The bitter-sweet homecoming

The sudden quietness eloped the Snake Castle. Only the Royal Family and a few castle guards stood in the huge empty Throne Hall. Thyasse clenched into Marath's arm looking around in a bit of daze. She would never imagine her return to the Snake Castle would be in similar circumstances as she had to leave it!

Sienna clenched into Sharchan's arm as well, she smiled at him and pulled him toward Marath with Thyasse.

"Welcome home, sister. And you brother-in-law." Sharchan looked at his older sister with relief.

"Welcome, both of you, it is so nice to see you again."Sienna smiled gently...

Marath was watching them coming closer rather curiously. It was interesting to see Sienna with her mate for him...

"Well, thank you, Sharchan, Sienna," he said calmly.

Sienna kissed his and Thyasse's cheeks joyfully. It was so nice to see them well. Sienna was quite happy she could prove Thyasse's innocence and her heart was flying on the little rainbow cloud... 

Marath looked at Sharchan curiously. The Snake King seemed strange to him.

"I like to talk to you."Marath took Sharchan apart straight away, making space for Chantelle, S and Sharmut to welcome Thyasse back...

Marath dragged Sharchan back into the corridors...When he just stopped and turned to him suddenly. "You got yourself a nice queen brother-in-law."

"Sure, one of a kind." Sharchan grinned a little rudely.

"Watch her well, you know how easily she gets lost, "Marath noted.

"Sure."Sharchan nodded."That is nothing new."He said a bit roughly.

"And don't be so jealous of me!"Marath grinned.

"I'm jealous of everyone..."Sharchan hissed."Can't help it."

"It is not good for a king to feel defeated...." said Marath.

"I messed it all up."Sharchan bit his lips.

"Sure you did, but it is gone now, don't wallow in it and get up. Behave as a king."Marath looked firmly at him.

"Why are you lecturing me?"Sharchan asked a bit confused, but still grumpy.

"I can see your heart. You love your queen the most in this world. Don't give her away so easily..., "Marath nodded and left puzzled Sharchan...

Meanwhile, Sienna watched as Chantelle welcomed Thyasse. She held her in her embrace with tears in her eyes but happily, she did not see her for years! Sharmut smiled at Sienna and took her a bit apart. He wanted to give his mate time with her long-lost daughter...

"Well done little queen, you did well."He nodded his head.

"Thank you, Thyasse was innocent anyway."Sienna nodded.

"Hm," Sharmut smiled cheekily." So, did she really try to eat you?" he asked curiously.

"Twice, but she was not herself, she is cured now."Sienna nodded.

"Do you believe it?"Sharmut asked thinking.

"Sure."Sienna nodded."Marath said so and she seemed more kind already the next day after she was cured."Sienna said eagerly.

"You trust in my son-in-law so much?" Sharmut smiled cheekily.

"With my life."Sienna nodded."I would be not here if not for him." she sighed. The memory was like a distant scary dream now...

"You surely admire him then. "Sharmut looked curiously.

"He is a hero."Sienna nodded.

"So do you admire me too then?" he asked cheekily.

"Sure, as my amazing father-in-law."Sienna smiled.

Sharmut nodded quietly.

"Your hero is coming over. He let my rude son live, that is a good sign!"Sharmut watched Marath walking quite ahead of Sharchan coming closer to them.

"What?" Sienna asked, but then she understood it was a joke because Sharmut liked teasing her. He was still overly happy from getting his mate back next to him and behaved kind of wildly. 

"I will give you some time to welcome your hero back, "Sharmut whispered to her and left Sienna alone...he went to Thyasse and Chantelle.

Sienna watched Marath come closer with an anxious heart. The flashbacks of her kissing him entered her mind and her face blushed.

"Bloody chemistry."She looked at him as a startled deer. Her heart felt squashed in her neck. His presence was always powerful and a bit cheeky. Sienna was scared he would feel her again..."This man is so dangerous." she was panicking in her heart, the shiver all over her body. She looked at him and realized his lips were curled up.

"He surely can feel me!"The realization came to her mind again. She gulped secretly and managed a sweet smile on her lips.

He looked at her with his red sparkly eyes for a bit, Sienna noticed he looked a bit happier somehow...

"So, did you miss me?" Marath asked totally out of place again. He saw her body react to him and it made him pleased somehow. He wanted to tease her more!

"Sure I did, Sienna nodded."I always miss my... best of kin...."She smiled gently.

"Haha, double answer, you are so entertaining as always." he smiled."

