiger saw the fear in her eyes."Are you so scared of me?"

"No, I love you. I'm just scared of pain..."Sienna tried really hard.

"Don't stall me anymore, it is no use." he shook his head out of her hands."I'm taking what is mine."

Sienna just looked at him sadly biting her lips.

"Lay on your belly now," he growled. She was kind of confusing him.

"But my belly hurts."Sienna touched it."Bran squeezed me too tight and bruised it, look here." she tried again to be pitiful.

The tiger looked at her and pushed her down with his head."Stop talking. Keep your breath."

He pushed her body down under him and licked her back with his sandpaper tongue again. Then he ran his nose on her back quite gently. He was spreading his scent on her.

He felt her body tremble under him. Sienna held her head worriedly."What else I can do?" she thought.

"Don't move," he growled and she felt his hot breath on her still-hurting neck.

"Please don't bite me..." she called out in panic.

"I'm not, calm down. You are so tense." he rasped and licked her back caringly.

"You will be also tense in my place." she sighed. She felt like a pancake licked off from cream and chocolate topping.

"In your place? I'm a man." he chuckled.

"You don't act like one right now, "Sienna called out. The fear went away and she started to feel angry.

"Well, I'm a tiger too. We always force females to submit!" he growled."It is in our blood. Besides, you are so weak, you can't fight me at all."

"That makes it even worse. Sharchan forbid me to fight kings because I'm weak. You should protect me, not try on me your forceful ways."Sienna felt her blood boil."This is so unfair!"

"Shh, you are mine. You agreed to be my mate. You invited me. I did not force you into this!" the tiger chuckled.

"Well, I did not know how you will treat me for sure, but you looked kinder than Sharchan who said to eat me..." she nodded."How I'm supposed to know everything? I was new here and Tyrell promised to be kind to me!"

"But you belong to his tiger too, that is me!" the tiger grinned at the memory of her when he saw her for the first time. He wanted to drag her away and mate wildly but Tyrell changed and swept her off her feet quite fast!

"But I'm not just yours," she noted."If you hurt me, it will have consequences," she said firmly.

"This is my night, I have the right to mate you." the tiger said resolutely and pressed his heavy tiger paw on her back dominantly.

"You can explain it to Sarcos when he will not be able to mate with me. And to Sharchan and Marco."Sienna hissed in pain as she took out the Sarcos card!

"They are all my brothers." the tiger nodded."I will also not stand in their way when they will mate you," he noted.

"What if Sarcos will kill you for this? I don't want to lose you."Sienna said worriedly.

"Well, then you will have at least a cute baby to remind you of me." he licked her tights.

"Auuch." his licks hurt her soft skin, but Sienna teared up because she could not stand the idea of Tyrell dying really.

"Don't whimper and stay still. I will start now."He licked her the last time and stood over her.

Sienna felt him to come on top of her completely, his strong paws were in front of her shoulders, locking her under him and she felt his big hot scratchy thing on her tights, so she wiģgle her bum to get it off.

"I told you to hold."the tiger growled. She was making it hard for him to enter her.

"Your fur is tickling me."Sienna dodged on the side."You know I'm sensitive."

"Should I hold your neck again?" the tiger asked dangerously.

"No," Sienna shook her head.

"Then stop moving," he ordered.

"I lost."Sienna thought and breathed out deeply. "Now I will see what is it to have a tiger for a mate." her mind was racing in panic."Where is everybody when I need them!" she raged inside. She was scared of how much it will hurt. She felt the tiger scratching her soft skin with it. It also seemed huge. The tiger started to position himself to enter her. Sienna dodged again and he growled unsatisfied. The tiger lowered his head down to her ear." I warned you about moving. Now I have to hold your neck. You made me do it!" he growled and the heavy tiger body squash her deeper in the bed.

Sienna shrieked.