The Snake King's Ring

S walked with Sienna back to his castle, he was thinking about getting her into his room gently. Sienna made him burn inside and all his thoughts twirled around how to caress her body in his hands. He felt her hips pressed on him occasionally as they walked making his heart beat wildly in expectation.

Sienna walked clenched tight into S's arm happily chatting about things she saw on their way, she was very curious and tried to make a fluid conversation to keep his mind occupied. But the more she talked, the more S listened to her words as pleasant chatter colouring his red thoughts. Sienna found out, that he is just looking at her and nodding his head to everything she said, she felt as if she is talking to herself really, but she was too worried to stop talking. She hated awkward silence and wanted him to feel comfortable around her.

When they entered the Snake Castle S awoke from his thoughts. He was trying to tell Sienna funny stories trying to be manly and Sienna giggled a lot. She was quite loud on purpose. Her happy laughter was echoing down the corridors.

"Hopefully Ziran will hear me," she thought for herself too. She was trying to make the burly tiger aware that S is back!

" Would you like to see my room?" S smiled at her as he came to the big decorated door. Sienna glanced at her room door opposite his.

"Maybe later, I'm starving, "she circled his neck and kissed his cheek lightly. "The lovely walk with you made me very hungry. I have to make something to eat," she said gently.

Just then Lord Ziran came with the tray of covered dishes up the stairs. He heard her coming, so he reheated her food quickly and rushed upstairs to help her out.

"My queen, your food is waiting, I was so worried about you as you missed your lunchtime," Ziran said as an old nanny. He suddenly sounded so pathetic even to himself, that he got flashbacks of Tyrell in his mind! "Bloody hell, I'm going too soft!"Ziran thought in panic.

S lifted his eyebrow and looked at Ziran curiously."He is making a fuss about her missed lunch for real! How entertaining! I was thinking he was a brute!" he chuckled in his mind. He looked at Sienna and imagined her walking into his room, but then he remembered he still have to dispose of that huge golden cage which was stuck in there, so he decided to let Sienna go to her room for now.

"I will let you eat first then, my queen," he smiled at Sienna.

"Thank you, my love, " Sienna kissed his cheek again." I will see you later on."She smiled and went inside her room. Ziran glanced at S worriedly and followed her in. S saw how he placed the tray at her table thru the slowly closing-up door.

"What am I staring at?"S awoke from his daze and shook his head. He opened the door to his room. He looked at the messed-up space he wanted to take Sienna into. Most of his furniture was still out of its place as he was moving things around when taking Sienna's stuff out of the room.

" I need to fix this room first." He glanced at the huge golden cage leaning on the wall by its edge.S carefully turned the cage upside down. It did not fit thru the door, but it was made of solid gold, so S decided to hide it in plain sight. He started to wiggle the bars and took them off. Then he bend them into a spiral-like disc, which he chucked onto a Sharchan's pile of gold in the corner. Then he tidied the rest of the room. He moved the furniture back and looked around. It looked black, gold and cold!

"I need some colours for her, she likes colours." he thought and went to storage to pick some colourful cushions and little rugs. But in the vast storage rooms, everything was black, dark or gold, so so he just picked a few golden silk cushions and put them into his room.

"It is still not good enough, even outside it looks better than here," he sighed when he glanced out of the window into the late blooming gardens."Flowers, I need to get some flowers, they are colourful and smell good," he went to the garden and picked huge bunches of flowers. He placed them into big black crystal vases around the room. "That is better!" he nodded and went hunting. He needed to calm down a bit.

Meanwhile, Sienna was sitting quietly behind the big table eating the mushroom rice Ziran made for her. The smell of it reminded her of Sharchan strongly and it made her think about her strong Snake King, but she was waiting for Ziran to start talking. She knew S can be still behind the door.

The mushroom rice was not as good as Sharchan's, but it was bearable. Kind of. Ziran was a very basic cook. He only knew how to not burn the food! He looked at her curiously as she ate. Sienna ate very slowly because Ziran mixed the sugar in it instead of the salt! She separated the mushrooms into one pile and the sweet rice into the other pile. Then she added some fresh grapes to the sweet rice and ate it. She liked the sweet rice, but not with the mushrooms in it!

