Two in one times four

In chilly and cloudy Crystal City Sienna wrote a long decorated hot love letter to Sarcos, a friendly flirty letter to Xander, a friendly warm letter to Ramse, and another little note to Mathyas again.

She wanted to thank Sarcos for the healing balm, but she felt weird to write to him only, she did not want anyone to feel resentful."They all are stuck in wetlands for me after all." she thought."Well, apart from Mathyas, he belongs there." she sighed as she packed the letters carefully into the soft leather tube. She asked Bran to send her packet with a falcon or eagle. She was still a bit confused about how this bird of prey postal service works, but till Sarcos will get her letters is ok!

Bran took her packet and called Ziran to guard instead of him. He send a falcon to Sarcos to wetlands and went to see Marco.

Sienna looked into the mirror and smiled. She felt so free without the pain! She dressed up in a warmer red velvet dress and went out to the garden. On her way, she stopped in the kitchen and picked a full plate of fruit, buns with sweet rice, and mint water. She was hungry as a lion! She sat on the bench near the fountain in the garden with Ziran and looked at the white marble statues. The water was still on, making pleasant noise. She looked at the heap of food on her copper plate and breath in the fresh air. "Sarcos is so amazing..." she sighed longingly.

"Agree on that!" Ziran nodded."You look like nothing happened."

"Well, you healed well too."Sienna glanced at him." Your scars are fading fast."

"Because of my strong tiger blood," Ziran chuckled."My offspring will be the best!"

Sienna gave him a bit annoyed look."Sure, if you find a strong tiger fem..."

"You know who I want." he cut her words short brutishly.

" I'm not that strong like them." she looked at him biting her lips. She just imagined a brutish brown tiger on top of her and was ready to become Ziran's lifelong...friend!" And I'm not ready for kids yet anyway." she smiled a bit nervously.

"Don't you want a family one day?"Ziran asked.

"I have quite a big family already." she looked at him as a scared deer.

"I mean with kids." he chuckled.

"One day, sure. I will talk to Sarcos first about it."Sienna nodded."I have to find a way to deal with Tyrell's tiger for now." she sighed in her mind."So, if I take it realistically, I have four mates, each has a spirit animal, that is eight personalities I have to go on well with. Well, the most unpredictable is Sharchan's snake. He is possessive as well. Tyrell's tiger is brutish and frustrated, I have to sort him out first. Sarcos's scorpion, I hope he got good self-control, he was fine till now. And Marco's eagle, I need to know him more too, but hopefully, he will be kind of cold as Marco, or is he the one making him hot?"Sienna thought a bit frantically.

"Frowning again?"Ziran watched her with interest, "I can feel you are afraid. Stop thinking and eat."

"I'm just panicking."Sienna nodded."I need to spend more time with my mate's animal forms."

"So? What's the problem ?"Ziran shook his shoulders."You like to play with my tiger, no? "

"Yes, I do." Sienna nodded."But you do, what I tell you as a tiger. You are nice."

"Because you play."Ziran nodded, "You need to play more. The animal forms like to hunt, fight, play, and mate. So start with the easiest one. I don't think you can hunt with your sensitivity and food preferences, so play then. With all of them and me!" he grinned brutishly.

"Thank you for your advice."Sienna nodded."How do you play with a huge scorpion?"

"Be creative."Ziran chuckled.

"Ok, good idea. Maybe he can paint with me or cut fabric," she said quietly. She could play with snake, tiger, or eagle chasing games or swimming, but scorpion was a bit difficult. He was hard and huge!

Sienna was chomping down the food and bickering with Ziran. She wanted to know more about how the animal form works, but he was just making brutish fun of her."Keep it a surprise, don't rush." he smirked at her."You will have loads of time to explore your mates by yourself." he chuckled brutishly.

Sienna had to giggle as well. He was impossible to break!

"Should I torture you?" she grinned at him playing upset.

"Any way you wish," he smiled."I'm always ready for you. So what would you do? Step on my feet or bite my finger?" he waved his big hand in the air theatrically and chuckled.

"Don't be gross. I'm not that heavy and my teeth are not so sharp."Sienna shook her head. "But I might tickle you till you spill everything out," she chuckled crazily.

"Oh, no, I have to wear my strongest armour from now on."Ziran smiled."I did not know you are so dangerous." he shook his head jokingly.

