The unwanted visit

S felt mesmerized. He was holding Sienna in his arms and touching her insides. It was warm and wet in there. He felt as in fever. He dreamt many times about his first mating and this was so exciting for him! He decided to have her in his human form because Sharchan told him about his first time too.S memorized everything the Snake King told him. S was good in art so he was drawing female bodies and writing where to touch! He made it as a battle plan...

Sienna felt her back arched at his touch. Her breathing fastened. S made her body feel excited, she wanted it badly."Sorry Sharchan, I have no other choice..." her mind was racing as she felt his fingers sliding inside of her. His hand was stuck between her tights and her lips were captured with his hot lips. It did feel so good but very wrong at the same time!

S went down kissing her belly, when the smell of blood entered his nostrils. He looked at his hands and they were covered in blood!!!

He halted and sat up suddenly.

"Sienna, did I hurt you? You are bleeding," he asked worriedly.

"No, my love. I did not feel any pain," Sienna stared at his bloody hands. She counted quickly on her fingers and her face reddened up.

"I think it is just my days came, that is why I was so moody."She smiled gently. "You took me straight away, so I did not have a chance to check, I just got them now, I think." she smiled trying to ease him. Her mind and heart were relieved but her body was somehow disappointed...

"Come, let's go wash up."Sienna smiled at S gently. She hoped he will not choose to go over the blood...

S was relieved. He was so worried he hurted her. He helped her to stand up and took her to his bathroom...

"My first mating will have to wait."He sighed in his mind.

Sienna felt s bit surreal. This was the first time she was glad to get her days! Kind of. Sure, they will be painful, but she will have all week to get Ziran and Sharchan out...

Sienna stood in the bathtub in S's bathroom with S staring at her caringly. He was a bit dazed...He surely did not imagine his big day to turn up like this!

"I will help you to clean up, my love." he suddenly offered.

Sienna felt kind of weird."No need, just go to my room and get me knickers and cotton fluff, please." she sent him off.

S was still in a bit of shock, so he rushed to her room and messed up everything, till he found what she needed...

Sienna quickly washed and covered in the towel, still waiting in the bathtub, the blood coming down her legs slowly making two bloody lines on the inside of her pale thighs.

S brought the cotton fluff and knickers to Sienna. He saw her still standing in the bathtub."Why don't you go out?" he asked surprised.

"I can't, I need to wash again and put knickers on me straight away."She sighed and looked at him as on the dummy.

"You can't hold the blood in for a bit?" he asked her curiously.

"Can you hold your blood in if you get a sword cut?!" Sienna looked at him in disbelief. His comment made her amused and enraged at the same time. But she understood he doesn't know because he was still staring at her waiting for an answer...

"The men are so clueless," she thought and shook her head. "No, I can't hold it in! It just goes and goes and I feel as if I will bleed to death soon." she looked at him kind of hopelessly...

"You can bleed to death?"S looked startled.

"Anyone can bleed to death, maybe me too..."Siena taunted him. It felt kind of good to watch his worried face...

S was shocked. He looked at her and felt really sorry.

"I do not want you to die my queen! I will do everything in my power to make you better." he bit his lips."Don't you dare to bleed to death!" he rasped and went out.

Sienna smiled under her nose."He is so cute!"She washed again and put on her knickers and made-up pad. Then she covered herself in a fresh towel and went out.S was waiting for her eagerly leaning at the bedpost...

"How do you feel my love?" he asked watching her fresh body.

"Tired! Please, help me go to my room," she asked him hopefully, "I need to rest."

"Just lie down here." he offered. He wanted to keep her close to him. "I need to watch her, so she doesn't bleed to death!" he thought.

Sienna glanced at the bed..." It is a bit bloody.." she pointed"You need to change the bed and put it in cold water or it will stay there."

"I don't mind. It is from you." he looked at her lovingly.

"But I do! Everything has to be washed!"Sienna felt kind of bad to be ordering him around, but she just felt too tired from this morning.

"I like to go rest in my bed."She smiled a bit nervously at him."Please help me out."

S looked at her a bit suspiciously."Why do you want to rest, you just woke up?"

"The bleeding makes me tired," Sienna said innocently ."I told you, that I do not feel well!"She cringed her face.

S helped her to her room. Sienna glanced at the mess and at the little chest with cotton fluff." I think I will need more female supplies, I will bleed a lot..." she sighed.

" I will take care of it."S nodded and tucked her into her bed."Just rest my love and get better." he kissed her forehead caringly.

Sienna closed her eyes tiredly..she really felt as if she is bleeding her life out. Her periods were too heavy, uncomfortable and painful."Thank you my love. "she whispered faintly to him.

S kissed her lips gently and went out. He felt kind of clueless and worried, so his feet took him to the dungeon. He went to see Lord Ziran."I will need his help." he sighed. "Hopefully, he will do what I need, so I will not need to kill him!" he thought as he walked into the dark corridors.

Ziran heard some noises and looked up. The bars at the top opened suddenly and the falling long rope ladder almost hit him in the face...

"My king?"Ziran called in surprise. He ate the deer so was not starving, so he expected that S will hold him in for longer.

"Come up, I need your help! The queen is bleeding."S called worriedly.

"What did you do to her?!" Ziran felt his heart stop.

"Nothing, she got her days! "S sighed.

Ziran climbed out of the well quickly as he could and stood in front of S.

"You will go to the market and get me female supplies for her. Don't try anything funny or I will kill you!"S looked at him seriously.

"I'm always at your service my king."Ziran said politely." I will do anything for your queen. Can I see her, please?" he asked carefully.

"No, go to the market first. Get me female supplies. I will watch the queen."S gave him a packet of gold.

"Sure, my king."Ziran bowed a little.

"I told the queen I locked you up because you were too rude. Say the same!"S noted coldly.

"Yes, my king."Ziran bowed again. He was on good behaviour because he saw how firm S can be!

"Be fast!"S sent Ziran off and walked back to check on Sienna. He felt like a man with lots of work and worries suddenly. Like all the heaviness was on his shoulders."I can't let her die!" he sighed as he hurried up the dark stony corridors.

Ziran was secretly happy that Sienna got her days but was worried about her. The burly tiger ran to the closest market. It was in Snake City, which lay a fair distance from the Snake Castle. The Snake Kings liked their privacy, so they built their castle far away from the city! Ziran bought all the stuff he thought Sienna needed. He also added some sweet honey cones because she always liked sweets on her days and rushed back. He could not wait to see her!

Meanwhile, S went back to see Sienna. She lay in her bed tiredly and looked at the window when the wild eagle knocked on the open stained glass and flew in. He dropped the note to Sienna and sat on the frame of her vanity mirror.

"What is it?" S asked suspiciously. He just noticed the bird as he came in...