The night of fun and hard decisions

As the dusk eloped the chilling sky in Crystal City, Sienna just went inside with Bran. She went to the kitchen to eat something, when she noticed a huge amount of food the cooks were preparing. They all looked like strong warriors even though they were working as cooks! Some cut huge pieces of raw meat and fish and arranged them on huge silverware plates, others were making rice, mushrooms, buns and soft breads for females and others preparing fruit bowls and even cutting vegetables.

Sienna's eyes lit up when she saw small cuts of raw carrots! She sneaked through and asked for a piece from the cook who was cutting them into some kind of meaty stew. The cook looked at her a bit puzzled...but said nothing and dropped a few little circles of carrot cuts into her hand...

Sienna crunched the carrot down as a little bunny, it felt so sweet and nice! Then she wanted some rice, but the other cook shook his head..."Have some fruit, my Queen, so you will have some space to enjoy the banquet..." he smiled kindly.

"What? The banquet is today?"She glanced at Bran.

"Probably..."The strong eagle just shook his shoulders...

"Yes, it is," the cook nodded..." Here my Queen, go get ready," he gave her a soft pancake cone of grapes and one, yes only one little bun!

Sienna bit into the pancake. It was sweet and her face lightened..."What a great idea, this is much better than paper cones!" she smiled at the cook.

"Noted, my Queen." he smiled kindly. The Queen seemed to him as a golden sunray in the busy kitchen, but they had a lot of preparation to finish.

"Thank you so much. Keep up the good work..." Sienna smiled and went out of the kitchen with Bran in a good mood. She munched down everything, till she made it up the long corridors...

When Sienna entered her room a beautiful bright red silk gown with golden embroidery and extremely sparkly jewellery was waiting for her on her neatly made bed...the red roses with tiny pink flowers in vases next to it on the bedside table were almost hiding a bowl of sweet honey cones...

"Wow, this is so sweet, "she smiled." Tyrell had to make it for me!" she thought and went to look for him in his room, but he was not there. But his room was spotless and had some turquoise cushions on his bed!

"Tyrell is giving into me again..."Sienna smiled in her head. It felt so nice...

She closed his door and returned to her room, she glanced at the beautiful red gown again and went to the bathroom.

The hot bath with fresh red rose petals was waiting for her and Sienna had to shriek with excitement..."Yay, this is so good!" she went into the bath and just felt happy. She closed her eyes relaxing, when she heard someone open the door! She looked a bit startled when she saw Tyrell come in. He was dressed in a white silken shirt with a golden chain around his neck and silky black trousers, he wore a wide dark leather belt under his abs and dark leather boots. His long white hair were falling down his back and was made up in a half-messy bun.

"He looks so kingish."Sienna gasped at the beauty of her mate...He was so hot!!! Tyrell looked at her with a soft smile..she was so beautiful in that bathtub he almost loathed to disturb her...

"My Tyrell," Sienna smiled and turned more in the bathtub to him...she lifted on her belly as a mermaid coming out of the water and offered him her lips...

Tyrell crouched down for her kiss, it felt so nice! He felt her love for him and his his heart was so warm...

"Thank you, my love..."Sienna smiled into the kiss." I liked the surprise..." she nodded cutely.

"I'm glad..." he kissed her again."I came to help you to get ready my love."

Tyrell watched as Sienna washed her hair. It seemed quite nice for Sienna to watch Tyrell waiting up on her with a towel...

Sienna finished her bath and Tyrell covered her in that big blue towel.

He helped her dry her long hair and dress up while kissing her body and touching where he could in the process...

"Are you making me ready or you try to excite me...?"Sienna giggled at him...

"I wish to have you again, but it is time to go," he sighed as he dressed her up...

"Well, the King is never late..." she giggled...

"I hope to finish early," he smiled.

"Well, I'm quite surprised you did not tell me anything about this banquet coming anyway..." she noted.

"My mind is way too busy at the alluring sight of you, to think of silly banquets..." he kissed her neck from behind."It will be just to celebrate the new deals with the neighbouring Kings..." he added. 

