The innocent plotters

Meanwhile, in autumn-coloured Crystal City, the strong Sea Eagle King was visiting Tyrell. He went to ask him for help in building his Mountain Fortress into a city...

Tyrell helped him eagerly, he was not grumpy at him after all, and he would do the same in his place...So, Marco was gathering workers at Tyrell's.

"The winter is not a very good time for building," said Tyrell," I sent a lot of builders to Ramse, and they will be coming back in a few weeks, so for now I can offer you only a few to teach your men." He looked at him seriously.

"Good," Marco noted.

"Why do you want to build a big city so suddenly?"Tyrell asked him.

"Sienna doesn't like to spend time in my fortress..."Marco sighed.

"Maybe it is too boring for her. You will need at least a nice garden. She likes to go dancing and to the market. It is tricky to do in the high mountains..."Tyrell noted.

"Hm, but not impossible. I fixed her a new bedroom and got her some drawing stuff for now, I hope she would like it...If I manage to get her there..."Marco sighed longingly.

"Well, she is not that demanding."Tyrell smiled."Sure she will like it. I think you worry way too much. But for your city, you will need to ask some scorpion builders too...they have experience with chiselling rocky houses," the Tiger King added."Shush!" his White Tiger growled in his head suddenly! "If the houses fell on his head the better..."

"Hmm. You are right, I will stop in Sand City on my way. "Marco nodded. "Thank you for your help brother. "

"Sure, I will do anything for you." Tyrell smiled.

"Including that accident Tyrell!" the White Tiger growled again in Tyrell's head..."He better not cross me again!"

Marco looked at Tyrell sharply, he could see the tiger growl in his eyes somehow! But the cold eagle said nothing...because he got the taste of Tyrell's meat in his mouth suddenly! His eagle was kind of keen on it so Marco decided it was time to leave. It was as if the kings could go on well in their human form, but their animal forms wanted to kill each other!

Tyrell's tiger wanted to kill Marco for revenge, but Marco's eagle just had a taste to simply eat him...maybe it was a call from Chimera Land...Marco felt the dragon in him stronger than ever. The dragon was heated up because he also wanted to devour the tiger who was going on his nerves...

The dragon part was definitely not so cold as Marco himself!

"I will be on my way.." the Sea Eagle King rather said.

"Fly free brother..."Tyrell nodded and watched how the huge eagle went to the sky...his heart was a bit jealous because the cold eagle would have Sienna to himself now for a week.

"Hey, call him back and kill him!"Tyrell's White Tiger growled excitedly. The blood lust formed in his innocent-looking blue eyes.

"How? He is stronger than us!"Tyrell said upset with himself. This idea crossed his mind many times almost unwillingly.

"So? Maybe we can poison him..."The tiger suggested.

"What? Don't be vicious, why? Sienna will not like it...."Tyrell shook his head surprised at the darkness of his own tiger soul.

"Well, then he will pay you one day for your stupid kindness and eat you!"The tiger growled unsatisfied.

"What? What do you mean? "Tyrell asked shocked but remembered Marco said something like that to him when he was unconscious.

"And his dragon wants to eat you too..."The White Tiger noted coldly.

"What dragon?"Tyrell halted.

"Well, I sense a dragon in him..." the tiger said rather viciously."Marco is the chimera for sure! He should not be around our queen at all!" he growled in Tyrell's head.

"But Sarcos checked him, no?"Tyrell was kind of speechless as a cloud of panic eloped his heart.

"Maybe Sarcos wants a chimera!"The White Tiger noted.

"That can explain why he is stronger than normal Sea Eagle...!" Tyrell realized that this might be the case.

"Bravo, you started to think!"The White Tiger clapped his furry paws in Tyrell's mind satirically.

"But that is against all laws!"Tyrell thought frantically...

"Screw the law, think how to get rid of him and save Sienna from it..."The White Tiger growled.

"But what can I do? She loves him..."Tyrell bit his lips worriedly.

"Ahh, hard head! That accident I was talking about... don't be dumb Tyrell, why don't you talk to Sharchan about it? He would be much better suited for me than you ..." the White Tiger shook his head.

"But Sienna..."Tyrell furrowed his brows worriedly.

"Let her have Xander instead or Ziran, hmm...." the White Tiger tried to ease him in.

"She would not sell Marco out!"Tyrell pointed.

"True, but even she can't prevent it. It will be a horrible accident...If you don't do it, I will..." the tiger's eyes shone viciously.

