The White Queen's Archer

On the new sunny morning in Crystal City, Sienna sat with Tyrell in the garden. He was trying to spend more time with her and it made her really happy. She missed her old Tyrell so much!

Sienna was eating her breakfast of sweet rice with peaches and chatting with Tyrell relaxed when suddenly the sun stopped shining! Sienna lifted her head and saw the skies over Crystal City were swarmed with huge black and brown wings!

Marco came with an army of Sea and Dark Eagles so vast, they hid the sun! He took a lot of men from King Aiden after the Dark Eagle King's latest defeat in Sand City. Most of the Dark Eagles were very proud and wanted a strong and fair king, so they went to Marco. He was a hero, who fought with Kraken and his legend was growing on. His men were proud and eager to serve under their king!

"Is it not too many guards?" Tyrell asked surprised as Marco landed in a visible rush straight in front of them.

Sienna ran to kiss him."Marco." she called happy and worried at the same time.

"King Aiden is about to attack Sand City. I need the queen."Marco said seriously."Sienna, you need to go with me and command the scorpion armies. The generals detained Rem and Sid as traitors and I need you to help them publicly!"

"Why don't you go straight to Sand City to sort it out?" Tyrell asked a bit surprised.

"They will not let me in, they are thinking I want to take over. They even have all their bird traps engaged. Like it will help them from the eagle army." Marco shook his head."If I fight them, it will just escalate the mistrust." Marco noted.

"Sure, I will come." Sienna nodded. She kissed Tyrell goodbye. Marco changed into a huge Sea Eagle and Tyrell lifted her up to his feathery back.

"I will send Sienna back as the fight starts," Marco noted.

"No," said Tyrell, "Sienna needs to go to Snake Castle, it is safer for her there anyway. I will send Ziran with you and he will take her. If you need to send females from Sand City here, they can stay in my castle."Tyrell offered.

"Sure, I will send them." Marco nodded and flew up with Sienna.

"Love you so much, my Tyrell, "Sienna called after him.

Bran already lifted up with Ziran and caught up to Marco. Sienna looked at Ziran worriedly. She was thinking about Rem and Sid. She hoped they are still alive. Sienna turned her head and watch as the enormous army of eagles followed behind Marco. She felt proud in her heart. He is her strong Sea Eagle King!

When they arrived at Sand City, Marco left his armies outside and went with Sienna inside just to find out that the scorpion army took already over Sarco's Castle!

"What is this treason?" Sienna came to the Sarcos's castle gate all upset.

"Welcome, dear queen." the guarding soldiers bowed. "We took over the castle to protect what belongs to King Sarcos from traitors and King Marco." They glanced at the strong Sea Eagle King with mistrust.

"King Marco is my mate. He is King Sarcos's brother. He is just trying to help."Sienna shook her head."Show me to the generals now and I want to see Sid and Rem too."

The soldiers let Sienna and Marco in and called the generals.

Sienna went into the Throne room. The generals were waiting there with a few soldiers behind them. They were holding Rem and Sid in heavy metal chains! Sienna glanced at them and bit her lips. She was getting angry. She walked in first and Marco followed behind her. She felt the hard gazes fall on Marco and it made her upset even more.

"Good day everyone."Sienna turned to the generals confidently and sat on Sarcos's throne. Marco stood beside her coldly as always.

"In my king's absence, I'm in charge of Sand City and I'm to command the army."She said firmly."Release Rem and Sid immediately." she ordered.

"Where is King Sarcos? We demand to see him."the generals stood up to Sienna.

"How dare you!" Sienna stormed."You are not to make demands to your queen! I'm the one King Sarcos hold dearest in his heart and I have his mark to prove it!"She rebuked them strongly."Is anyone here more beloved by him than me?"Sienna asked confidently.

"No, forgive us, dear queen, we are just worried about our king. He never went away for so long, "one of the younger generals bit his lips apologetically.

"King Sarcos gave his word to train King Mathyas for a month in the Underworld. He can't leave till the month pass."Sienna looked firmly at them."It is up to me to take care of Sand City."

"Why he did such a promise?" the generals were shocked.

"For me," Sienna stood up. "The sorcerer Marath, King Mathyas's father, saved my life a few times and asked King Sarcos to pay it with favour. It was not possible to keep it for later. King Ramse and King Xander stayed there too also for a month. All three kings had to pay with a month of their time, for Marath to let me go."She said explaining a bit theatrically. She was acting as a strong queen to protect her city!

The generals stared. "The queen seems to be too sure of herself!" they thought.

"So, dear generals, King Aiden wants to destroy our beautiful Sand City and eradicate all scorpions. He told me this before and as you surely remember, our scorpion army can't fight Aiden well without King Sarcos! Therefore, we will use any means to fight him, including trickery and deception."Sienna said seriously. "Here, my mate King Marco will help me to protect Sand City. He is the brother of King Sarcos and he will have the right to order scorpion armies till King Sarcos will return."Sienna lifted Marco's hand.

"But you are the queen. What if King Sarcos will punish us for listening to you?"The old general asked worriedly.

"I'm taking all responsibility, because, I'm the queen! Don't you play chess or what?"Sienna furrowed her brows lightly."Do what King Marco orders you and you will not be punished." Sienna said clearly."And if anyone tries to put their hands on Rem and Sid again, I will make sure they are cut off!"She looked at them firmly."Rem is King Sarcos's right hand and Sid is his trusted man. Sid is my bodyguard."

Marco glanced at Sienna."Wow, where did this come from? She actually threatened someone." he chuckled deep in his mind." She sure knows how to talk to generals." he thought surprised but looked still cold the same!

