Marco is learning about the moods...

Marco carried Sienna on his back and Ziran in his talons to a close mountain clearing with a waterfall. He dropped Ziran down first and then Ziran helped Sienna down.

"I need a bath!"she said straight away. She took a packet of supplies from Ziran's hand resolutely and walk to the water quickly.

Marco changed into a man and looked after her puzzled.

"Thank you for taking me out Marco ."Ziran looked at the strong Eagle King," That was a great disguise. "he chuckled.

"Rem helped me."Marco nodded coldly.

Sienna just dropped her messy nightgown on the ground and went to the water pond under that waterfall. It was freezing cold!

"I miss the bathroom with hot water! "she mumbled to herself."This is not fair at all!" she was grumpy. Her belly hurted, she was tired, she did not feel good and had to wash in the freezing water. It was not easy to clean in cold water at all! The blood was just kind of sticking on her and floating around..." This sucks!" she raged and screamed in frustration.

Marco and Ziran went to check on her. She was naked trying to wash quickly and growling to herself.

Sienna heard them coming and stared at them."Can I have some privacy please?" she asked nervously and dipped more into that horribly cold water.

"I'm your mate," Marco noted coldly...

"Whatever!"Sienna growled and turn from them. She felt her anger rising even more. Her heart was beating loud in the freezing water. She was having enough and decided to get out, so she started to walk out of the water, with her body entirely on display.

The men stared. Marco looked at Ziran and turned him around "What are you looking at? Close your eyes, that is my queen!" he furrowed his brows.

"Why are you naked in front of Lord Ziran?"Marco asked Sienna a bit upset as she came closer to him.

"I don't care. This water is freezing and I needed to wash fast. He saw me so many times already anyway!"Sienna shook her shoulders upset.

"What do you mean by that?"Marco asked surprised.

"He was watching me to mate with Adenou, "Sienna sighed."I don't think it is any part of my body he did not see..."

"Adenou...?" Marco opened his eyes wide.

"Ask Sarcos about it, it was his body anyway, I'm too tired to explain..."Sienna furrowed her brows impatiently.

"What?"Marco stared at her.

"Come on, he is my bodyguard. At least he knows what he guards, "Sienna chuckled nervously, but Marco's look was cold.

"You are not his female, he got no right to watch you." the eagle noted coldly. "You will cover from him from now on!"

"Well, he can just turn around. Don't take it so seriously."Sienna sighed."Give me the towel please, if you want to be helpful."She was shaking from the cold. Marco was still thinking as he wrapped her in the towel and embraced her a bit forcibly just as she managed to put new knickers on...Sienna looked up to him, his face was still serious, but his body was so steaming hot, she could not resist it. He felt like an oven!

"So you are ready to accept Lord Ziran if he became the king? "Marco held her to his body firmly to warm her up.

"I will see..."Sienna blushed.

"Don't forget his tiger is brute as Tyrell's one," Marco noted coldly.

"Friend... I keep him as a friend!" she whispered as the scary realization hit her mind. The eagle was right, but his coldness was going on her nerves today...

Sienna put on her new dress and turned to Marco.

"I'm hungry, do we have any food?"She touched her belly. It hurted so uncomfortably...

"No, we will eat in Sand City..."Marco noted."If you don't stall the time here, we could be there already!" he looked firmly at her and saw how Ziran shook his head behind Sienna pointing him not to go there..."Marco will have to learn how to deal with the moody queen yet..."Ziran sighed to himself.

"But my belly is hurting so much!"Sienna stood up to him heating up again...

"What is wrong with you?"Marco stared. She was so unreasonable...moody and weird to him.

"I have my first day of horrible painful unfair bleeding and I just went to freezing water! I need something sweet!" she cried out loudly."You do not care about me at all! "She started to tear up. Her mind was all over the place and she needed to think but was too overwhelmed.

"Ok, I saw some sweet berry bushed on the way, "Marco back up a bit and nodded."Wait here with Ziran..."

Sienna nodded pitifully."Thank you." she sobbed."Don't be too long, I will miss you..." she cried again. She was too sensitive suddenly...

Marco shook his head..."Wow, how to survive this?" he thought as he changed into the eagle and went fast to get her some blueberries...

"He is not used to different moods, Sienna."Ziran came to her carefully. He hugged her on his wide chest gently.

"What moods?"Sienna looked at him with furrowed brows.

"Female moods...?"Ziran whispered not sure if it was a good idea to say...

"Don't you see I'm in pain? You will never understand how I feel."She exploded but let him cuddle her.

"Rest a little. It was too much going on today.."Ziran tucked Sienna in the blanket and she started to relax a bit. It was so nice to be outside for a little while. She was thinking about Sharchan and S . She wanted to be sure Sharchan is ok and S as well, so apart from being really grumpy, she was kind of stalling more-less unintentionally. Sienna was really puzzled if she should leave or not, so she just did whatever came to her mind... She wanted Marco's help to get Sharchan out, not to take her away without even seeing him!

Sienna watched the waterfall over the darkening sky...

"Sharchan..are you woken up yet? Is S ok? He must be worried about me... Please, don't kill each other..." she thought.

Suddenly Ziran stood up. He heard someone is coming, so he was ready to protect Sienna.

