I will protect you

In the tall Snake Castle, Sharchan was stuck in his office for the rest of the day, he wanted to use the time Sienna was tired, so he would have more time for her when she was better. Sharchet went to bring Sienna her dinner. Sharchan let him take care of her too, "He should see the hard work..." the snake nodded in his head.

As the sunset passed by, Sharchan went to Sienna's room to sleep next to her. He opened the door quietly and saw Sharchet as he held his hand on Sienna's belly. She was half sleeping.

"What are you doing? "The Snake King snapped.

"Shhh, making it warm, she has cramps, "S sighed worriedly. "I just gave her some medicine and I'm trying to make her sleep."

"Hm, let me do it then, "Sharchan wanted to exchange with his brother.

"No, your hands are too rough, you will irritate her soft skin..."Sharchet hissed.

"You are so irritating brother ...." Sharchan hissed."She is only my mate still, so scram for now..." he lost his patience after a long day in the office...he preferred fights to paperwork.

"Oh, don't wake her up...I'm going...Good night brother..."S smiled a bit sinisterly and left....he would make his brother pay...later on for this!

The next morning Sienna felt slightly better. She woke up in Sharchan's hard embrace. He seemed sleeping..so she wiggled... "Let me go to the bathroom, my love..."She whispered and tried to lift his heavy hand stuck on her belly...

Sharchan pretended he was still sleeping and did not budge. He just felt like teasing her...It was is little revenge for letting S hold her belly...

But Sienna lost her patience. She got tired fast after trying to lift his stuck hand. She felt drenched in blood and needed a bath fast, so her resilience was very limited...Wake up and let me go!" she punched her elbow into his ribs....she kind of felt he was not sleeping that hard!

"Aaa..you attacked me!"Sharchan opened his eyes wide suddenly..."How can you be so violent...?" he moaned.

"Just let me go!"She tried to push his heavy hand. She really needed to go...

"Not before you apologize to me! I'm sleeping innocently, and you mauled me..." he pretended to cry! It was looking utterly ridiculous given his huge muscles!

Sienna was getting angry..."I'm sorry, but I need to go...stop holding me in...I need to bath quickly or it will all leak out..."

"I don't mind...I love you all..." he tightened his grip. Sienna felt all squashed and sticky.

"Stop and let me go... don't play with me!" she called upset.

"You are so cute when you try to fight..." he smiled feeling so entertained suddenly. He missed his little dramas and this was the perfect opportunity ...

Siena pushed his hand with her whole strength but it did not budge again. She let her head back in the cushions, lying motionlessly and breathing deeply to calm down ."Sharchan let me go bathroom, please. We can play fights later when I'm better, ok?" she begged cutely. She saw she had no chance to fight against him...

"Of course my love," he kissed her cheek."Let me help you out, you just needed to ask me nicely."He smiled innocently and stood up first to help her! Sienna glanced at him and ran straight to the bathtub.

"The sneaky bully snake is back..." she sighed in her mind.

Sienna felt a bit better after a bath and a light breakfast, She was drawing in her little book from S.

Sharchan went back to his office to work some more because she wanted just to rest. Sharchan got a letter from Tyrell, asking about Sienna, so he just replied to him and sent it back...Sienna spent a day resting and drawing. She started to feel better and happy again...

The next day early morning Marco came to visit. The majestic eagle flew straight into her room unnoticed at all!

Sienna was just getting ready and putting her dress on, when Marco flew in thru the window as normal.

"Marco." Sienna smiled in relief as she saw her strong cold eagle. She went to hug him.

"You are not protected very well." Marco furrowed his browns...I could just come in like this and take you with me..." he grinned...he imagined how upset Sharchan would be," But taking Sienna for my week will work as well." he thought.

"Well, I'm still on my days, "Sienna smiled gently.

"That is true."Marco nodded, "But there are a few things I can still do with you..."The dragon started to talk within him...

"Yes, like let me rest ." she smiled."Look I got a new drawing book, "She showed him the book,

"Hm," Marco noted. "So how is Sharchan treating you?"

"Slightly better I guess, kind of.. he does let me rest," she said a bit cluelessly.

S heard Sienna talking as he passed around her room so came inside to check on her. He barged into her room and saw Marco sitting next to Sienna on the bed!

S stared at Marco's face...

"So doctor...what are you doing here...?" he stared at the handsome warrior." You seem to change a profession to a king..." he chuckled nervously as he noticed his shiny armour.

"Yes, I'm Sea Eagle King today..."Marco noted coldly.

"My Eagle King mate. "Sienna noted.

"So you both tricked me well, doctor... "S said a bit hurt.

"Same as you S, you tricked me first..." she smiled. "But I still like you a lot..."

"Then, welcome King Marco..."S smiled..."Would you stay long?"

"No, I came to check on my queen," Marco said.

"Have no worries, I will take good care of her and my brother as well." S grinned and Sharchan just came into the room.