"But the army is to take over the city in an emergency. "The old general bit his lips. The queen was too confident and he was not so sure what to do!

"The people King Sarcos holds close to his heart are to be treated with respect even in emergency times ."Sienna looked firmly at them.

"What if King Sarcos punish you then, dear queen."one of the younger generals looked worriedly at her.

"Are you a coward? Did you grow soft? Did you not train enough?"Sienna furrowed her brows."I am King Sarcos's queen. He said if something will happen to me, he would destroy all this world just for me."Sienna said firmly.

The generals stood quiet. They could feel she did not make it up!

"But he did not say to obey you before he left." one of the older generals noted.

"King Sarcos left for me, why should he ask you that? Be sensible! King Sarcos is a Crystal Scorpion now. He went inside the most dangerous deadly weapon in the world, which his own father built to kill him, just for me."Sienna said seriously." He fought his own Flaming Scorpion till he was just a skeleton with a golden sword. Fighting heroically till his body dissolved into the air!"Sienna said longingly. The memory flashed in front of her eyes and it made her feel so emotional for a moment.

"I was waiting all week in the dark Underworld facing the savage queen, crazy black king and his sorcerer father. Kings Ramse and Xander were at my side, saving my life almost daily. Then King Sarcos came back, he won over the magic crystal spirit and acquired its power. The chance he will come back was thin as my golden hair."Sienna spoke with a fire in her words.

"He told me, he might never come back, but he still went in, for my sake. He won but had to stay behind for my sake again. And he did."She said longingly."Do you dare not obey the queen he did all this for?" Sienna looked at them in unbelief.

The generals stared at their queen in shock. They never even heard of anything like this! But they knew their king is someone extra, so they believed her. They could see she does not lie!

"I want King Sarcos to come back to a city, not to ruins!" Sienna said determined.

"The queen is right." the generals thought and all bowed lightly in front of Sienna."At your order, dear queen," they said in unison.

Rem and Sid were freed from the chains already and walked to Sienna. They bowed lightly and stood at her side.

"But it is not safe for the queen to stay in the city during the fights."Rem turned to Marco worriedly.

"Sure, the queen is to stay at Snake Castle with King Sharchan."Marco nodded."The scorpion females and kids go to Crystal City. King Tyrell will take care of them in his castle. We will make a bloodbath here." he noted coldly.

"I want to catch Aiden by surprise. " Sienna said firmly."It will be suspicious if the city stays without females."

"But my queen..."Rem started to worry.

"Shh..."Sienna smiled. She took off the scarf from her shoulders and walked to Sid elegantly.

" Sid, you are so handsome, "Sienna put her scarf over the young warrior's head.

Sid stood frozen, the generals opened their mouths wide. Sienna turned Sid covered in her scarf to Marco.

"Marco, let's make fake females, it is a good trick." Sienna giggled." We gather the best close-up fighters in the forum as the sweet trap. With loud music and dancing." she smiled sweetly.

"That's not how the kings fight!" the old general shook his head."It is not honourable!"

"But I'm the queen," Sienna said softly," I have no muscles, no magic, only trickery." she shook her shoulders."It is not honourable to attack a city without a king! It is not honourable to sell me and then attack the buyers, is it?" she said almost dangerously innocent like.

" I think a few tricks King Aiden might find entertaining. But spare Aiden, if possible, I kind of like him. He helped me before." Sienna noted."We need to use all advantages we have. We need to use the Sand City as our canvas and paint the deadly traps in it. We need to plan for big armies to come."

"His army is not that big!" the general scoffed.

"Get ready for three times more at least. Aiden must have new allays, he is not stupid. He plays chess well!"Sienna noted."He is the Black King in my chess game." she said quietly to herself.

"What I am then?" Marco held her waist lovingly. He was so proud of her.

"My archer."Sienna smiled at Marco.

"Archer?" he asked curiously.

"Sarcos is the White King, Tyrell is my tower, Sharchan is my horse."She nodded.

"I like to be your archer," Marco noted.

"We need to install a lot of traps, surprises and balls with fire, jars with asphalt, around the city walls from inside..."Sienna planned."I will write a list of all traps I can think of." she said to Marco.

"From now on King Marco is in charge of the defence of Sand City. "Sienna turned to generals firmly."Second in order is Rem, then Sid, than generals."She added. "I will consult my strategies with King Marco. He will let you know my decisions."Sienna noted to them.

"For now go open the City to King Marco's soldiers, prepare the defences and let's take females to safety," Sienna added.

"You need to disable the bird traps. My soldiers need to be able to fly around the city. We will make Aiden land."Marco ordered.

"Get ready stations of water in case of fires, I'm sure Aiden will use burning arrows, is a very old tactic if you want to destroy a city," Sienna noted."We need to make sure all the fires will be under control immediately. I need soldiers to protect the castle from fires as well. King Sarcos have very lethal weapons in his laboratory and they have to remain untouched."Sienna nodded.

"Why can't we use it? "The generals asked curiously.

"Because they can blow Sand City up to the air in one second. Only my king knows how to use them properly."Sienna said seriously."I want water everywhere. Also, we need sandbags to block out the fire arrows. Divide the city with them into sections to make it easier to control. We will decorate them like for a party, so it will be not suspicious." she smiled."I want all preparations to look as for a party, not a war."

"Sure."Marco nodded coldly. He was curious about her ideas and liked to try them out.

"So, are you all content and ready to protect Sand City?"Sienna looked at the generals firmly.

" Yes," the generals nodded and left to prepare.