"Why are you so set on it?"Tyrell asked.

"I love our mate...that guy is dangerous..." the White Tiger growled.

"But he loves Sienna dearly, no? He would give up his life for her at any time..." Tyrell noted.

"If he manages to stay sober. It is the dragon who is too revengeful..."The tiger shook his head.."He would not mind killing her to revenge on Marco for restraining him!"

"We need to discuss it with Sarcos!"Tyrell bit his lips.

"He is in the Underworld! Just do it, Tyrell! Don't be a pussycat!" the tiger roared in his head."For our Sienna!... He will hurt her more! Did not you see the mating bruises he made her? She was all purple and blue!"

"But she said she liked it..."Tyrell noted.

"She is way too kind..she did not think he did it on purpose.. that is all!"The White Tiger shook his shoulders. Tyrell was getting on his nerves now.

"And you bit her neck!"Tyrell said to his tiger.

"It was the madness of that night...She was way too tasty!" tiger nodded.

"It was you who hurt our mate..."Tyrell reminded to his White Tiger.

"Well, I paid for it, it is past! Now I want to stop the Dragon-Sea Eagle Chimera from killing our mate!!!" the tiger roared wildly.

"Ok, accident, it has to be untraceable..."Tyrell bit his lips, but he did not feel guilty at all. He just started to plot!

"Sure!" the White Tiger grinned darkly satisfied. "Let's tell Sharchan."

Tyrell walked quickly to his office. He decided to go with his tiger on this and wrote a letter to Sharchan to the Snake Castle straight away. It stated:

"Brother, Marco is half dragon-chimera, check it out as well, and have him killed by accident if you can manage. Burn this letter. Don't say anything to Sienna...Tyrell."

Tyrell sealed his letter carefully and sent it with his private falcon from Sarcos."Nobody will dare to stop the bird with Sarcos's sign on it. Not even Marco.." he grinned a bit cruelly as he watched the bird of prey flying far into the distance...

Within a few hours, Marco arrived in Sand City to check in with his army and ask Rem for workers for his new city.

"Sure ."Rem nodded and got him some blueprints for building houses too.

"But your rocks are harder than sandstone, so it may take you longer..."Rem pointed out..."You need some building machines from Sarcos, which are not on the market yet. Start to design it, and wait with hard work for Sarcos." the young scorpion was eager to help.

"Thank you." Marco nodded. He watched the beautiful Sand City from the arched window and the plans for his new city were weaving in his mind...

Meanwhile, far away on the Light Sea, the luxurious ship was on its way to Tiger's Lands...The Golden Scorpion was excited to enjoy his life again and was exploring the world eagerly... let's say stopping at all the cities, villages and settlements which lined the Light Sea and enjoying countless women even for one night...

"My king, this journey will take us ages if we stop at every port for a few days..." the tall lion captain sighed. He was a strict marine official and not used for this kind of literal pleasure cruising...

"Well, no live just doesn't hurt to have a look around!"The Golden Scorpion King said nonchalantly."I like to explore the cultural differences..." he grinned at the captain.

"What cultural difference you can find between the women's legs?" the captain shook his head in plain wonder.

"Try it and find out yourself..." the king grinned cruelly."If you ever lecture me again...I will feed you to the sharks...they might have new interesting customs for overboard lions..." he smiled.

"Forgive me, my king...Of course, we keep your orders to the letter..." the captain rather bowed...Half of his crew was mating crazy as they had to listen to constant screaming or moaning from the king's cabins...

The cruel king did not mind picking women from one port and dropping them off at another one, leaving the females stranded from their families...The poor hardly fucked females fell in love with the cruel handsome king and hoped he would keep them in his harem or they could become his new queen and give themselves to him in vain...

The Golden Scorpion did not feel sorry for their troubles at all..." A little mixing is healthy for the new generations. I'm helping them not to inbreed..." he nodded amused as he watched the line of women his men dropped to the port in a quite humiliating manner. The females were staring around at an unfamiliar port, holding little bags with gifts and thinking about what to do...

They had to either find mates in new cities very fast or walk back home on their own...Sure, he gave them some gold for the way...but without the protection of strong males, it would just make them vulnerable to thieves, pirates and bandits...This part of the world was not ruled so strictly as Tiger's Lands, so it was far more wild and dangerous.

But the Golden Scorpion was feeling light and entertained...he was free and enjoyed every minute of his life again! Causing hundreds of broken hearts the handsome king was happily on his way to find the one he desired most of all...the one who would make him feel complete again...