"King Marco," Snake King stared at the eagle, thunders smashing inside his wild yellow eyes ..."Thank you for your hard work...I see you are right on time...like a clock. You see the queen is ok, so you can check out..."Sharchan hissed.

"Sure, care to spare?"Marco's eyes lit up a bit wickedly...

"Not now, "S smiled gently ... pushing his brother away, "We need to take care of our queen first, she is still not well, and she needs her breakfast..." he smiled...

"So later then." Marco nodded. "I will come for my queen as my week starts."

"Have a good rest, my queen," he turned to Sienna and pecked her lips.

"You are going already?"She asked a bit confused.

"Sure, I just came to check on you. The Snake King has one day left with you anyway..." he said a bit indifferently.

"Hey, that is not fair..."Sharchan noted..."I did not have a proper time to spend with my queen!"

"My brother is right we should not count the time when she is having her days as a valid week.."S noted.

Marco looked at Sienna..."Do you want to stay longer here? "

"Well, S is kind of right, I should not count my days, because it is my time to rest...I think I should keep my days as a week for myself..." she bit her lips, "I also like to see the Snake Kingdom, I have not seen it here yet and you will keep me locked in your room anyway..." she looked at Marco.

"I see.."the cold eagle nodded..."I will give you an extra 4 days with Sharchan then the other 3 you are spending in my castle." He looked at her firmly.

"Thank you, Marco," Sienna smiled at him...She went to hug him but the cold eagle kissed her forehead and streamed out of the window... he was upset. It was the third time she chose to stay somewhere else rather than go with him! "She doesn't want to stay in my castle. I need to make it better!" he thought and went straight to Tyrell...

Sienna looked after Marco worriedly..she felt she hurted him again..but having a week to herself for her days seemed such a good idea..she wanted to keep it that way in the future as well...

"Wow, he is cold..."S noted ."I can feel my skin freeze when he just looked at me!" he joked.

"Well, he can be hot too...don't be surprised brother..."Sharchan hissed..." Let's get breakfast for our queen. "Sharchan took S out a bit upset and Sienna just did not understand why...

"Whatever, "she whispered to herself. She felt much better and smiled. "My period will be over soon and I can go out to explore..."

Sienna settled drawing in the bed when S brought her breakfast. "You look so much better already...so are you happy to stay with us?" he smiled gently."

"Sure ."Siena nodded, "I like the week to myself. Your idea was great!"

"I brought you a sweet cone," he smiled, "Will you show me your drawings?" he asked.

"Sure ."Sienna showed him the book.

"Wow, a mermaid, "S chuckled, "You drew things as a little kid."

"And what..? Is it forbidden?" Sienna smiled cheekily.

"No, I like it... just relax my queen..." S shook his head.

"Well, it is a good skill when we will have children..."Sharchan suddenly came in. He came to Sienna and pet her head." You are so beautiful my queen, so how would our children look like?"

"Wild and beautiful."Sienna nodded.

"Your days are finishing, it will be a good time to start a family .."Sharchan bit his lips...

"You are my family already no?" Sienna tried to avoid the question...

"Yes, but I mean, that about our children...What do you think? Do you want to start working on it?" he asked seductively.

"Ahmm, not sure yet."Sienna looked at him a bit gobsmacked." I like to talk to Sarcos about it first..." she said...

"Well, I'm your first mate, we should have children together first," Sharchan noted.

"Not yet, wait for a few years."Sienna said gently." I need to learn how to survive here on my own first."

"What? "Sharchan looked surprised at her.

"Well, I will need to be able to make money by myself first," Sienna said firmly.

"What?" he gasped in utter shock.

"You think I'm not enough to take care of you...?" his voice was between broken and raging...

"No, of course, not, "Sienna tried to explain, but it was difficult to watch Sharchan crumbling down in front of her eyes...She did not want to hurt him...

"Maybe you are worried Sharchan will not treat you nice," S noted. He understood Sienna straight away. "I will keep an eye on him for you... I already broke his new golden cage so have no worries, my love...I will take care of you too...Sharchan will not lock you anymore..." he smiled gently and held her hand.

"A cage again?"Sienna looked at Sharchan worriedly." So that is why S locked him in the snow...he tried to protect me... Whatever else Sharchan was planning? Children. Did he want to mate me as a snake?" Her face got pale at this thought...

"You wanted to lock me again by myself in the golden cage?" she looked at Sharchan heartbroken. "Was it not enough the last time? Did you not learn it is wrong and Sarcos burned my dress for nothing?" she called upset to him.

"He did not mean it completely wrong. The cage was in his room, he put a bed for you and lots of sewing." S pretended to ease her..."You like the fabrics no? I just took it from there and made you this room..."

Sienna bit her lips bitterly." So Sharchan did not even make me a room!" she thought."I can't sew in the cage. I can't draw when I'm upset." She put the drawing down.

"Let me rest both of you...!"She said upset, the tears at the edge of her eyes. She felt betrayed...