How to teach the brute to apologise!

The sun over the Crystal City was coldly shining the noon till Sienna managed to get off her bed! The food was waiting for her already at her table, even though she did not notice when they brought it. She felt her body a bit tired and shaky so after she ate the soft buns, peaches and grapes, she went for a quick shower and dressed up...she picked a warm red velvet gown to go for a walk in the garden...Well, actually just shuffle in there on her still trembling legs and sit on the bench...looking at the and think....

But when she opened the door Lord Ziran was standing there... 

"Lord Ziran, are you on guard?"She asked sweetly.

"Sure.." he smiled.."I heard you made a commotion already, so I came to guard you personally." he nodded.

"Why are you so bruised on your face?" Sienna looked at his colourful appearance.

"I got beaten up..." he grinned.

"By who?"Sienna asked surprised. 

"Bran, the captain..." he noted.

"Why?"Sienna asked seriously.

"For being rude to you..." he grinned.

"Well, in that case, you deserve it."Sienna noted..."So are you going to apologise to me?" She smiled at him kindly.

"For what?"Ziran rasped.

"For being very rude to me yesterday and today...!"Sienna said seriously. "Or is it something else wrong with you?" she lifted her eyebrows as a scolding teacher.

"I don't know how to apologise to you." He bit his lips a little stubbornly.

"Ahh, that is a problem..."Sienna called a bit entertained by his childishness." I will teach you then." she looked at him firmly..."First, you need to kneel. "She ordered him.

"What?" he furrowed his brows. Sienna was never prideful and it felt strange from her lips. He would never expect this from her!

"Come on...knell down..."She looked at him firmly.

"I do not kneel."Ziran stared at her in shock.

"Well, you should... to... tie up your boots properly or you might splatter on the floor as you apologise to me..."Sienna said innocently.

"Oww.".Ziran looked down and kneeled to fix the laces of his boots as a little boy all blushed...

He glanced at Sienna who was towering over him seriously and stood up as he was done.

"Now what?" He rasped a bit unsure. This was kind of embarrassing for him. Sienna made him feel little somehow...

"Now you make a sorrowful guilty look at your face..." she told him seriously, but she had a bit of fun from it...his puzzled brutish face was so worth the effort!

"How?" He tried to keep the last bits of his pride up...

"Come closer, I will help you."Sienna reached her hands to his face and pushed his head gently down, pressed his lips into a sorry grin and wrinkled his forehead arranging it as an artist mannequin...

Ziran felt her hands on his face and it felt quite pleasant, it was kind of soothing...

"Nice."Sienna finally said."Now you hold the pose like it is and look into my eyes. You hold my hands and say how sorry you are for breaking our deal..." she instructed him and placed her soft hands into his big hands gently waiting.

"What are you talking about?"Ziran asked but held the pose...

"Did not you promise to be sweet to me and brute to others only?" She lifted her eyebrows...

"When?" he asked a bit shocked again...

"When we danced together!" she looked into his eyes firmly.

Ziran felt the heaviness in his chest suddenly...he breathed in but the air was not able to come into his lungs enough...she was right!

"I'm sorry I was rude to you yesterday and today my queen." he bit his lips and felt the heavy feeling changing into sorrow somehow magically...

"Thank you..."Sienna said as a graceful Queen."Don't you dare to be so rude again to me! You are forgiven now."

Sienna nodded graciously and kissed his cheek gently." It is all well between us..." she noted..."Now, please go and call me Bran. I like to talk to him..."

Ziran stared at Sienna for a moment...He felt his hands were missing hers somehow and her presence was at a dissatisfying distance suddenly....

"Sure my Queen, " he said and watched how Sienna closed her door again...

Sienna walked around her room a bit nervously...She was thinking how Bran beaten Zirann for her...What was his reason? Did he really just try to punish him...Or did he want to show me how strong he is? No, Bran is not like that...he is quiet, nice, caring and kind..."Sienna thought.."a little calm but capable..." Oh, no...Ziran must be raging to be second after kings now...!" she chuckled to herself...and turned her head at the soft knock...