Meanwhile, Bran and Marco were with Tyrell in his office.

"Sienna got magic balm from Sarcos. He will count for everyone what is right."Bran said in a bit dark satisfaction, trying to keep cool. He could see the rude tiger splattered under a huge scorpion in his mind and it kind of felt too good. He wished to watch that!

"How did he know?" Tyrell asked a bit surprised.

"He must have spies everywhere," Marco noted.

"I'm suspecting wild animals. It is nothing we can do about it. Important is, Sienna is fine now." Bran nodded.

"Look she is in the garden already." Marco smiled and flew down the window to see her, not even giving a second glance to surprise Tyrell.

Tyrell bit his lips and stared at Sienna discreetly from the window. His heart hurt as he looked at her. Bran glanced at him coldly and went out as well.

Marco felt as if a huge stone fell off his heart when he saw Sienna laughing with Ziran as he was descending in his eagle form to the garden.

Sienna watched the huge eagle flying closer. He looked so majestic! He changed to Marco as he landed and Sienna smiled. Her Eagle King was so handsome!

Marco walked to Sienna quite fast."Are you so well today? Go to bed!" he said jokingly.

Sienna could see he is happy inside.

"What I will be doing the bed?" she smiled."I'm well now."

"Exactly."Marco licked his lips.

"Aaah."Sienna blushed and looked at the strong eagle."Did you joke? What a shock."She stood up and hugged him."Look, it is all gone," she show him her neck happily." Sarcos sent me a magical potion." she smiled.

"Well, I'm so happy we can mate tonight."Marco rasped into her ear and kissed her bare neck gently.

"Only if you don't make any more marks on me!"She giggled happily.

"Deal."Marco nodded. "What about Tyrell? Are you still upset?" he asked her seriously.

"Yes, but I will talk to him and his tiger tomorrow."Sienna nodded."I'm resting today." she smiled.

"Have fun, my queen. Rest well for tonight."Marco rasped to her and went to check on his soldiers. He felt so happy inside!

Sienna spend the day walking and drawing in the garden. Tyrell stared at her longingly through the window, but she did not even glance his way! She wanted him to suffer a bit, even if it made her suffer too!

Later on, Marco went to Tyrell, "She is still upset at you but will see you tomorrow. Prepare something nice to wow her and go get some sleep, you look horrible." Marco sent Tyrell off to bed. "I'm going to write to Sarcos now, so he will not kill you when he comes back." Marco nodded.

"Thank you, brother."Tyrell bit his lips and went. His head was buzzing and his heart hurted, so he just did what Marco told him. He felt like his soul left and could not even think for himself properly!

The night came and Sienna went to her turqoise bed. Marco landed on her windowsill and came in. He brought her a bunch of delicate silvery roses. They glittered in the subtle light of candles.

Sienna stood up from the bed surprised. She stared at the sparkly flowers Marco gave her as in a trance.

"Are they made of silver?" she sniffed them, but they smelled so nice and soothing as the real deal! "They are real?" Sienna called a surprise.

"Sure," Marco nodded." I will not give your fake flowers." They don't smell." He noted. He took them from Sienna's hands and put them on the table into the crystal vase full of water.

"What are these?" Sienna followed after the flowers curiously."They are like from a fairyland."She said dreamily.

"Almost close," Marco noted.

"Silver roses grow high only on Butterfly Mountains. I had them brought for you to cheer you up." He actually smiled!

"It worked." Sienna nodded and hugged him." Thank you."She smiled but noticed something is different about him, so she squeezed his waist a bit tighter."You have very light armour on today." she noted. "Are you going for a swim perhaps?" she asked provocatively.

"Almost." He nodded and kissed her lips."Guess again."

"You are going to sunbathe maybe?" she glanced at the pitch dark outside holding her laughter.

"Only if you are my sun," he noted.

"You ..." Sienna started another wild guess idea, but Marco just kissed her passionately and she just pull him onto the bed.

"Remember, no marks," she whispered to him." Imagine I'm your hot sun and you do not want to be burned." she giggled.

Marco ran his hands on her heated-up body."But I don't mind the heat."He rasped." I love you so much my beautiful Sienna, you are my heart, my everything." he burrowed his face into her bust.

Marco mated with Sienna passionately but gently. He kept suppressing the dragon in him who was finding Sienna's words as provocation because he understood she just wanted to feel relaxed and free in his arms...