"Which ones?"Sienna asked curiously. 

"The ones from today morning, " he noted, " Raven, Leopard and Fox King, they asked me for a friendly nation deal," he explained while touching her bum through the dress, kind of lifting it innocently.

"Aha."Sienna nodded..."So did you make good deals?"She asked enjoying his touch...

"Sure, good for all our lands."He caressed her tights as he was talking...

"That's good!"Sienna clasped her tights tight and pushed his wandering hands off, biting her lips not to laugh...he was way too smooth...

He looked at her a bit hurt but then he smiled into the mirror at her.

"I have only one favour to ask you," he said gently...She looked so ravishing in that red dress, he just wanted to stare at her.

"Yes?" Sienna looked at him through the mirror...

"I would like to dance with you." he smiled..."And if you can help me to host tonight..." he hugged her waist from behind.

"Sure!" Sienna smiled...

"But after are mine...!" she pressed his hand with hers strongly...

"As my Queen orders me, "Tyrell rasped kissing her neck and getting lost in her scent for a moment...He just felt so happy breathing in her presence...

Sienna petted his hair as he seemed frozen for a while stuck on her neck...

" Come, my love," she turned and kissed him. Then she smeared more lipgloss on her lips smiling cheekily. She glanced at the reddish Tyrell's lips from hers and smiled..."You will smell as a cherry tonight..." she whispered to him seductively.

"Ahm, no."Tyrell licked the red lipgloss from his was not a look he was going for and Sienna giggled...

Sienna walked to the Throne Room with her hand in Tyrell's big palm. Bran and Ziran joined behind them as they passed the long corridors...

Sienna entered the big decorated Throne Room with Tyrell at her side, it was full of people, they bowed a little holding a hand at their hearts and then Tyrell took Sienna to sit on the throne next to him...

The neighbouring Kings came to introduce themself to the Queen officially and some other people as well. Sienna talked kindly to everyone and smiled gently...

She watched Tyrell a bit because he just looked so kingish to her and her heart was flattering wildly at the sight of him...

When the introduction part was over, Tyrell took Sienna for the first dance...It felt amazing to be dancing in Tyrell's arms, Sienna felt so safe and happy, it seemed as if all was finally well!

After that, she danced with Leopard King, Raven King, and that sneaky Fox King, then with Lord Ziran and even Bran. He had a right to dance with her as a Captain too...Sienna had a lot of fun! It was a good night out...well, night in but it felt as if out...

Sienna sat with Tyrell at the side table and ate some snacks...her cheeks were rosy and she felt happy and relaxed.

"Would you grant me dance too...?" the familiar voice sounded behind her.

"Voltoire!" she exclaimed happily and hugged him."You are back, I have not seen you for ages. "She smiled.

Sienna accepted Voltoire's hand to dance with him but Tyrell looked at Voltoire firmly."No, you might not dance with the Queen tonight." he said quietly and shook his head.

"Why?"Sienna whispered surprised.

"Because he is a slave to Sarcos now, "Tyrell noted.

"But he is still my friend, no?"Sienna looked at Tyrell a bit surprised.

"You might walk with him in the garden but not dance," Tyrell noted.

"You are so serious, my King."Voltoire was a bit surprised...

"Ok, let's walk in the garden then for a little. "Sienna smiled."Fresh air is good before I will dance more with you my love." she kissed Tyrell's cheek to smooth him a bit.

"Don't be long, my love. Bran will go with you."Tyrell noted to Bran and he followed behind Voltoire and Sienna.

Voltoire felt his heart clench. Being a slave for treason did not taste good to proud him at all, but Sienna clenched in his arm made him feel a bit better through. She looked at him the same as before!

"So, tell me, what was going on with you...?" She asked him curiously.

Voltoire told her about Hector's mother and Sienna felt it was an interesting story."Maybe my Scorpion father-in-law is not such a bad guy after all, maybe he is just crazy..." she thought.

"I will go with you tomorrow to Sand City." he smiled at Sienna.