"I can read you as an open book..." he smiled confidently and gently pressed the left end of her lips with his finger.

"Here we go!"Sienna thought and bit her lips but his expression grew more serious.

"You did well. I knew you were so clever," he said thinking.

"You are too powerful, I knew Thyasse must be innocent because you can take over at any time. You wanted to clean Thyasse's name publicly."Sienna smiled a little relieved.

"Hm, So how was your week in Snake Castle?" Marath asked.

"Very busy," Sienna nodded.

"Busy? What you were doing?" he asked curiously. 

"All the stuff I should not..."Sienna's face reddened up.

"She did quite well," Sharmut chuckled from behind Sienna and put his hand around her shoulders familiarly. He had that snake protective ownership urge to his daughter-in-law because he liked her! "Sienna likes fixing things.." he looked at her entertained.

"You are too kind...Sharmut..."Sienna smiled at him in a bit of shock. She shook her head in a daze."How did he get behind me? He was with Chantelle a minute ago! They walk like ghosts... sneaking at me..." she thought a bit panicked that Sharmut would read her mind and feel her body too. Her chemistry with Marath was a bit embarrassing...It felt so weird.

Marath watched her entertained. Sienna's emotions were all over the place, she liked Marath and Sharmut but felt naked between them. They were surely mind readers!

Sharmut looked at her knowingly. Sienna felt as if he knew already anyway somehow...he was always a bit intimidating.

Sienna tried to calm down, but she was sure Sharmut could feel her frantic energy and Marath had fun from it. ...

"I'm so happy we can all meet together, and everything is fine now."She smiled.

"Sure, Marath and Thyasse should join us for dinner, hm?" Sharmut pressed her close to himself fatherly.

Sienna saw the flashback of dead lizards and birds on the dining table and gulped.

"Sure, Sharmut," she smiled. "It will be great! We are all family." she nodded.

"I don't need to be scared, I have my buns still there and fruits..," she thought.

"It will be my pleasure."Marath smiled.

"Great, we will see you within an hour in the dining room." the strong voice sounded and Sienna felt as Sharchan hugged her waist and pulled her to himself. Sienna felt so safe suddenly!

"Everyone is sneaking on me.." she thought but Sharchan came to her aid when he saw her stuck between his father and Marath with a reddened face.

"See you later then, Sharmut, Marath."Sienna smiled and let Sharchan take her out.

Sharchan held Sienna's waist and took her up the corridors.

"Do you still like Marath?" he hissed a bit jealously.

"Yes, he saved me and he is my brother-in-law."Sienna nodded.

"I meant it differently."Sharchan pressed her waist.

"That is..., it is just the chemistry..."Sienna swallowed hard. "It happened somehow."

"So strange..." Sharchan nodded."But he is not the king anyway..."

"No....and he loves Thyasse a lot."Sienna breathed out in relief.

"Thank you for helping my sister, Sienna." Sharchan looked at her."You are my clever little queen." he hugged her tight.

"But you were not going to kill her anyway, no?"

"No!"Sharchan shook his head.

Sharchan took Sienna to her room. He hugged her waist and kissed her for a time, his hands lifting her skirt softly and invading her knickers as if by accident. He was so smooth and passionate that Sienna forgot about everything for a moment...

"You are so hot...let me calm you down a little." Sharchan rasped. He just lifted Sienna to himself letting her legs circle his waist tightly. He walked with her to the bed mating her already!

He placed her down bending together, joined with her in the pleasure...pressing hard deep inside of her...Sienna felt so free suddenly, all her worries disappeared and dark pressures lifted. The excitement and pleasure overtook her body. She needed this so much!!!

Sharchan held Sienna in his embrace after they finished. Sienna felt sweet and happy in his arms, but time was going way too fast.

"Let's go get ready..."Sharchan smiled..." The family dinner got bigger, so you need a better dress. " he kissed her naked back.

"Ok." Sienna nodded. She stood up and went to wash quickly. She came back covered in the towel within a few minutes when Sharchan showed her a golden gown with a neckline split to her stomach!

"This is too open!"Sienna shook her head. "I will be not comfortable wearing this..."

"Don't worry I will lace it up with gold."Sharchan smiled gently.

"The gold is cold."Sienna looked at him a bit suspiciously." I want something else."

"But I like this one," he said a little stubbornly.

"Then you can wear it!"Sienna chuckled playfully but his face was serious.

"I like it..." he said.

"I will wear it for you only, in the bedroom, but let's get something more covered for now," Sienna smiled gently.