"Captain Bran is here. My Queen."She heard Ziran's raspy voice.

"Great, send him in,"Sienna noted kindly.

Bran came to Sienna's room. She looked up at the tall and burly eagle. "Come."She took his hand and she sat him at the chair. She sat opposite him to talk. She watched his handsome face and calm composure...his face was fine..not even a scratch! He was sitting there waiting for her to start talking patiently. Bran always felt so safe and trustworthy to her. He reminded her of Marco a lot. His cold blue eyes which seemed more warm somehow than before. Sienna knew she could always rely on him.

"Bran, did you beat Lord Ziran? "She asked him. 

"He asked for it..." he said innocently. 

Sienna smiled at him gently..."Thank you for standing up for are my good friend. "She looked at him for some time just in quiet. It did not feel like a weird silence because she felt comfortable around him. it was as if they just understood each other...

Bran stared into her beautiful face..."If I beat up Tyrell, she can be mine." he thought."But she loves him dearly and it will break her heart. I better not fight with him till he not ask me to..." he decided in his mind.

"Bran, do you know what happened with Marco? Why he did beat Tyrell for...?"She asked him worriedly.

"I don't know the exact reason..."Bran said carefully, he did not want to worry her till he knew the whole truth for sure. "Maybe he was just too upset to leave you here so soon..."Bran shook his shoulders innocently.

"Do you think he is jealous of Tyrell too?"

She asked him curiously.

"I have no idea. He did not tell me his feelings towards anyone. I think you will have to ask him in person, my dear Queen."Bran swallowed hard. He hoped Sarcos could help Marco to be a proper Sea Eagle again and Sienna would not get her heart broken. But if Marco were banned he was ready to protect her and help her to rule eagles even as the first independent Queen, if she would not agree to be his mate. He just wanted her to be happy...

"Thank you for trying then."Sienna bit her lips...She felt he might know more but did not want to worry her, so she did not push him. Besides was true Marco did not share his thoughts with anyone.

"Would you go for a walk with me in the garden then?"Sienna asked him gently.

"Sure, my Queen."Bran stood up and Sienna went out with him. 

"I'm going for a walk in the garden with Bran, Ziran. "She told the burly tiger.

"Sure, my queen."Ziran nodded a bit surprised. He did not know ran was written so well in Sienna's book, though he knew she trusted him.

Sienna breathed in the crispy air in the garden, the Autumn was changing into Winter and it was very fresh out there, more like cold sunny fresh. Sienna walked clenched into Bran's arm around the garden till they came to the fountain, which was already turned off, ready for the freezing winter. Sienna stared at the bare marble statues and trees without the leaves...She pulled Bran to sit next to her on the wooden bench..."Tell me more about chimeras, please." she turned to him curiously...

Meanwhile, the same day early morning in the dark Wetland's forest Ramse and Xander carry still unconscious Marco in his chimera form to Sienna's treasure caves ...Sarcos decided to move the eagle from the laboratory before Marath showed up. He did not want to discuss Marco with him yet!

"Why don't you float him as Mathyas could do?" Ramse was wondering.

"Some training is good for you," Sarcos said nonchalantly walking behind them.

"You are right in that!"Ramse grinned. "So what we will do with Mathyas? We should decide his fate tomorrow," he asked kind of hoping for revenge.

"Yes, but first we need to see how far he become better, "Sarcos noted and moved the boulder from Sienna's treasure caves. He placed Marco in a big empty cave deep in the mountain's heart and sealed him with heavy rocks and an icy spell again.

"I hope you will not leave him there to starve."Ramse bit his lips.

"Why? Do you like him that much suddenly?"Sarcos asked him curiously.

"Well, he is to become my blood brother and Sienna loves him. You do not want to watch her is unnerving..."Ramse noted a bit surprised at Sarcos's coldness.

"Have no worries, I will sort him out after we finish with Mathyas," Sarcos noted.

"Good, "Ramse nodded his head and walked behind him. He glanced at Xander. Sarcos seemed really cold to them somehow...