The moody queen

Over the wild hot desert, the wild eagle was streaming fast back to Sand City with Sienna's letter. The eagle was hungry, he took too long to deliver the first note waiting for the night rain storm to subdue on his way over the mountains. He knew that Rem would feed him well, so in two hours Rem got the letter and stared at it as he was feeding the eagle with pieces of raw meat. The letter seemed too simple. Sienna normally wrote long letters, especially to Marco.

"Why did she send it to me and not to him?" he wondered."The doctors in Sand City are all passionate and warm men, who is she asking for?" he furrowed his brows.

"Iceberg! That sounds like Marco. Something is going on with her!"He thought and brought the letter to the strong Sea Eagle King.

"I will go check it out!"Marco nodded, "Maybe Sharchan is not treating her well..."

The strong eagle disguised as a doctor. Rem found him doctor clothes and a long white beard made from horsetail hair. The caring scorpion also packed him medicines for Sienna with instructions and Marco rushed to Snake Castle.

Meanwhile, in the gloomy Snake Castle, the strong voice was booming thru the stony corridors.

"I told you not to cook anymore! You will burn this caste to the ground!"Ziran entered the kitchen brutishly and stared into S's shocked face.

"Ah, it is you, my king..." he sighed in relief. "The rice is burning, we need to take it off. "The burly tiger put the heavy sacks on the floor to salvage the rice quickly..."It is inedible, my king," Ziran shook his head as he mixed the completely black rice.

"It is my first time cooking..."S looked at him a bit puzzled.

"I understand my king, you are too worried about the queen."Ziran nodded, trying to hide S's mistake.

"We need to make her better! "S said worriedly, "She needs more food, her hands are too cold."

"I brought some warming spices..."Ziran nodded."I will make her new rice quickly and if you wish to go check on her... I will be with you shortly, my king." the brutish tiger was trying hard to be polite as never before. He did not want to end up in the dungeon again! He needed to help Sienna out!

S nodded. He glanced at cooking Ziran and rushed to her room. He was happy to have Ziran's help.

When S came to his almost queen's room, Sienna was still sleeping. S was watching her breathing deeply, but the longer he watched her, the more worried he became!

" Why she is sleeping so long?" He thought and uncovered her blanket to check on her when he saw she is laying in a pool of blood! "She is bleeding to death!" He felt his heart stopped. Well, the crude pads were not enough for Sienna's heavy flow and the sight was too disturbing for extra worried S...

"Sienna, wake up, please wake up!"He shook her trying to wake her up desperately.

"What?"Sienna stared at him dizzily, "Sharchan..." she said half sleeping.

"Are you ok, my love? You are bleeding too much!"S said to her worriedly.

"Oh no!" She sat down." I'm drenched again. This just sucks so much! I'm so tired..."She moaned.

"Don't move."S picked her up ad took her to the bathroom. Sienna was still dizzy so she let him help her.

" Why now? I slept so well! "Sienna thought dizzily. She was getting grumpy because he woke her up...

S stood her in the bathtub caringly. He help her to put her clothes off and Sienna comply till she started to come back to herself slowly...

She felt the cold metal under her feet and saw he is bundling all her clothes into a ball to be sent to wash up. She felt that she is still bleeding as an open tap, the red splodges under her feet. Sienna stared at him."S thank you, now let me wash myself."

"I will help you wash my love," S said gently, but Sienna did not feel like it. She was all sticky, tacky and just needed to be by herself. She was so nervous somehow...

"You might like to go out, it is a woman's privacy," she sent him off.

"But you are my mate, I can surely look," he said a bit curiously.

"It is blood everywhere, I need privacy." she shook her head.

"I don't mind."He shook his shoulders staring at her.

Sienna was getting upset. She was getting more nervous and grumpy as he woke her from a nice dream...

"Just get out! "She lashed out at him."You should not provoke a woman on her period, because we are nervous and angry!" she looked at him as a tiger."Don't wind me up again!"

S backed off, and closed the door carefully."What was that?"He asked himself in a bit of shock."She was always so nice and sweet and that woman inside was just fierce!"