"Sand City?" Sienna looked at him...

" wait for Sarcos..." He should come the next day... "Tyrell told me already."He smiled.

"Tomorrow!"Sienna felt her heart on fire..."And he did not tell me!"She bit her lips in cute disappointment.

"Maybe it was meant as a surprise..."Voltoire smiled..."He wanted all your thoughts at him tonight..."He chuckled.

"You are right! Today is a too happy day to be upset..." she smiled excitedly even more..."My Sarcos will be back soon!!!" She thought happily.

Voltoire walked Sienna back to Tyrell. She clenched into Tyrell's hands and they went to dance together.

"You are my amazing man."Sienna whispered to him."I love you so much!"

"I love you so much too. I can't wait to have you tonight.." he kissed her as they danced...

"That will be so hot night for sure..then," she whispered to him seductively and rubbed her cheek on his slowly...

Voltoire watched as Sienna danced with Tyrell with quiet resentment. If he would not bring her to Crystal City, she could be just his...

"Don't even think about it!"Bran hissed to him from behind.

"What are you talking about? Do you read minds suddenly?"Voltoire turned to strong Bran.

"I can smell the rat!"Bran looked at him.

"I'm a vulture," Voltoire said calmly.

"And you behave like one for sure...feeding on the dead flesh of your friends..."Bran hissed.

"What is your point?"Voltoire asked.

"That you will be not carrying my Queen ever again!"Bran hissed to him.

"Who else I will carry then?"Voltoire chuckled.

"Lord Ziran."Bran smiled coldly at him...

"Great!"Voltoire made a grumpy face. Ziran with his mega muscles was heavy as hell!

Meanwhile, in the dark Wetland's night, Ramse went out to hunt with Xander. He was thinking hard.

"What do you think, Xander? Should we let him live or not?"Ramse asked his friend.

"Well, he is cured. He became kinder and he was willing to give his right hand for Miriam."Xander noted.

"But he killed Sienna!"Ramse grinned painfully, the mermaid picture was stuck in his mind, it was his almost nightly nightmare.

"But she still helped him the next day..."Xander said quietly."Only she can judge him!"

"But she is not here!"Ramse bit his lips.

"Yes, so we should do what she would like to be done with him, "Xander noted.

"And what is that?"Ramse asked getting annoyed a bit. He felt Xander was right in his heart but did not want to acknowledge it yet.

"She would be happy to hear that he is cured and live well."Xander clicked his teeth.

"I know, " Ramse sighed longingly."Her kindness is so annoying sometimes."

"It is so bad to want good things for everyone?"Xander asked.

"No." Ramse shook his head. He remembered Sienna's words as she was leaving the Underworld with Marco."I hope you will get better but if you do not change I will not beg Ramse to spare your life...He is cured, he did get better, so Sienna would beg me to let him live..."Ramse thought.

The light steps disturbed his thinking as Sarcos appeared in the night! He went for a hunt as well just to get some peace and quiet for his hurting heart and crazed-up mind.

"Having a meeting in here?"Sarcos grinned at them.

"Yes, we are deciding on Mathyas," Ramse noted.

"What about you Sarcos?"Xander asked.

"The decision is yours."Sarcos shook his shoulder to Ramse.

"Yes, but what do you think about Mathyas, hm?"Xander asked him.

"Well, his heart is right as any of us. He got kind and saw it!"Sarcos noted.

"It is a hard decision."Ramse grinned. He had a taste to kill him, but he knew Sienna would be sad about it if someone would tell her he changed...

"Shall we vote then?"Sarcos asked. He was getting Ramse where he wanted.

"Who is for life?"Sarcos asked.

Xander lifted his hand first, then Sarcos.

"What if he hurts some another female?"Ramse was still thinking.

"He is healthy, but if he does, I will come and kill him personally."Sarcos bit his lips. He could almost feel the freedom...

"Ok, life then!"Ramse decided.

"We will tell him officially tomorrow."Sarcos nodded. His freedom was coming and it felt good!