"Do you like it?"Ziran tilted his head staring at her.

"Yes, thank you." she smiled at him.

"So why don't you eat the mushrooms then? Normally, you gobble them up first!" he looked at her suspiciously.

"I will eat them after the rice. I need to wash them and put some salt on them, "she smiled gently.

"Why? I put a lot of salt in it."Ziran shook his head.

"Sugar, my strong tiger, you put a lot of sugar in it! But it matches the grapes well, so I do like it."Sienna smiled kindly.

Ziran's face turned red."You should tell me straight away! Don't eat it then! I will go to cook you something else."

"No, stay with me."Sienna shook her head."It is edible. A great cook like you can't go back to the kitchen to fix his meals. Don't forget that I will starve, if not for your great cooking."Sienna chuckled and finished the rice."It was nice, anyway, I feel full!" she smiled at him encouragingly and stood up. She noticed a movement in the garden and wanted to check it out."The big crystals are sugar and the small crystals are salt." she noted as she peeked from the window and saw S going out. She smiled and turn to Ziran abruptly.

"We can talk now! Did you find him?"Sienna asked hopefully.

"Yes and no!"Ziran nodded."I know, where he is, but I couldn't get to him. He is sleeping underground behind the freezing cold metal door. He is guarded by wild poisonous snakes, they told me he is there, but did not let me pass, so I did not see him. I was lucky to make it out alive."Ziran sighed.

"So what we are to do?"Sienna asked bit happy and a bit worried.

"We need to get rid of those snakes and get him out."Ziran said quietly." But I don't think you can order the snakes around, do you?" he sighed.

"S can! He got a magic Snake King's ring. I saw him just to stretch his hand to the wild snakes and they slithered away immediately..."Sienna's eyes glittered wildly.

"Can you get it?"Ziran asked seriously.

"I'm not sure, he wears it on his finger. How do I ask for it without being suspicious?" she cringed her face thinking."I will need a great reason and good distraction." she sighed.

"Well, you are a pretty good distraction by yourself!" Ziran smirked at her."So, how is S to you?" he asked.

"Very gentle, but he wants to mate soon."Sienna gulped."He was kissing me passionately and almost mated me on the grass in the Apple Orchards. He let me off, just because I told him, that I want to mate in his bed first." she bit her lips worriedly."I hoped you can free Sharchan today because I'm not sure how long I can resist him. My body is reacting to him the same as to Sharchan. If he will feel it, he will just take me, whatever I say."Sienna looked at Ziran hopelessly.

"We will need that ring for sure," Ziran nodded his head.

"Ok, I will think of some excuse and I will try to ask for it."Sienna whispered."But how? "

"Maybe you should keep around him for longer to make him trust you more."Ziran furrowed his brows. It was a hard task. That ring was priceless.

"How much longer? I will be lucky if he doesn't mate me tonight. They both must have something in them, something irresistible, I just forgot everything when he kissed me."Sienna shook her head. She walked around the room nervously thinking.

Ziran watched her beautiful figure with a smile. "She is so cute! I wish, that I was so irresistible to her too!" he thought and licked his lips. The hot past pictures of Sienna flashed in his mind as he looked at her. Then the crazy idea entered his mind.

"Maybe if you make him hot enough, he will give the ring to you."Ziran chuckled jokingly.

"How hot?"Sienna turned to him a bit confused.

"That hot!"Ziran licked his lips again."Make him so crazy for you, that he will be not able to refuse you anything." he smacked his lips.

"That is just...!"Sienna shook her head."Actually...Sharchan got hot when I wore short dresses, it made him half crazy."Sienna started to think about it."Maybe, I can make a short dress, with a golden snake on it to heat him up!"Sienna saw a dress in her mind suddenly as the creative ideas kept flowing.

"Sounds good, the golden snake will look good on you," Ziran nodded approvingly."Make it the same snake as on that ring, so you match with him." he chuckled jokingly.

Sienna suddenly stopped in her tracks as the idea struck her."Ziran you are a genius! If I make the dress to match the ring, I can ask for the ring to match my dress!"Sienna smiled victoriously.