The huge copper snake slithered fast to them and changed into a handsome warrior as he came closer. His wild yellow eyes shone brightly, his long copper hair blowing in the soft wind. He was wearing just black silky trousers, a shirt and boots."S." Ziran watched worriedly till he noticed the rough hands of a swordsman...

"Lord Ziran, out of my way!" the snake's eyes glittered wildly. They were fixed o Sienna hungrily.

"King Sharchan, welcome back." the burly tiger smiled and let him pass...

"Sharchan," Sienna stood up excitedly and went to hug him. She inhaled his scent and felt at home again!

"How could you just leave me? It is my week with you now!"He cupped her face longingly.

" I was taken by Marco, "Sienna whispered. She could not stop staring into his face."You were still melting and he decided to take me away from your brother."

"Well, you come back with me now."Sharchan pulled her to himself jealously.

Sienna was not sure what to do suddenly. She wanted to go with him but was worried about what she will find back in there.

"I have my days, I need peace. I don't want to see your family drama, I played enough." Sienna bit her lips trying to be tough.

"It is already sorted."Sharchan could almost read her mind. "She likes my brother too!" he thought."All is well. I will give you peace," he said gently, "I will take care of you brother was just trying to be me. I think you show him, that it is a hard work. " he chuckled."I have to keep the appearance you made, so I will do and give you everything you want as I promised apparently." he chuckled."My father and brother are waiting to see you. We are family after all," he said to calm her down.

"In that case, I will go, "Sienna nodded with a smile..." Sharchan?" she whispered to him.

"Yes," he smiled confidently.

"I love you."Sienna smiled gently.

"I missed you so much! I'm sorry for dragging you to the wetlands." he bit his lips."We should wait for Sarcos as you said."he heard himself say remorsefully, but he could not even comprehend what he said fully. It was like her loving closeness was dragging strange words out of him he never wanted to say at all!

"Is ok, at least we help other people too."Sienna nodded."Let's leave it behind us, you are my first mate after all."She smiled cheekily in his embrace.

Marco came back to the waterfall with a leaf cone of blueberries. He glanced at Sharchan and gave them to Sienna.

"Thank you, my love," she whispered and slipped out of Sharchan's hands. She felt a bit guilty suddenly. The tension in the air was almost solid!

"I will be taking my queen with me, "Sharchan looked into Marco's eyes.

"Do you want to go?"Marco turned to Sienna.

"Yes, "Sienna nodded," Sharchan promised he will take very good care of me and will do everything I want..."She smiled and munch on berries a bit anxiously.

"I will come to check on you in three days."Marco nodded coldly.

Sharchan stared at Marco in unbelief. The cold eagle did not even talk to him!

"How dare you? I'm a king. You dare to ignore me, Marco?"Sharchan locked his wild yellow eyes into the eagle's freezing blue ones.

Marco looked at him coldly and said nothing. He was really upset to leave Sienna with him!

"You are so bloody cold!"Sharchan shook his head.

"I think you were much colder than me, you were a snake popsicle."Marco suddenly grinned.

He did not like Sharchan much at all. And he was also upset about the wetlands...

"I will come, so we can train, I think you need to level up, no?"Marco looked at him coldly. He just wanted to beat him up a lot...

"With pleasure, "Sharchan hissed to him.

"I want to rest, "Sienna touched Marco's hand softly."You can have a match when I feel better, but please Marco, be more careful than with Tyrell, "Sienna looked at him worriedly.

"What happened to Tyrell?"Sharchan's eyes turned into slits.

"I ripped him into pieces and if you dare to hurt my queen I will rip you too!"Marco looked at Sharchan coldly.

"How dare you?"The rude snake was astonished...

"Dare, not dare! Be good to our queen, Snake King."Marco looked coldly at him.."Sarcos is coming back soon and he is not done with you eighter..." he chuckled darkly.

"Thank you for helping me out, Marco."Sienna smiled and hugged him. She did feel a bit unfair to him, but wanted to spend time with Sharchan."I will make it up to you..." she whispered as she kissed his cheek."Come to visit me, ok? I will miss you my strong eagle." she kissed his lips lightly.

"Ok," Marco nodded."No need to thank me, I will do anything for you always."

Sienna felt her heart throb painfully."My Iceberg King...." she thought. She kissed his lips again softly and let go of him.

"Ziran, are you coming with us?"Sienna smiled at the burly tiger who watched from afar.

"No, let him go with Marco. I will cook for you far better than him."Sharchan sent him off. He wanted to be only with her...without the annoying tiger...

"Come!" Marco changed to an eagle and let Ziran on his back." You will get a King's flight to Sand City with me..." he said coldly. They both glanced at Sienna holding Sharchan's hand and flew off. It felt kind of wrong to both of them but it was her decision...

Sienna looked after her eagle, he got lost in the clouds unbelievably fast! Marco was enraged so he speed up to cool off, making Ziran hold onto him for his dear life..."King's flight of death..." the tiger felt dizzy at Marco's back..." I will rather run next time..." he thought.

Sienna looked at Sharchan lovingly. "I'm so tired, can we go rest my love?"

"Sure."Sharchan felt like a good man suddenly and changed into a half-snake. He took Sienna into his arms and carry her all the way back! It felt so good to have her soft body in his embrace again as he slithered thru the forests fast smashing everything in his way.

Sienna breathed in his intoxicating smell. She felt safe and loved in his embrace. She missed him dearly and her anger disappeared. She was finally in his arms again...