He looked at her messed bed and changed it for her."She doesn't like to lie in her blood, "he thought as he tried to hurry up." I will need a lot of bedding." he sighed.

Sienna washed in peace and calmed down, she felt a bit sorry that she chucked him out so rudely and became remorseful, her moods were up and down as a rollercoaster on her days... She dressed up and went out of her bathroom with a loudly beating heart.

S waited for her in the room, biting his lips worriedly. When Sienna came out of the bathroom door, she looked like a startled deer. She glanced at him sitting in the chair and the memory of Sharchan hit her so hard that she teared up.

"I'm so sorry to shout at you, I just miss you so much..." She fell into his embrace and sobbed.S was shocked again. Sharchan did tell him something about moody red days, but this did not make sense to him...

S put Sienna in the bed worriedly. He crouched next to her and dried the tears on her cheeks with a silken tissue, then he kissed her forehead gently." It is ok, you don't need to apologize, I'm not angry with you, I can see you are not yourself." he heard himself say as he held her cold hand worriedly in his.

"I feel as if my life is going out of me, the bleeding is so heavy..".Sienna whispered theatrically. She just craved some sympathy...

"What can I do for you to get better? "S asked worriedly.

"Here, hold your warm hand on my belly, my love."Sienna opened the covers a little and pulled his warm hand on her suffering belly under the clothes."S, please be gentle, don't push it too much. It hurts a lot."She sighed and looked into his wild yellow eyes desperately."The three first days are the worst, I will be lucky if I do not bleed to death." she sniffed sorrowfully...

"I will not let you die, my beautiful queen," S said gently and held his hand patiently on her soft skin warming the painful belly...

Just then Sienna heard a knock on the door."Who is it?"She flinched.

"Lord Ziran, He is back from the market. He is bringing you the extra supplies and some food."S hold her hand gently.

"Thank you.S "Sienna kissed his cheek."You are so caring to me. I love you so much."She said and meant it. "I really need Ziran's food to get better, "she nodded.

"Enter, "S called loudly. Sienna's words made him feel kind of strong. The moody female was so happy with him...

Ziran came in and gave Sienna a bowl with the fruity rice and a sweet honey cone. Sienna felt her eyes light up and she had to eat the honey cone first!

"Why do you not eat the rice first?"S asked curiously.

"I need sweets!" she relished the cone."I hope you have more of them?"She looked at Ziran hopefully.

"Sure, my queen," he bowed.

"I need one for dinner too! Till my medicine from Sand City will arrive." She said seriously."When King Sarcos's doctor will come, you will welcome him well and help him with everything he needs, you need to be polite to him. Do you understand? No more rude comments on his account! Don't you dare to call him Doctor Iceberg any more!" she told Ziran firmly.

"Sure, my queen. "Ziran bowed politely and went back to the kitchen to wash the dish."Sneaky is my little queen!" he chuckled in his mind." Marco is on his way then..." he felt a bit better.

"Why did you tell him off so much?"S looked at her surprised.

"The doctor doesn't like to be reminded of his coldness, Ziran was rude to him in the past, so I want to make sure he will be nice to him, "Sienna said gently to S.

"Hm, you are right."We both should be firm with him. He should do as he is told."S nodded approvingly.

"Thank you for letting him out. It looks like you have taught him his lesson already. Only you could teach him better manners so fast."Sienna said sweetly so S will not lock up Ziran again...

Sienna finished her food and felt a little better.S sat on the bed next to her and held his hand on her belly again. He was feeling her and she was making his blood hot.

"You are still so beautiful my queen, even if you do not feel well. When can we mate again?" He asked curiously.

"Next week, "Sienna sighed."When I will be better."

"Maybe this will make you a little better."S leaned to her and kissed her lips passionately. Sienna felt the hot energy coming from him. It felt so nice, that she forget about everything for a moment...

The loud knock on the door disturbed them.

"Not now, Ziran, what do you want?!"S stopped the kiss and asked impatiently.

"I'm the doctor from Sand City, to your service my king."the strong voice boomed from behind the door...