"But you will be so beautiful in this! "he growled a bit unsatisfied...his snake was imagining her in that golden dress for a while!

Sienna just shook her head and put the golden robe back on the bed.

"You choose then..."Sharchan sighed and went to finish dressing up. He will make her pay later on for this!

Sienna picked a bright yellow velvet gown with a more decent neckline. It was decorated with gold delicately and hugged her body comfortably.

"Why this one?"Sharchan growled.

"Yellow is the colour of happiness, I'm happy everything is well," she smiled...

"Gold is the colour of happiness happiness!"Sharchan grimaced his handsome face satirically.

Sienna just chuckled and shook her head. He was always so dramatic...

Sharchan watched her in that yellow dress for a little while as he was dressing up and decided it looked good on her. She was like a shiny sunray. "Anyway, it suits you, but you will wear that golden dress for me sometimes, ok?"

"Sure, only for you!" Sienna smiled. He was so hardminded!

Sienna started to brush her long hair, she put on black eyeliner and red lip-gloss. She felt happy and a little wild in her heart. She was excited to have dinner with everyone. Sharchan dressed in a silken white shirt and golden linen trousers. He looked more kingish and Sienna wondered if this dinner was so important for him...

"Do you like it?" he grinned at her confidently.

"Hmm, yes!" she kissed his cheek slowly making him a red splodge on it. She smeared it clean with her hand giggling.

"Still so wild!" Sharchan kissed her lips passionately when a knock on the door disturbed them!

Sharchan furrowed his brows in surprise and went to open.

The slender figure in a long silver gown was standing there quietly.

"Thyasse?" he asked a bit surprised.

"I like to talk to Sienna in private." Thyasse hugged Sharchan around his waist kind of halfway and pushed him out of the room. Sharchan glanced at Sienna in the door. She nodded and showed him to go with her head.

"Sure." he nodded." I will see you in the dining room then. Don't be long," he said to his sister and went.

Sienna looked at Thyasse a little worriedly but kind. "Is everything ok, Thyasse?"

she asked surprised by her visit. She felt a bit concerned about being with her alone but convinced herself it would be fine..."She is fine...She is healthy..."Sienna thought.

"You are so beautiful."Thyasse looked at her approvingly.

"Thank also look more beautiful and happier now."Sienna smiled gently.

"Come."Thyasse took Sienna's hand and pulled her towards the bed. She sat Sienna next to her on the bed still holding her hand.

Sienna looked at her with a kind smile waiting. Thyasse's hand felt warm and strong, but still a bit bony.

"She is ok, she is healthy.."Sienna kept repeating in her mind as a chant.

"Sienna, thank you for helping me," Thyasse suddenly said seriously.

"You welcome, you are my sister-in-law, but I did not help you, I helped the justice, you were innocent," Sienna noted.

"My people suffered a lot because of me..."Thyasse nodded," But it is so wrong to want to live?"

Sienna looked at Thyasse curiously and shook her head.

"I knew I was going savage, I just kept it from everyone, so I would not be killed..." Thyasse sighed.

"How did you find out?"Sienna asked. She thought Thyasse did not know it.

"I was...I was kissed by a Coral Snake warrior in the forest. They all were savage. He wanted to take me for himself but then he was killed from behind by a Silver-tail Lizard. They wanted to sacrifice me in the Silver-tail Lizard's Castle. Marath saved me. Cosimo wanted to kill everyone flat, but Marath took me out on his word. "

"That must be so horrible for you!"Sienna said a bit pale. She rather did not ask more about it because she saw Thyasse was immersed in the past pain already.

"I never said it to anyone," Thyasse bit her lips.

"Thank you for sharing with me, "Sienna held her hand."You did not have it easy at all!"

Thyasse nodded."I'm truly sorry."

"I do not blame you...I will do the same in your place...nobody wants to die just like was not even your fault..we need to change the laws immediately..."Sienna nodded."Marath has the cure, so it should be given away to others too."

Thyasse smiled. Sienna had no idea about how painful the cure was, but she appreciated her caring, so nodded."I'm glad my brother has you as a mate."

"You are my lovely sister-in-law."Sienna smiled and hugged her lightly. Her heart warmed a bit more toward Thyasse.

"Shall we go? "Thyasse smiled and stood up.

"Yes, "Sienna nodded."I'm so pleased to walk with you." she offered Thyasse her arm.

"Good!"Thyasse clenched into Sienna's arm and they walked to the dining room together.